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Assignment As the EHR consultant to Dr. Martin,

Assignment<br/> <br/>As the EHR consultant to Dr. Martin, you will

write a paper to propose to him which EHR system you recommend; what it will do; what hardware, software and telecommunications components he will need to acquire; whether the system will be hosted locally or in the cloud; and explain how the proposed technology solution will improve the patient visit process, and the quality of care, safety, and/or financial management decisions at the UMUC Family Clinic. Create a document that includes the following:

-Select and propose a specific EHR system for the UMUC Family Clinic. The system should be one that would improve the patient visit process as described in the case study and as modeled in the Stage 1 assignment. You will want to propose a system that has been certified to perform certain functions, and is listed as a “complete” EHR system (vs. one that focuses on only one or two of the processes). Focus on a single EHR system solution that would help to improve the patient visit process.
-To accomplish this, you will need to look up the up-to-date list of certified complete EHRs on the ONC (Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT) website at the following URL and then complete the steps that follow:
-Select “View All Products” (located just under the search bar). On the page that comes up, you will want to search using the following search criteria:
-Certification Edition: 2014
-Select Practice Type: Ambulatory
-Select Classification:  Complete EHR
-Select one or more Certification Criteria to find EHR systems that support the patient visit process. (Note that not all EHR systems address all process areas.) Refer to the “Certification Criteria,” in Content&gt;Course Resources for a list that corresponds to the numbers provided; or mouse-over the number to see the corresponding criterion.
-You will then provide in your paper the following bulleted information on the certified EHR that you have selected:
-Product: ___________________
-Version: ___________________
-Vendor: ___________________
-CHPL Product Number: ___________________
-Describe the system in one paragraph. Go to the vendor’s website and research what the system does and some of its selling points. Your description should demonstrate that the selected system fits the UMUC Clinic’s needs and will improve the patient visit process.
-List the major hardware, software and communications (including local connectivity and internet access, if appropriate) components that will be needed, and the number of each needed for the implementation at the UMUC Family Clinic. The vendor’s website should list the major hardware/software requirements for implementing the system. How many of each you list is dependent on the solution you propose, but the important components needed to implement your proposed solution should be included. For example, you may have one PC for the front desk and one for each of the 3 examination rooms, and they will have to connect to some system somewhere.  Or you may decide to have 1 PC for the front office, and a tablet or laptop each for the doctor and the two nurses, also connected to some system somewhere.  Your list should be applicable to your proposed solution, should improve the patient visit process, and be appropriate for the UMUC Family Clinic. (Remember, there is currently no information technology implemented at the clinic other than the outdated scheduling software on the single front desk PC.)
-You will also need to specify whether your EHR system will be hosted (installed) on computer equipment to be located in the clinic or if it will run as “Software as a Service” (SaaS) via the Internet (i.e., “in the cloud”).  (For a definition of SaaS, please see the note in the box below.) You will need to evaluate the clinic’s needs and the vendor’s offering.  Some vendors offer only one or the other, some offer both methods of access. There are advantages to selecting SaaS for smaller clinics, like reducing the need for an IT staff, but it also comes with a price tag.  You will need to provide the reasoning behind your selection.
-Explain how the proposed technology solution will improve the patient visit process, and the quality of care, safety, and/or financial management decisions at the UMUC Family Clinic.  Note that a significant percentage of the overall grade is based on this explanation.

Link to read case study

Case Study, Stage 3: EHR Technology Solution ProposalBefore you begin this assignment, be sure you have read the “UMUC Family Clinic CaseStudy”, all class readings assigned to date, and feedback on your graded Stage 1 and Stage2 assignments.Purpose of this AssignmentThis assignment gives you the opportunity to apply your analysis and research skills andyour knowledge of technology solutions and EHR systems to evaluate technology solutionsin the health care industry.You will identify and Electronic Health Record (EHR) system thatwould improve the processes and the quality of care at the UMUC Family Clinic. Thisassignment speci±cally addresses the following course outcomes to enable you to:Evaluate technology solutions in the health care industry to improve the quality ofcare, safety, and ±nancial management decisions.UMUC Family Clinic Medical PracticeIn your Stage 1 Project, you analyzed the patient visit process and modelled the AS-ISprocess. You then optimized the process/work²ow and modeled the TO-BE process.For your Stage 2 Project for the Case Study, you examined the need for informationexchange between the UMUC Family Clinic and other organizations.For this Stage 3 Project, you will evaluate EHR system solutions and propose a technologysolution that will improve the patient visit process you modelled in Stage 1 and improve thequality of care, safety, and ±nancial management decisions for the UMUC Family Clinic.AssignmentAs the EHR consultant to Dr. Martin, you will write a paper to propose to himwhich EHRsystem you recommend; what it will do; what hardware, software and telecommunicationscomponents he will need to acquire; whether the system will be hosted locally or in thecloud; and explain how the proposed technology solution will improve the patient visitprocess, and the quality of care, safety, and/or ±nancial management decisions at the UMUCFamily Clinic.Create a document that includes the following:1.Select and propose a speci±c EHR system for the UMUC Family Clinic.Thesystem should be one that would improve the patient visit process as described inthe case study and as modeled in the Stage 1 assignment.You will want to propose asystem that has been certi±ed to perform certain functions, and is listed as a“complete” EHR system (vs. one that focuses on only one or two of the processes).Focus on a single EHR system solution that would help to improve the patient visitprocess.oTo accomplish this, you will need to look up the up-to-date list of certi±edcomplete EHRs on the ONC (O³ce of the National Coordinator for Health IT)website at the following URL and then complete the steps that follow: 305 – Stage 3Page | 1
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oSelect “View All Products” (located just under the search bar).On the pagethat comes up, you will want to search using the following search criteria:CertiFcation Edition:2014Select Practice Type:AmbulatorySelect ClassiFcation:Complete EHRSelect one or moreCertifcation Criteriato Fnd EHR systems thatsupport the patient visit process.(Note that not all EHR systemsaddress all process areas.)Refer to the “CertiFcation Criteria,” inContent>Course Resources for a list that corresponds to the numbersprovided; or mouse-over the number to see the correspondingcriterion.oYou will then providein your paper the following bulleted information on thecertiFed EHR that you have selected:Product: ___________________Version: ___________________Vendor: ___________________CHPL Product Number: ___________________oDescribe the systemin one paragraph.Go to the vendor’s website andresearch what the system does and some of its selling points.Yourdescription should demonstrate that the selected system Fts the UMUCClinic’s needs and will improve the patient visit process.2.List the majorhardware, software and communications (including local connectivityand internet access, if appropriate) components that will be needed, and the numberof eachneeded for the implementation at the UMUC ±amily Clinic.The vendor’swebsite should list the major hardware/software requirements for implementing thesystem. How many of each you list is dependent on the solution you propose, but theimportant components needed to implement your proposed solution should beincluded.±or example, you may have one PC for the front desk and one for each ofthe 3 examination rooms, and they will have to connect to some system somewhere.Or you may decide to have 1 PC for the front o²ce, and a tablet or laptop each forthe doctor and the two nurses, also connected to some system somewhere.Your listshould be applicable to your proposed solution, should improve the patient visitprocess, and be appropriate for the UMUC ±amily Clinic.(Remember, there iscurrently no information technology implemented at the clinic other than theoutdated scheduling software on the single front desk PC.)3.You will also need to specifywhether your EHR system will be hosted (installed) oncomputer equipment to be located in the clinic or if it will run as “Software as aService” (SaaS) via the Internet (i.e., “in the cloud”).(±or a deFnition of SaaS, pleasesee the note in the box below.)You will need to evaluate the clinic’s needs and thevendor’s o³ering.Some vendors o³er only one or the other, some o³er bothmethods of access.There are advantages to selecting SaaS for smaller clinics, like11/29/2015IFSM 305 – Stage 3Page | 2
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