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Attached are the directions and the paper C1 with my topic

Attached are the directions and the paper C1 with my topic.

Gaming and ViolenceIFSM 304 7382 Ethics in InformaTon ±echnologyWeek Five Assignment Paper C1N. ±ilghmanDue Date: 17 July 2016
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You don’t have to be a gamer to know that video games have evolvedtremendously since they were frst invented in early 1950s; even though it didn’thit the mainstream popularity Tll the 1970s and 1980s. We have come From thesimple Pong game that was similar to playing tennis to 3D/ virtual reality gaming.±he gaming consoles have a higher game play defniTon and the video gamecharacter design conTnue to get more realisTc.But there is another dark side to gaming. Most companies are targeTng anolder audience when they are creaTng games. Nintendo sTll relies mostly onFamily-Friendly games but other companies rely on games made For adults like frstperson shooter games, 3D fghTng, and acTon adventure games that are based onviolence (Miller, 2013). I have chosen this topic because it has a seriousunderlining e²ect on society and our culture. Even though the games are ratedand meant For a mature audience they have some complicaTons and issues withadvancement like incremental violence. Being in the service I have witnessedsome oF those e²ects on service members From alienaTng themselves From socialinteracTons or it becoming an escape For service members that are su²ering Fromthe e²ects oF combat deployments. ±he quesTons that I will try to addressregarding my topic are:1
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