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Attached are the instructions for the Stakeholder Analysis individual

Attached are the instructions for the Stakeholder Analysis individual

assignment. Also attached is the spreadsheet and case study to be used for the analysis. Submit your completed spreadsheet via the assignment folder by the date shown in the course schedule.

July 20141DMV Case StudyPurpose of this Assignment(The information below is excerpted from the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles’ RFP154:7-061,DMV CSI Systems Redesign Project, available from under Content>CourseResources>DMV_CSI_RFP_083107_Final_Release.Corresponding page numbers from theRFP are given in parentheses at the end of each lettered section heading.)A. DMV Organizational Overview (p. 2)The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is a governmental agency in the Executive Branch ofVirginia state government. Under the direction of the Secretary of Transportation, DMVadministers motor vehicle and tax related laws for the continued benefit of all citizens of theCommonwealth of Virginia. Specifically, DMV administers motor vehicle titling and licensinglaws, driver’s licensing laws, transportation safety laws, tax laws, and other motor vehiclerelated laws and regulations as directed by theCode of Virginiaand Federal laws, as amended.DMV employs nearly 2000 full and part-time employees to meet its daily mission of providingtransportation services to customers in Virginia. These employees provide services via onecentralized administrative Headquarters located in Richmond, Virginia as well as 74 CustomerService Centers (CSC’s) and 13 Motor Carrier Service Centers/Weigh Stations (MCSC’s)dispersed throughout the state. In addition, some services are provided at more than 40 DMVSelect offices located throughout the state. DMV Selects are a service alternative to visiting afull-service DMV Customer Service Center. Local governments and private entities contract withDMV to provide secure, select DMV transactions at convenient locations.DMV provides a multitude of services to private citizens, transportation entities, courts, lawenforcement agencies, government agencies, insurance companies, and related transportationclients. The most commonly provided DMV services include:xCredentialingThis includes the provision of driver testing and licensing, vehicletitling and registration, credentialing of commercial motor carriers, and regulatorylicensing functions such as fuel distributors, rental car companies, dealers,commercial driver training schools, driver improvement clinics, and 3rd partytesters.xTax processingThis includes support for the calculation, collection, accounting,and reporting statistics for all tax filings (including IFTA, tax on fuel, and tax onmotor vehicle rentals) as well as support for an external/taxpayer audit function.xOversight of related programs such as transportation safety and informationmanagementDue to the nature of DMV business processes, the type of work performed by the agencyrequires substantial use of automated systems. It is imperative that the agency operate itsprograms and facilities in an efficient manner, incorporating into its operation those
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July 20142technological developments and automated solutions that will enhance the delivery of services toDMV’s various transportation clients.B. The Opportunity (p. 1, pp. 2-3)DMV has decided to undertake a systems redesign they are calling CSI:xCustomer-centricxService OrientedxState-of-the-artxSecurexIntelligentx…..CSIThe DMV CSI Systems Redesign project focuses onthe fragmented processing of DMV’s corebusiness areas of credentialing, tax processing, and financial management. The purpose of theCSI effort is to transform these fragmented and outdated systems into one modernized systemthat is responsive to the ever-changing needs relating to internal security, homeland security,legislative mandates, and customer relationship management.As we move forward with this endeavor, DMV has a unique opportunity to revolutionize theagency’s approach to fulfilling its mission, carrying out core functions, and delivering service.DMV intends to fully integrate processing while incorporating and leveraging the fullfunctionality and benefits of proposed technology solutions as well as the technology already inplace.The scope of the DMV CSI Systems Redesign project is based on utilizing a fully integratedsystem to serve and manage our customers, our contractual business partners, and ourstakeholders. The scope includes, but is not limited to credentialing, tax processing, and financialmanagement.The CSI Redesign consists of the following components:xUser interfaces for Headquarters, Weigh Station, and Customer Service Centerstaff, DMV Selects, Internet, Touchtone, cyber sites, and selected businesspartners (online dealers, Commissioners of the Revenue, insurance companies,motor carrier companies, etc.)xCore business servicesxInfrastructure services to manage access rights, perform audit and system loggingfunctions, a business rules engine, a message broker to facilitate communicationbetween components and with external system interfaces, transaction suspensecapability, and a correspondence module.xData stores, business intelligence to provide regular and ad hoc managementreports, audit reports and fraud alerts, and other applications, andxInterfaces to other systems, such as DMV’s Purchasing, Inventory, and PayablesSystem (PIPS), Department of Accounts (DOA), Treasury, Unified Carrier
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