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Attached is the question and the previous paper needed to answer the question. For class IFSM 304

Attached is the question and the previous paper needed to answer the question. For class IFSM 304

Medical Privacy / Privacy Related MatrixIFSM 304 7382 Ethics in Information TechnologyWeek Three Assignment Paper B1N. TilghmanDue Date: 3 July 2016Situation
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A Patient Administration clerk at a medical facility answers a phone calland someone is asking for patient information via email. The clerk begins toprovide the caller with the patient information they requested via email. Theclerk did not follow procedure by verifying the person they were talking tobefore sending them patient information. Once the clerk became aware ofthe mistake he reported it to their Frst line supervisor.Ethical Dilemma: Patient personal information was disclosed to anunauthorized personStakeholdersBeneFcenceVeracityConFdentiality1. ClerkHe has theduty to doright by hisorganizationand himselfby acceptingconsequences for hismistake assoon aspossible.He has the duty totruthfully report theincident about sharing apatients’ personalinformation to someonewithout properlyidentifying the caller.Even if the incident wasaccidental.He has the dutyto maintain andsafeguard apatients’personalinformation at alltimes. He alsohas the duty tokeep the incidentto himself anddiscuss it to onlypersonal on a“need to know”bases
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