Entries by Munene david

This question was created from NURS 6550 Final Exam Study guide.docx

This question was created from NURS 6550 Final Exam Study guide.docx https://www.coursehero.com/file/32697404/NURS-6550-Final-Exam-Study-guidedocx/  ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachment 32697404-332862.jpeg ESIION 1. Mr. Livingston is a 79-year-old male who presents from a long term care facility wit change in mental status. His medical history is significant for T2DM, CAD, CHF, hypothyroidism, Alzheimer’s dementia and osteoarthritis. He has been stable, […]


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S1 radiculopathy would be expected to show which of the following findings?

S1 radiculopathy would be expected to show which of the following findings? A Weakness of ankle dorsiflexors and hip abductors B Weakness of plantar flexors and hip extensors C Weakness of quadriceps D Weakness of hamstrings E Foot inversion   Looking for a Similar Assignment? Order now and Get 10% Discount! Use Coupon Code “Newclient”


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A 68-year-old female presented with a 2-year history of impaired memory,

A 68-year-old female presented with a 2-year history of impaired memory, irritability, and self-neglect. A physical examination reveals psychomotor agitation and short term memory loss. She has been unable to drive or bathe herself for the last year and requires daily assistance for her basic needs. On examination, her Mini-Mental Status Examination score is 12. […]


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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also called Lou Gehrig’s disease,

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also called Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a neurogenerative disorder that leads to disability and death. Which of the following statements is true concerning this condition? A Upper and lower motor neuron involvement is rare. B Sensory symptoms precede motor symptoms by 6 to 12 months C Approximately 75% of people with […]


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