Entries by Munene david

you will add input validation and a count to show how many guesses the user took before getting the correct

you will add input validation and a count to show how many guesses the user took before getting the correct number. The pseudocode is below. Be sure to import random at the beginning of your code and use a comment block explaining what your program does #Guess the number week 5 #Name: #Date: #Random number, loop while […]


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This question was created from CIS115_Week 6_Lab.docx https://www.coursehero.com/file/35739120/CIS115-Week-6-Labdocx/

This question was created from CIS115_Week 6_Lab.docx https://www.coursehero.com/file/35739120/CIS115-Week-6-Labdocx/  ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachment 35739120-268248.jpeg Specifications :" The program should start with 2 items in the shopping list . Don’t forget to include at the end of the program the code : O if_ name_ = ="_ main_ " : main ( ) ; . Use this code […]


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It is a program that will allow a user to add, list, and delete items from a shopping list.

It is a program that will allow a user to add, list, and delete items from a shopping list. Deliverables -Steps The program should be modular. For example, you will want to have an add_item(shopping_list) function, a delete_item(shopping_list) function, a display_list(shopping_list) function, a display_menu() function, and a main(). Sample Output: Welcome to the program! 1. Add an item 2. […]


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Hello there, the shopping list has to let the user add, list, and delete items

Hello there, the shopping list has to let the user add, list, and delete items *The program should be modular*. For example, you will want to have an add_item(shopping_list) function, a delete_item(shopping_list) function, a display_list(shopping_list) function, a display_menu() function, and a main(). Sample Output: Welcome to the program! 1. Add an item 2. List all items 3. Delete […]


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