Aviation Planning and Management: TOU9124M / TOU9147M
Word limit: 3000 words – Individual Report
Weighting: 50%
Referencing: Full compliance with Harvard protocols
Packaging: N/A – online submission via Blackboard
Font / Size: Arial or Times New Roman 12
Spacing / sides: 1.5 / Single sided
Pagination required? Yes
Margins: At least 3.17 to left and right and ‘justified’
Assessment Outline:
An individual report of 3000 words based on a project to be presented in a report
format. Students are expected to prepare a report on one of the following questions:
1) Evaluate the costs and benefits of a third runway at London Heathrow (LHR).
2) Assess the contribution of the aviation sector to sustainable tourism.
3) Evaluate the range of management options designed to minimise traveller
stress and enhance customer experience within the aviation sector.
4) Assess critically any two airport competition strategies implemented to
increase commercial revenues.
5) Analyse how airport ownership models impact the management of airports.
6) Critically examine the changing nature of revenue generation within aviation,
particularly at airports within Europe.
7) Using evidence from more than one airport, critically examine either its
economic or environmental impact upon its surrounding region.
8) Critically evaluate the relationship between aircraft technology and aviation
development since 1980.
Plagiarism – A Warning
The University Regulations define plagiarism as 'the passing off of another person's
thoughts, ideas, writings or images as one's own…Examples of plagiarism include
the unacknowledged use of another person's material whether in original or
summary form. Plagiarism also includes the copying of another student's work'.
Plagiarism is a serious offence and is treated by the University as a form of
dishonest means in assessment. Students are directed to the University Regulations
for details of the procedures and penalties involved. Plagiarism is, however, easily
avoided by the full and correct use of referencing.
Assessment Feedback Form (2015/16)
Name of student:
Academic writing skill 70%
Evidence of competent information
gathering and research
Use of appropriate and varied
sources; good referencing practice
Evidence of clear structure,
introduction and conclusion
Discussion and analysis: ability to
reflect different points of view in a
coherent manner
Relevance of discussion: ability to
address the question set
Style: clarity and conciseness of
Overall Comments:
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