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Based On An Organization Of Your Choice, And Using Inputs From A Minimum Of 3 Relevant Key Personnel: Innovation And Creativity Assignment

University University College Dublin (UCD)
Subject Innovation and Creativity

Assignment 2 – Innovation Audit

Your Innovation Audit: Based on an organization of your choice, and using inputs from a minimum of 3 relevant key personnel, you should prepare a report (maximum 7,500 words) that describes and analyses your findings under the following headings;
(a) A brief overview of the focus of the study, the company, and its entrepreneurial and innovation profile)
(b) Application of the Innovation Pentathlon Framework

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(c) Identification of the opportunities (process/product/service) the audit brings to your attention (supported by a clear business rationale)
(d) Identification of strategic, leadership and project management issues impacting innovation in this organization
(e) Strategic innovation recommendations (with specific goals and actions noted and their impact on organizational functions)
(f) What lessons can be learned from this audit?

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