“Before we measure something we must ask whether we understand what it is we are trying to measure.” (Gray et al, 2015)
Before we measure something we must ask whether we understand what it is we are trying to measure.” (Gray et al, 2015) Critically discuss the above statement in relation to effectively developing the strategic knowledge base in YOUR organization.
Category (Subject Area): Strategic Knowledge Management
Volume of 11 pages (3025 words)
Assignment type : Coursework
Number of Sources: 15
Referencing style: Havard
Order details
Knowledge Management/Environment
Communities of Practice/Interest
The Challenge of Performance Measurement
Intellectual Capital and Social Networks
Organisational examples from the tutorial sessions should be used to illustrate the themes
covered in the essay. However, the essay is not a case study; it is a discussion of relevant theory.
Remember that a critical study aims to provide a balanced analysis of differing perspectives, and
points of view, before drawing the argument to a coherent conclusion
Marking criteria:
(i) Introduction to the assignment describing scope, objectives, methods of investigation
a. Clear structure to the essay providing the course of the analysis
b. The essay should display a coherent introduction; analysis & conclusion
(ii) Discussion of key areas
a. The four main themes need to be clearly covered in the essay and it is important
to develop the links between them
b. Aspects of Knowledge i.e. tacit/explicit need to be clearly explored and discussed
in relation to how they can be developed
c. The categories of IC need to be developed and the reasons and challenges of
measuring should be examined
d. The potential for Communities of Practice to offer a way of developing
knowledge should be discussed, along with the challenges of managing them for
organisational benefit
e. The value and challenges of Performance Management need to be developed
within the discussion
f. Application of examples where KPIs and other measurement systems have been
used to develop performance e.g. Skandia, Essex police
(iii) Application of theory
a. Clear awareness of the relevant authors in developing the analysis of the main
themes e.g. Nonaka; Drucker; Rastogi; Nahapiet & Ghosal; Marr; Wenger &
Lave, etc
(iv) Structured analysis
a. The essay needs to display a coherent analysis drawing the themes together in
order to explore the question in a relevant way
b. The essay is not meant to be separate sections that should be left to the conclusion
to link. Weaker essays will fall into this pattern
(v) Creativity of thought
a. The essay needs to display a clear analysis drawing on the main theory being
explored to display the comfort with the ideas being covered
b. Examples from organisations can be effective in illustrating the thought of the
(vi) Presentation of document including clarity of expression and referencing.
a. The essay must be clearly set out and well written
b. Avoidance of confusing arguments and messy content e.g. overly long sentences
c. Consistent Harvard referencing is essential to support the analysis
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
City (State)
Table of contents
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………3
CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ………….………………….…….………….…….4
2.1 Knowledge Management/Environment……………………………………………………….5
2.2 Communities of Practice/Interest……………………………………………………………..7
2.3Intellectual Capital and Social Networks………………………………………………………8
2.4Performance Measurement (Challenges)………………………………………………..……10
2.5 Systems Thinking……………………………………………………………………………12
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