Assessment Task 1: Develop Recruitment, Selection And Induction Documents Project
About your assessments:
BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment, selection and induction processes, this unit requires that you complete 4 assessment tasks.
You must complete all tasks to achieve Competency for this unit.
Write in the due date as advised by your assessor.
Assessment Task | About this task | Due Date |
Assessment Task 1: Develop recruitment, selection and induction documents | You must develop a recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedure and supporting documents. You must also participate in a meeting to discuss documents developed. | |
Assessment Task 2: Recruitment and selection project | There are two parts to this task:§ Part A – You must meet with the Principle Consultant (your assessor) to provide training, to develop a job advertisement, and to identify and report on recruitment § Part B – You must approve the selection of a job candidate and develop a letter of offer and a rejection letter. |
Assessment Task 3: Induction project | You must manage the induction process and implement improvements to the induction procedure. | |
Assessment Task 4: Written questions | You must correctly answer all 19 questions to show that you understand the knowledge required of this unit. |
Task summary:
- You are required to develop recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedure, as well as a position description template, a standard letter template and an induction checklist. You are then required to discuss these documents at a meeting with the Principal Consultant (assessor) in order to trial the documents and make the required amendments.
What do I need in order to complete this assessment?
- Access to textbooks and other learning materials
- Access to a computer and the Internet
- Meeting space
- Sample FairWork Australia induction checklist
When do I do this task?
- Class-based students will do this task in the classroom or as homework
- Workplace-based students will do this task in their own time
what do I need to submit?
- Correspondence with the assessor with the following draft documents included:
- recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedure
- position description template
- standard letter template for unsuccessful candidates
- induction checklist
- Correspondence with the updated documents
How to submit your assessments?
When you have completed each assessment task you will need to submit it to your assessor.
Instructions about submission can be found at the beginning of each assessment task.
Make sure you photocopy your written activities before you submit them – your assessor will put the documents you submit into your student file. These will not be returned to you.
Assessment Task Cover Sheet
At the beginning of each assessment task, you will also receive an Assessment Cover Sheet. Please fill it in for each task, making sure you sign the student declaration.
Your assessor will give you feedback about how well you went in each task, and will write this on the Assessment Cover Sheet.
Assessment appeals
You can make an appeal about an assessment decision by putting it in writing and sending it to us. Refer to your Student Handbook for more information about our appeals process.
what do I need to do if I get something wrong?
If your assessor sees that you have not demonstrated the required skills/techniques and have not been marked as satisfactory; you will be provided with an opportunity to redo the parts of the task that are incorrect. The details of resubmission will be discussed directly with you.
Instructions to students:
Grow Management Consultants is a small management consultancy business specialising in leadership development services.
The company was established by Paul Burn, the Principal Consultant. A number of senior consultants are employed on a contract basis. The company also employs a Client Relations Manager and an Administration Officer. The company has recently employed a Human Resources Manager.
Grow Management Consultant’s Strategic and Operational Plan includes the following information:
Mission Statement:
Grow Management Consultants are committed to promoting individual and organisational leadership excellence. We do this by providing mentoring, training, coaching, consultation and program evaluation; offering cutting edge tools, resources and expert advice; sharing best and next practices; leading
organisations through the process of creating a leadership culture; and, recognising and celebrating excellence in leadership.
Strategic objectives for 2015 – 2016 are identified as followed:
- Implement strategies to retain customers
- Increase sales by 10%
- Register as a training college in order to be able to offer accredited training to existing clients
- Develop our human resources by implementing a formal human resources framework Operational priorities are as follows:
- Design and develop a monthly newsletter to send out to all clients (Responsibility: Principal Consultant; Timeline: newsletter to be in operation by September 20XX)
- Create a blog page on web site to provide regular latest news (Responsibility: Principal Consultant; Timeline: immediately)
- Employ new full-time Accounts Manager (Responsibility: Principal Consultant/Human Resources Manager; Timeline: Accounts Manager employed by July 20XX)
- Offer senior consultants the opportunity to become permanent employees (Responsibility: Human Resources Manager; Timeline: Permanent status finalised by end June 20XX, contracts revised)
- Recruit two new senior consultants on a contract basis (Responsibility: Principal Consultant/Human Resources Manager; Timeline: New senior consultants appointed by August 20XX).
- As part of the formalisation of the human resources function, you have been asked as a first step to develop an appropriate recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedure, as well as a sample position description template that can be used to document all new positions.
- Note that the Principal Consultant has requested that interviewing of staff be completed by line managers rather than human resources, as he considers this is more effective as line managers have the technical expertise to select staff.
As the Principal Consultant is also interested in using social media for recruitment purposes, you have also been asked to research options for using social media for recruitment and to report back on this, including your recommendations for use of social media.
- Review the information above. In your role as Human Resources Manager, prepare a memo (or email) to the Principal Consultant confirming the strategic objectives and operational priorities of the organisation, including an outline of the new positions to be recruited, as well as confirming the actions you will take to achieve these objectives and priorities as per the scenario information.
- Develop a draft recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedure for Grow Management Consultants. Your policy statements should be short and concise and your procedures brief but clear and written in plain English in order to ensure usability by all.
Your policy and procedure should include the following:
- Purpose of the policy1
- Scope – who it applies to, as well as relevant commonwealth and state/territory legislation addressed by the policy and procedure2
- Objectives of the policy and procedure, including equality and diversity3
- Roles and responsibilities4
- Procedures for:
- identifying a vacancy5
- developing a position description (using a template)6
- information to be provided to candidates7
- advertising, including information about where positions should be advertised and the information that should be included8
- advertising on Seek should be the preferred advertising location.
- method of application9
- shortlisting procedure10
- interview11
- face-to-face interviews should be the preferred option
- selection12
- online psychometric testing and online personality profile testing should be included
- appointments13
- record keeping requirements14
- induction15
- a meeting with the HR Manager and the employee, and the manager separately, at the end of probation should be included.
- Develop a draft position description template. As a minimum, the position description template you develop should include the following headings:
- Job title
- Location
- Reporting responsibilities (who is the manager/supervisor)
- Main duties/responsibilities
- Skills and experience
- Performance goals.
The position description template should provide brief notes under each heading to guide managers in completing the template.
- Develop a draft standard letter template for unsuccessful candidates (that have been interviewed for a position). The template should be presented in a professional business letter format with space available for the position and candidate information. The letter should be written in clear and concise English and be free of errors.
- Research and develop a draft induction checklist that could be used by Grow Management Consultants for any new staff member. The induction checklist should be approximately one to two pages and include brief instructions to managers about completing the checklist.
- Send the memo and draft documents you have developed to the Principal Consultant (this will be your assessor) by the required date, and request a meeting to discuss the policy and procedures, sample position description template, letter template and the induction checklist.
Your assessor will provide you with a date, time and location for the meeting.
- Participate in a meeting to discuss all of the documents you have developed. Your assessor in the role of Principal Consultant will ask you questions and provide feedback.
During the meeting you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills including:
- answering questions about the documents developed
- communicating information, speak clearly and concisely.
- providing clear answers to questions
- using active listening techniques to confirm and clarify information and suggestions.
- After the meeting, update your documents according to the feedback provided to you by the Principal Consultant (your assessor).
- Submit the final revised version of each document to your assessor within three days of the meeting.
Assessment Task 2: Recruitment and Selection Project
Part A – Manage recruitment
Instructions to students:
The Principal Consultant has approached you to discuss the appointment of a number of new staff. He has indicated that he is not sure whether to recruit the Accounts Manager or the senior consultants. He has requested a meeting with you to help determine which position to recruit first and to run through the policy and procedure for recruitment and selection and how complete the position description template.
Complete the following activities:
- Meet with the Principal Consultant (your assessor) to provide training in regard to the policy and procedure for recruitment and selection of candidates and completing the position description template you developed in Assessment Task 1.
During this meeting you will also discuss and determine which position the company will recruit first. You are required to participate in the discussion, ask questions and provide advice that correlates to the policy and procedure.
Provide a printed copy of the policy and procedure and the position description template for the meeting and go through each of the areas in the template that need to be completed, as well as the level of detail that is expected.
You will be required to demonstrate effective communication skills by speaking clearly and concisely, responding to questions and active listening.
Following the meeting the Principal Consultant (your assessor) will provide you with the completed position description for the role of the Accounts Manager as well as information on the proposed remuneration for the position. The Principal Consultant has told you that he wishes to explore the use of social media in recruitment further (eg there are costs for using LinkedIn for recruitment) but for the time being he would like you to write an advertisement to be placed on Seek.
- Develop a job advertisement in accordance with the organisational and legislative requirements as specified in the recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedure that you developed as part of Assessment Task 1. Your advertisement must clearly reflect the requirements of the position description, as well as include brief company information and remuneration details.Your assessor will review both your advertisement, as well as the recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedure you developed to assess this.
- Research at least two recruitment consultants that could be used, should the Seek advertisement not attract the right kind of candidate. Identify the services offered by the recruitment consultants, as well as contact details and any other useful information.
- When you have completed the advertisement, send it to the Principal Consultant for approval prior to advertising. Your covering memo or email should include information on the research that you have conducted in regard to the recruitment consultants and why it may be necessary to use these consultants.
Part B – Manage selection process
Instructions to students:
Applications have now closed for the position of Accounts Manager and the selection panel has completed the assessment and chosen the short list of preferred candidates. Your role includes calling each candidate to arrange their face-to-face interview and to explain the selection process, which you have done.
Part of the selection procedure for all roles is to complete an online psychometric test and an online personality profile test. The Principle Consultant has asked if you can skip this part of the process for one of the candidates because they have been recommended by a business associate.
- Prepare and send a memo or an email to the Principal Consultant with an overview of the selection procedures as per the recruitment, selection and induction policy you have developed. You should also use this opportunity to gently explain why it is important to apply the same procedure to all candidates.
- The next part of the procedure is to confirm the face-to-face interviews by email.
The proposed interview date is 6 October and interview times being 10 am, 11 am, 2 pm and 3 pm. Each interview is expected to take 1 hour and candidates will be asked set questions which they must reply to. The location of the interview will be at Head Office – Level 1, 10 Martin Street, Newcastle. There will be two interviewers, you as the Human Resources Manager and the Principal Consultant.
Develop a suitable email with the required position and interview information and including your information in the email signature. The first interview at 10am is with Maggie Perez so address the email to Maggi and send it (to your assessor).
- Assume that the interviews have been conducted. You need to review the selection report produced by the selection panel (provided by your assessor) and decide to endorse/not endorse the panel’s selection decision of the preferred candidate for the role of the Accounts Manager. Complete the highlighted sections of the selection report to show your decision and return the completed report to the Principal Consultant (your assessor).
- Develop a letter of offer for the candidate that will be appointed.
The name of the candidate is Maggie Perez and her address is 2/5 Belmont Gardens, Belmont NSW 2573.
Use the letter of offer template provided by your assessor and populates it with the information from the position description.
You may date the letter of offer as the date on which you submit the letter.
- Prepare the letters to the unsuccessful interview candidates using the letter template that you developed in Assessment Task 1. The candidate information can be found in the selection report.
- Submit the letter of offer and the letters informing candidates that they were not successful to your assessor by the date specified by your assessor.
Assessment Task 3: Induction Project
It is now another two weeks later and Maggie, the new Accounts Manager will be commencing her employment the following week.
Complete the following activities:
- Send the induction checklist that you created in Assessment Task 1 to the Principal Consultant (your assessor). As the Principal Consultant is just about to provide Maggie’s induction, include an overview of the induction process in a memo or an email as per the recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedure. Ensure you include timeframes in your overview.
- Review the following information:
It is the end of Maggie’s probation period and you meet with the Principal Consultant to discuss Maggie’s performance. The Principal Consultant indicates that while he is happy with Maggie’s performance overall, she doesn’t seem to be as productive and motivated as he would like. He explains that she sometimes seems to be waiting for direction instead of getting on with things.
- Meet with Maggie (this will be your assessor). Your assessor will advise you of the date and time of the meeting. At the meeting you will need to explain the feedback from the Principal Consultant and enquire as to Maggie’s views on this.
During the meeting you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills, including speaking clearly and concisely, responding to questions and active listening. You will need to demonstrate appropriate non-verbal communication skills to show that you are open to Maggie’s views, as well as being empathetic. Maggie tells you that she is disappointed that it has taken three months, the end of her probation to be told her performance isn’t up to scratch.
- Assume that based on the outcome of the meeting above, one of the improvements you decide to make is to the induction process in terms of building in more formal feedback sessions via meetings instead of leaving all of the feedback to the end of probation. You have heard that other organisations are doing this so you decide to research strategies.
- Following your review, develop a memo or an email to be sent to the Principal Consultant (your assessor) that outlines recommendations for improving the induction process as documented in the organisation’s recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedure.
- Amend the induction process in the recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedure based on feedback provided by your assessor in return correspondence.
- Update the policy and procedure and submit it to your assessor.
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