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BSBINN601 – Lead and manage organisational change

BSB80615 – Sep 2018
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Assessment Resource Summary
Unit Code and Name BSBINN601 – Lead and manage organisational
Assessment Type
This is a summative assessment, which requires
adequate practice prior to undertaking the
Assessment Methods
Project work Assessment 1
Role-play Assessment 2
Written test Assessment 3
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Elements describe the
essential outcomes.
Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate
achievement of the element.
1. Identify change
requirements and
1.1 Identify strategic change needs through an analysis of organisational
1.2 Review existing policies and practices against strategic objectives to
identify where changes are required
1.3 Monitor the external environment to identify events or trends that
impact on the achievement of organisational objectives
1.4 Identify major operational change requirements due to
performance gaps, business opportunities or threats, or
management decisions
1.5 Review and prioritise change requirements or opportunities
with relevant managers
1.6 Consult stakeholders, specialists and experts to assist in the
identification of major change requirements and opportunities
2. Develop change
management strategy
2.1 Undertake cost-benefit analysis for high priority change
requirements and opportunities
2.2 Undertake risk analysis and apply problem solving and innovation
skills to identify barriers to change and agree and record mitigation
2.3 Develop change management project plan
2.4 Obtain approvals from relevant authorities to confirm the change
management process
2.5 Assign resources to the project and agree reporting protocols with
relevant managers
Unit Summary
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to determine strategic change requirements
and opportunities; and to develop, implement and evaluate change management strategies.
It applies to individuals employed in the area of managing a business who are responsible for
managing the organisation or across significant parts of a large organisation. They may have a
dedicated role in human resources management, human resources development, or work in a
strategic policy or planning area.
Prerequisite Unit
There are no recommended pre-requisite units for this competency.
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3. Implement change
management strategy
3.1 Develop communication or education plan, in consultation with
relevant groups and individuals, to promote the benefits of the change
to the organisation and to minimise loss
3.2 Arrange and manage activities to deliver the communication or
education plans to relevant groups and individuals
3.3 Consult with relevant groups and individuals for input into the
change process
3.4 Identify and respond to barriers to the change according to risk
management plans
3.5 Action interventions and activities set out in project plan according
to project timetable
3.6 Activate strategies for embedding the change
3.7 Conduct regular evaluation and review and modify project plan
where appropriate to achieve change program objectives
Foundation Skills
This section describes language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills incorporated in the
performance criteria that are required for competent performance.
Skill Performance
Reading 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2  Interprets detailed information that may deal with complex
ideas related to issues both within and outside the
workplace context
Writing 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4,
 Uses clear and precise language to develop information
about objectives, requirements, activities and
 Develops complex plans and strategies in appropriate
format for the audience and purpose
1.6, 2.2, 2.4, 2.5,
 Discusses and seeks information using appropriate
structure and language for the particular audience
 Uses questioning and active listening to clarify or confirm
Numeracy 2.1, 2.3, 2.3  Interprets, analyses and presents numeric/financial
information in complex documents
Navigate the
world of work
1.1-1.6, 2.4, 2.5,
3.1, 3.2
 Takes a lead role in the development of organisational
strategic goals and associated roles and responsibilities
Interact with 1.5, 1.6, 2.4, 2.5,  Uses a variety of communication tools and strategies to
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others 3.1-3.3 build and maintain effective working relationships
 Uses inclusive and collaborative techniques to seek
feedback, negotiate and consult with a range of
Get the work
1.1-1.5, 2.1-2.5,
3.1, 3.2, 3.4-3.7
 Plans, organises and implements activities required to
achieve strategic priorities and outcomes, including
consulting with others and sequencing events to minimise
uncertainty for staff
 Uses problem-solving skills to identify and analyse issues or
barriers, and develop responses
 Develops new and innovative ideas through exploration
and lateral thinking
Assessment Requirements
Evidence of the ability to:
 Analyze and interpret information about the organisation s internal and external environment
and consult with stakeholders to identify requirements and opportunities for changes that
support organisational objectives
 Prioritize opportunities for changes with input from managers
 Develop a change management project plan for the priority changes incorporating resource
requirements, risk management and timelines
 Develop strategies to communicate or educate the changes and embed them
 Obtain approvals and agree reporting protocols with relevant managers and implement the
plan including addressing barriers to change
 Review and evaluate the change management project plan and modify as needed to achieve
Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided at least once.
Knowledge Evidence
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
 Explain the change management process or cycle and strategies for communicating and
embedding change
 Explain how organisational behaviour and the external environment can impact on change
 Describe the components of a change management project plan
 List potential barriers to change and explain possible strategies to address barriers.
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Assessment Conditions
Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates
consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the creativity and innovation and include
access to:
 workplace documentation and resources
 office equipment, materials and software packages
 case studies or, where available, real situations
 interaction with others.
Version Number Date Reason for revision Who Approved
TAS-AT-V1-21052018 21-05-2018 IBSA Material CEO
TAS-AT-V1.1-23052018 23-05-2018 Contextualized IBSA Material A.C CEO
TAS-AT-V2-04062018 04-06-2018 Version Control updated to align with other
TAS-AT-V3-06092018 06-09-2018 Re-formatted assessment tool A.C CEO
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Re-assessment of Result& Academic Appeal procedures:
If a student is not happy with his/ her results, that student may appeal against their grade via a written
letter, clearly stating the grounds of appeal to the Director of Studies. This should be submitted after
completion of the subject and within fourteen days of commencement of the new term.
Reassessment Process:
 An appeal in writing is made to the Director of Studies providing reasons for re-assessment
 Director of Studies will delegate another faculty member to review the assessment.
 The student will be advised of the review result done by another assessor.
 If the student is still not satisfied and further challenges the decision, then a review panel is
formed comprising the lecturer/trainer in charge and the Director of Studies OR if need be an
external assessor.
 The Institute will advise the student within 14 days from the submission date of the appeal. The
decision of the panel will be deemed to be final.
 If the student is still not satisfied with the result, the he / she has the right to seek independent
advice or follow external mediation option with nominated mediation agency.
 Any student who fails a compulsory subject or appeals unsuccessfully will be required to reenrol in that subject.
The cost of reassessment will be borne by the Institute. The external assessor will base his/her
judgement based on principles of assessment. These principles require assessment to be reliable, fair,
practical and valid.
Academic Appeals
 If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the re-evaluation process, you have a right to appeal
through academic appeals handling protocol.
 To appeal a decision, the person is required to complete the TasCollege- Request for Appeal of
a Decision form with all other supporting documents, if any. This form is available via our
website. The completed Request for Appeal form is to be submitted to the Student Support
Officer either in hard copy or electronically via the following contact details:
Student Support Officer, International College of Tasmania (TasCollege), Level 1, 242 Liverpool
Street, Hobart TAS 7000, Email:
 The notice of appeal should be in writing addressed to the Director of Studies and submitted
within seven days of notification of the outcome of the re-evaluation process.
 If the appeal is not lodged in the specified time, the result will stand, and you must re-enrol in
the unit.
 In emergency circumstances, such as in cases of serious illness or injury, you must forward a
medical certificate in support of a deferred appeal. The notice of appeal must be made within
three working days of the concluding date shown on the medical certificate.
 The decision of Director of Studies will be final.
 Student would then have the right to pursue the claim through an independent external body
as detailed in the students’ complaint / grievance policy.
Reasonable adjustments
TasCollege enables reasonable adjustments to be made to assessment procedures for students with
special needs, such as people with disabilities or with language or literacy difficulties. Assessing
knowledge is usually assessed through written or oral, short‑answer tests where assessors seek to
determine the extent of the student’s knowledge. However, you may need to do the following for a
student with disability:
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“I understand all the above rules and guidelines for the assessment”.
Full Name Signature Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
• Ask questions orally instead of in a written format
• Provide equipment such as text enlargers, image enhancers, and voice recorders.
• Give the student more time to complete the assessment;
• Allocate a different time for completion of the assessment;
• Offer a separate, quiet room.
• Modifying or providing equipment
• Adapting delivery strategies
• Ensuring that course activities are sufficiently flexible
• Providing additional support to student where necessary
• Customizing resources and activities within the training package or accredited course
• Monitoring the adjustments to ensure student needs continue to be met
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Assessor requires to complete this form as this will be used to record student final result. All
submission including all checklists are to be attached with this sheet before storing it in student file.
No student result will be uploaded in Student Database until and unless all paperwork related to
unit is complete.
Student Name: Student ID:
Unit Code & Title BSBINN601 – Lead and manage organisational changes
First Submission □
submission □
Attach following documents to this sheet.
NYS = Not yet satisfactory
NA= Not applicable
Assessment 1 Project work S NYS NA
Assessment 2 Role-play S NYS NA
Assessment 3 Written test S NYS NA
Final Result □ Competent □ Not Yet Competent
The Evidence provided is:
□ Valid □ Sufficient □ Authentic □ Current
Student Declaration:
I am aware of TasCollege policy on plagiarism as stated in the TasCollege Student
Handbook. This assignment does not breach those requirements nor has it been previously
submitted for assessment contributing to any other subject or course. The ideas and
information that are not mine have been referenced accordingly.
Student’s Signature: Date:_______/_______/_______
Feedback to Student:
Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have
conducted the assessment with this student and
have provided appropriate feedback.
Administration use only
Data Entered by Date Initials
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Information for Students
Prior to Assessment
Your Trainer/Assessor will advise you of your rights before and after assessments, including the right to
Your Trainer/Assessor will provide you with all relevant information relating to the assessments prior to
commencement, and of the appeals procedure that can be utilised if you wish to appeal against the
assessment outcome or make a complaint.
You will be informed of the outcome of your assessment as soon as possible from the date the
assessment was submitted. Prompt feedback will be offered to you on the outcome of the assessment.
Feedback will be delivered in written and where possible, verbal form to you.
AQF Specifications for Assessments
This assessment is set in accordance with the criteria for AQF Level 6. Advance Diploma qualifications
must be designed and accredited to enable graduates to demonstrate the learning outcomes expressed
as knowledge, skills and the application of knowledge and skills specified in the level 6 criteria and the
Advance Diploma descriptor.
Advance Diploma descriptor
Graduates at this level will have broad knowledge and skills for paraprofessional/highly skilled work
and/or further learning.
Graduates at this level will have broad theoretical and technical knowledge of a specific area or a broad
field of work and learning.
Graduates at this level will have a broad range of cognitive, technical and communication skills to select
and apply methods and technologies to:
 analyse information to complete a range of activities
 interpret and transmit solutions to unpredictable and sometimes complex problems
 transmit information and skills to others
Graduates at this level will apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, judgement and
defined responsibility:
 in contexts that are subject to change
 within broad parameters to provide specialist advice and functions
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ACSF Specifications and Foundation Skills
The term ‘Foundation Skills’ is currently used to include the core skills defined in the Australian Core
Skills Framework (ACSF) as well as the employability skills identified by employers as critical for effective
performance in the workplace. The core skills of the ACSF include reading, writing, oral communication,
numeracy and learning.
Foundation skills encompass the core skills of reading, writing, oral communication, numeracy and
learning as described by the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF), and the Employability Skills/Core
Skills for Work. They exist on a continuum from very basic skills to highly-developed and specialist skills.
The foundation skills have been addressed in this assessment.
Assessment Process
To demonstrate competence in this unit, you must undertake all tasks in this assessment booklet and
complete them satisfactorily and in addition, also satisfactorily complete the practical assessment,
including demonstrating communication skills during the practical activities. If you do not answer some
questions or perform some tasks satisfactorily and therefore are deemed to be ‘Not Competent’, you
may be asked supplementary questions or given alternative activities to determine competence, which
will be documented in your student file. After you have demonstrated consistency in performance you
will be awarded this unit.
As part of the assessment process, you must abide by any relevant assessment policies as provided to
you. If you feel you are not yet ready to be assessed or this assessment is unfair, please discuss with
your assessor all options that are available to you to enable you to complete the assessment.
Submitting Assessments
You should submit assessment tasks with the provided cover sheet.
Assessments should be submitted on or before their due date. Extensions for individual assessment
tasks may be negotiated in specific circumstances. Consultation on this must occur prior to the due date
and extensions due to illness will require a medical certificate. Extensions must be confirmed by the
Trainer/Assessor in writing.
Plagiarism and Referencing
All students are reminded that plagiarism will not be tolerated. Information, ideas etc. quoted or
paraphrased from another source, must be acknowledged with “quotation marks” around the relevant
words/sentences or ideas and cited at the end of the document. Sources of information, ideas etc. must
be provided in alphabetical order by author’s surname (including author’s full name, name of
document/ book/internet etc. and year and place of publishing) or may be included in brackets in the
Assessment Outcomes
There are two (2) outcomes of assessments: Satisfactory and Not Satisfactory (requires more training
and experience).
You will be awarded a ‘Competent’ grade on completion of the unit when the trainer/assessor is
satisfied that you have completed all assessments and have provided the appropriate evidence required
to meet all criteria. If you fail to meet this requirement you will receive the result of Not Competent and
will be eligible to be re-assessed.
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Students will be allowed two (2) further attempts at an assessment for which the outcome is Not
Satisfactory, within the timeframe of a course (unit of competency) and in this time they can request a
coaching session as required. No additional fees will be charged.
Students who require re-assessment beyond the delivery timeframe of a unit or due date of an
assessment, unless it is due to medical reasons, will be given the opportunity to request additional time
to resubmit and in this time, they can also request a coaching session as required. After that students
may be charged a re-assessment fee.
Reasonable Adjustment
RTOs and trainer/assessors are obliged by law to make reasonable adjustment to ensure maximum
participation of students with disability in teaching, learning and assessment activities. This includes:
 ensuring that course activities are sufficiently flexible;
 providing additional support where necessary; and
 offering a reasonable substitute within the context of the course where a student cannot
Reasonable adjustment is defined in section 4 (1) of the Employment and the Disability Discrimination
Act as ‘an adjustment to be made by a person is a reasonable adjustment unless making the adjustment
would impose an unjustifiable hardship on the person’.
Reasonable adjustment as it applies to participation in learning and assessment activities may include:
 customising resources or activities within a training package or accredited course;
 modifying a presentation medium;
 providing additional support;
 providing assistive or adaptive technologies;
 making additional information accessible both before enrolment and during the course; and
 monitoring these adjustments to ensure that the student’s needs continue to be met
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Reasonable Adjustment Methods (examples)
Category Possible issue Possible Strategies
• Speaking
• Reading
• Writing
• Confidence
• Verbal assessment
• Presentations
• Demonstration of a skill
• Use of diagrams
• Use of support documents such as word lists
• Knowledge and
• Flexibility
• Services
• Inappropriate
training and
• Culturally appropriate training
• Explore understanding of concepts and practical
application through oral assessment
• Flexible delivery & using group rather than
individual assessments
• Assessment through completion of practical tasks
in the field after demonstration of skills and
• Speaking
• Reading
• Writing
• Cultural background
• Confidence
• Discuss with the student and supervisor whether
language, literacy and numeracy are likely to
impact on the assessment process
• Use methods that do not require a higher level of
language or literacy than is required to perform
the job role
• Use short sentences that do not contain large
amounts of information and clarify information by
rephrasing, confirm understanding
• Read any printed information to the student
• Use graphics, pictures and colour coding instead
of, or to support, text
• Offer to write down, or have someone else write,
oral responses given by the candidate
• Ensure that the time available to complete the
assessment, takes account of the student’s needs
• Educational
• Age of the assessor
• Limited study skills
• Make sure font size is not too small
• Assessor should refer to the student’s experience
• Ensure that the time available to complete the
assessment takes account of the student’s needs
• Reading
• Writing
• Numeracy
• Limited study skills
and /or learning
• Discuss with the student their previous learning
• Ensure learning and assessment methods meet
the learner’s individual need
• Speaking
• Reading
• Writing
• Numeracy
• Learning Strategies
• Identify the Issues
• Create a climate of support & ensure access
• Appropriately structured assessment
• Using other’s expertise
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An individual’s access to the assessment process should not be adversely affected by restrictions placed
on the location or context of assessment beyond the requirements specified in the training package.
Reasonable adjustments can be made to ensure equity in assessment for people with disabilities.
Adjustments include any changes to the assessment process or context that meet the individual needs
of the person with a disability, but do not change competency outcomes.
When assessing people with disabilities, trainer/assessors are encouraged to apply good practice
assessment methods with sensitivity and flexibility.
The assessment process must:
 Provide for valid, reliable, flexible and fair assessment
 Provide for judgement to be made on the basis of sufficient evidence
 Offer valid, authentic and current evidence
Access and Equity
Please speak to your trainer/assessor if you require assistance with any access and equity concerns you
may have.
Recognition of Prior Learning
If you can demonstrate that you have the skills and knowledge within this unit, you should speak to your
trainer/assessor about this and apply for recognition of prior learning.
There are three (3) forms of assessment or evidence gathering methods for this unit of competency.
Students are required to complete them all. Your assessor will advise when assessments are due.
Students may use various sources of information including: text books, learning workbooks, other
documents and the internet and they must list the sources of the information.
1. Project work : For assessment 1, you are required to write a report that identifies the change
requirements and opportunities needed to determine a strategic change and support
organisational objectives for a hypothetical organisation, the Tassie Hardrock Enterprises (Refer
to Annexes I-III). The work completed for this assessment task will then be used to complete
Assessment Task 2. Please ensure that you keep an electronic and/or hard copy of your
completed assessment for future use.
2. Role-play: Based on the work you have done for the Assessment Task 1, you are required to
perform the tasks as outlined in the ‘Instructions’ below. You will be observed performing and
presenting the tasks by the Assessor, who will mark off the observation checklist upon the
completion of your performance.
3. Written Questions & Answers: This assessment task consists of six (6) questions to assess the
student’s knowledge of BSBINN601 – Lead and manage organisational change. Students must
answer all questions. The questions require a detailed response and all answers should be
written in your own words. Students are also required to provide proper referencing wherever
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Student AssessmentInstructions
To demonstrate your competency in this unit you must successfully complete both theory and practical
assessment tasks. The practical assessments will be conducted at a date and place to be advised by your
All questions must be answered correctly for each assessment task to be completed satisfactorily. There
is no time restriction in completing the assessments, unless specified.
You must complete all questions unassisted by the assessor or other personnel but may refer to
reference material as needed
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Assessment Task 1 – Project
Student name
Student ID
Submission Details
The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement
must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See instructions below
for details.
Purpose of the Assessment
This task provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate that you have the skills and knowledge to
lead and manage organisational change with structured approach to change management.
For this assessment, you are required to write a report that identifies the change requirements and
opportunities needed to determine a strategic change and support organisational objectives for a
hypothetical organisation, the Tassie Hardrock Enterprises (Refer to Annexes I-III).
The work completed for this assessment task will then be used to complete Assessment Task 2.
Please ensure that you keep an electronic and/or hard copy of your completed assessment for future
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1. Read the Tassie Hardrock Enterprises – An Overview and its Continuous Improvement Policy and
Procedures annexed to this assessment and complete the following tasks.
a. Analyse the internal and external environments for change and prepare a change
requirement report that includes:
i. Identification of strategic change needs
ii. Review of existing policies and practices
iii. A PEST analysis to identify external events or trends
iv. A SWOT analysis to Identify major operational change requirements.
b. Develop a change management project plan that outlines the change management strategy
that includes:
i. A cost–benefit analysis for high-priority change requirements and opportunities you
have identified
ii. A risk management plan with risk analysis to identify barriers to change
iii. Determine resource requirements – human, physical and financial resources
iv. A Gantt chart to present time lines and schedules
c. Develop a communication or education plan in consultation with managers and other
relevant stakeholders:
i. Consultation with relevant individuals to determine how you will promote the
benefits of change and minimise loss to the organisation.
ii. Organise and manage the activities required to deliver the plan, including time lines
for implementation.
d. Identify and respond to barriers to change as outlined in the risk management plan. This
may include developing strategies that will mitigate risks and effectively respond to
e. Begin the change management process:
i. Implement the interventions and activities as set out in the project plan.
ii. Carry out the strategies for embedding the change.
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f. Prepare for the evaluation and review of the plan to achieve objectives and modify the plan
where appropriate. This may include conducting a gap analysis and distributing an
evaluation form to stakeholders.
Evidence that you need to submit to your Assessor
You must submit the following: Tick off below when you have submitted
 Change requirements report 
 Change management project plan 
 Cost–benefit analysis 
 Risk management plan 
 Communication plan/education plan 
 Strategy report to address barriers 
 Report on implementing
interventions and activities including
the strategies for embedding change

 Evaluation report 
 Modified change management plan 
What your assessor will be looking for evidence of
● Ability to identify strategic change needs by analysing organisational objectives
● Ability to review existing policies and practices against strategic objectives
● Ability to monitor the external environment to identify events or trends that may impact on the
achievement of organisational objectives
● Ability to identify major operational change requirements due to performance gaps, business
opportunities and threats, or management decisions
● Ability to identify major change requirements and opportunities that support organisational
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● Ability to undertake a cost–benefit analysis for high-priority change requirements and
opportunities that have been identified
● Ability to identify barriers to change by undertaking a risk management plan
● Ability to determine resource requirements
● Ability to chart time lines and schedules
● Ability to assign responsibilities and obtained resources for the project
● Ability to organise and manage the activities required to deliver the plan, including time lines for
● Ability to identify and respond to barriers to change as outlined in the risk management plan
● Ability to implement the interventions and activities as set out in the project plan
● Ability to carry out strategies for embedding the change
● Ability to prepare for the evaluation and review of the plan to achieve objectives, and modifying
the plan where appropriate.
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Assessment Task 2 – Role-play
Student name
Student ID
Submission Details of Assessment
The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement
must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See instructions below
for details.
Purpose of the Assessment
This task provides the opportunity for you to demonstrate that you have the skills and knowledge
required to:
 Identify and consult with key stakeholders and other relevant people to diagnose change
 Consult with relevant groups to obtain input into the change management process
 Obtain approval on the change management process and reported protocols
Based on the work you have done for the Assessment Task 1, you are required to perform the tasks as
outlined in the ‘Instructions’ below. You will be observed performing and presenting the tasks by the
Assessor, who will mark off the observation checklist upon the completion of your performance.
Please ensure you keep an electronic and/or hard copy of this completed assessment for future use.
1. Conduct a face-to-face discussion with stakeholders, specialists and experts to seek their input in
relation to change requirements or opportunities. The discussion is to include:
a. Identify and consult with key stakeholders and other relevant people. You may use the
stakeholder analysis template in Annex II.
b. Identify major change requirements and opportunities that support organisational
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c. Review and prioritise change requirements or opportunities by speaking with relevant
managers. This includes negotiating and maintaining effective working relationships.
2. Present the mitigation strategies to the stakeholders. You will be observed interacting with the
stakeholders to obtain agreement on the mitigation strategies that can be used to address
identified barriers. This includes using appropriate questioning and listening skills to clarify
3. Speak to managers to clarify and confirm information to implement the strategy:
a. Obtain approval on the change management process and reporting protocols.
b. Assign responsibilities and obtain resources for the project, such as human resources.
4. You will be observed consulting with relevant groups to obtain input into the change
management process. This will involve discussions and questioning to clarify information and
confirm understanding.
Evidence that you need to submit to your Assessor
You must submit the following: Tick off below when you
have submitted
 Observation checklist 
 Script/explanatory note/presentation slides 
What your assessor will be looking for evidence of
● Skills outlined in the observation checklist including:
o Oral communication to discuss and seek information using appropriate structure and
language for the particular audience, use questioning and active listening to clarify or
confirm understanding
o Interacting with others, using a variety of communication tools and strategies to build and
maintain effective working relationships; using inclusive and collaborative techniques to
seek feedback, negotiate and consult with a range of stakeholders
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Assessment Task 3 – Written test
Student’s Name
Assessment Date/s
Submission Details of Assessment
The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement
must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See instructions below
for details.
Purpose of the Assessment
This task provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of organisation-wide
change management process with underpinning elements: identifying change requirements and
opportunities, developing change management strategy and implementing change management
This is an open book written test which is conducted in the TAS College classroom.
You are required to write answers to the questions in your own words.
You must answer ALL questions satisfactorily. Your answer to each question should be no less than in
100 words.
1. Explain the three major stages in the change management process.
2. Identify and explain five of the steps used in a communication strategy when communicating
and embedding change.
3. Explain how organisational behaviour impacts change strategies.
4. Explain five ways the external environmental can impact change strategies.
5. Describe two components of a change management project plan.
6. List four examples of barriers to change and four strategies that can be used to address them.
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Evidence that you need to submit to your Assessor
You must submit the following: Tick off below when you have
 Answers to all 6 questions 
What your assessor will be looking for evidence of
Your assessor will be looking for writing and discussion skills to:
● explain the change management process or cycle and strategies for communicating and
embedding change
● explain how organisational behaviour and the external environment can impact on change
● describe the components of a change management project plan
● list potential barriers to change and explain possible strategies to address barriers.
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Assessor Checklist
Assessment Task 1 – Project
Student’s Name Student ID.
Assessment Date/s
Did the student submit:
Yes No
Change requirements report
Change management project plan
Cost–benefit analysis
Risk management plan
Communication plan/education plan
Strategy report to address barriers
Report on implementing interventions and activities including the strategies
for embedding change
Evaluation report
Modified change management plan
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Performance indicators
Did the student:
Yes No
Identify strategic change needs by analysing organisational objectives
Review existing policies and practices against strategic objectives
Monitor the external environment to identify events or trends that may
impact on the achievement of organisational objectives
Identify major operational change requirements due to performance gaps,
business opportunities and threats, or management decisions
Identify major change requirements and opportunities that support
organisational objectives
Undertake a cost–benefit analysis for high-priority change requirements and
opportunities that have been identified
Identify barriers to change by undertaking a risk management plan
Determine resource requirements
Chart time lines and schedules
Assign responsibilities and obtain resources for the project
Organise and manage the activities required to deliver the plan, including time
lines for implementation
Identify and respond to barriers to change as outlined in the risk management
Implement the interventions and activities as set out in the project plan
Carry out strategies for embedding the change
Prepare for the evaluation and review of the plan to achieve objectives, and
modifying the plan where appropriate
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Task outcome
Assessor feedback
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date
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Assessor Checklist
Assessment Task 2 – Role-play
Student’s Name Student ID.
Assessment Date/s
Did the student:
Yes No
Submit Script/explanatory note/presentation slides
Performance indicators
Did the student:
Yes No
Identify and consult with key stakeholders and other relevant people
Review and prioritise change requirements or opportunities by speaking with
relevant managers
Interact with stakeholders to obtain agreement on the mitigation strategies that
can be used to address identified barriers
Obtain approval on the change management process and reported protocols
Consult with relevant individuals to determine how benefits of change will be
promoted and loss to the organisation will be minimised
Consult with relevant groups to obtain input into the change management
Explain the key intent of the plan
Answer any questions clearly and confidently
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Did the student:
Yes No
Use positive and appropriate body language
Use appropriate language and tone
Use active listening skills to ensure the team leaders understood the legislation
Task outcome
Student signature Date
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Assessor Checklist
Assessment Task 3 – Written test
Student’s Name Student ID.
Assessment Date/s
Did the student:
Yes No
Submit answer to all 6 questions?
Performance indicators
Did the student:
Yes No
Explain the three major stages in the change management process
Identify and explain five of the steps used in a communication strategy when
communicating and embedding change
Explain how organisational behaviour impacts change strategies
Explain five ways the external environmental can impact change strategies
Describe two components of a change management project plan.
List four examples of barriers to change and four strategies that can be used to
address them.
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Task outcome
Student signature Date
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Annex I
Tassie Hardrock Enterprises – an Overview
Tassie Hardrock Enterprises is a large organisation that manufactures household appliances including
electronic gadgets. The company has been operating for 25 years and is based in Tasmania. It now has
200 employees and is seen as a market leader because of its commitment to quality and durable
products. Tassie Hardrock supplies to retail stores across Australia and to customers directly from its
show room in one of its largest factories in Hobart.
In 2010, Tassie Hardrock merged with a retail household appliances company, hoping to expand its
breadth of consumers as many of the stores were located in highly sprawling suburbs in Melbourne.
Unfortunately, due to poor planning and communication, the merger was not successful. Some 50
employees were impacted by the merger, either by a restructure and redesign of their jobs, or by a
forced redundancy.
Operationally, Tassie Hardrock’s objectives include having all products meet their standard of excellence
guidelines, including customer service, guarantee on finesse and quality materials used in the
manufacturing process. Management would also like to see 30 per cent of sales made online to reduce
Tassie Hardrock has recently come under new management. The management team that now reports to
the board is significantly younger and more innovative than their predecessors. The new team believes
the organisational objectives are strong, but that the processes and structures of the organisation need
some work.
Tassie Hardrock’s key objectives are currently based around expansion. Management wants to expand
sales to new customers by offering new product releases each year. They feel it is important to invest in
research, and to follow trends in Europe and the US to ensure their products have the latest designs and
are attractive to customers.
The majority of middle managers, such as supervisors and department managers, have been with the
company for more than 20 years. They will have to implement changes with their teams. Some of them
have already expressed they are hesitant to change due to having experienced the failed merger in
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Annex II
Tassie Hardrock continuous improvement policy
This policy describes our commitment to continuous improvement and the use of the define, measure,
analyse, improve, control (DMAIC) quality system to perform process improvement activities or projects.
This policy applies to all employees of Tassie Hardrock – including casual, part-time, full-time,
permanent and temporary employees. It is part of everyone’s role to continuously look for ways to
improve processes and systems to ensure they remain effective and efficient.
Continuous improvement
Continuous improvement is an ongoing process of review and evaluation to find ways to improve
processes and systems.
Continuous improvement forms part of Tassie Hardrock’s overall business philosophy. The company is
committed to the continuous improvement of policies and procedures.
When performing improvement activities, you should:
 define an improvement project
 measure process performance
 analyse opportunities
 improve and control processes.
This process is referred to as the DMAIC quality system, which is outlined in the continuous
improvement procedures.
Management is responsible for ensuring continuous improvement procedures. The manager of the
section or department in which the continuous improvement project takes place is responsible for
supporting the project and removing barriers to success.
All employees are responsible for:
 applying continuous improvement procedures in their work areas, as outlined by management
in the relevant plan for each improvement activity or project
 identifying and reporting opportunities for improvement.
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Annex III
Tassie Hardrock continuous improvement procedures
Continuous improvement forms part of the Tassie Hardrock’s overall business philosophy. It is part of
every employee’s role to continuously look for ways to improve processes and systems to ensure they
are effective and efficient.
Process improvement activities or projects should be performed using the DMAIC quality system:
 Define
 Measure
 Analyse
 Improve
 Control
1. Define an improvement project
To define an improvement project, take the following steps:
 Identify the improvement opportunity.
 Develop the business processes.
 Define critical requirements.
 Prepare a project team.
Someone at managerial level supports the project and removes barriers to success. This is usually the
manager of the section or department in which the project takes place. The plan also includes a
statement of how progress should be reported and who to report it to.
Tools to assist with this step include:
 gap analysis
 customer feedback
 process mapping
 action plan.
2. Measure process performance
Steps to measure process performance:
 Identify measures to evaluate the success of project.
 Develop a data collection method to measure process performance.
 Establish baseline Six Sigma to show the standard deviation for a process.
Tools to assist with this step include:
 charts
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 graphs
 data analysis.
3. Analyse opportunities
Steps to take to analyse opportunities:
 Analyse the opportunity to identify a problem.
 Identify and validate the root causes.
Tools to assist with this step include:
 process mapping
 hypothesis testing
 fishbone diagram
 root cause analysis
 statistics.
4. Improve processes
To improve processes, take the following steps:
 Identify, evaluate and select the best solutions to improve processes.
 Develop a change management strategy to help the organisation to implement solutions and
Tools to assist with this step include:
 cost–benefit analysis
 project planning tools
 change management tools.
5. Control processes
Steps to take to control the process:
 Understand the importance of planning and executing against the plan.
 Determine the strategy to ensure the targeted results are achieved.
 Understand how to disseminate lessons learnt.
 Identify opportunities for standardisation.
Tools to assist with this step include:
 project planning tools
 plan–do–check–act cycle.

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