Assessment Overview
This Student Assessment Booklet includes all your tasks for assessment of BSBWHS501, Ensure a safe workplace
About your assessments
This unit requires that you complete five (5) assessment tasks. You must complete all tasks with a competent result to achieve competency for this unit. Please read the information below about each task included in this assessment.
Assessment Task 1 |
You must correctly answer all 11 questions to show that you understand the knowledge required of this unit. |
Assessment Task 2 |
You must assume the role of Operations and Finance Manager for King Edward VII College and meet with the CEO to discuss and then develop an operational plan. |
Assessment Task 3 |
You must liaise with the Human Resources Manager to organise staffing requirements and organise the required equipment for the new campuses. |
Assessment Task 4 |
You must monitor and review the operational performance for King Edward VII College and report to the CEO. |
Student Information
What is competency?
To complete assessment tasks satisfactorily you will need to demonstrate competence – but what does this mean?
In the Australian vocational education and training system, the concept of competence, is defined as: “The ability to perform tasks and duties to the standard expected in the workplace”. Competence involves the application of specific skills, knowledge and attitudes to the work performance in an industry, an industry sector or an enterprise. Competence is rarely achieved in a one-off demonstration. It needs to be developed holistically – that is, bringing a range of skills and knowledge together – and over time in a real or simulated workplace. To achieve competence, you need to demonstrate that you can perform a given task to the standard defined in an endorsed unit of competency.
How to submit your assessments?
When you have completed each assessment you will need to submit it to your assessor. Instructions about submission can be found at the beginning of each assessment task. Make sure you photocopy your written activities before you submit them – your assessor will put the documents you submit into your student file. These will not be returned to you.
Assessment Task Cover Sheet
At the beginning of each task in this booklet, you will find an Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Please fill it in for each task, making sure you sign the student declaration.
Your assessor will give you feedback about how well you went in each task, and will write this on the back of the Task Cover Sheet.
Assessment outcomes
Once the assessment has been completed the student will be given the result within 14 days. Once the student has satisfactorily completed the required assessments for a unit of competency he/she will receive an outcome of C (Competent) or otherwise NYC (Not Yet Competent) in which case the student is entitled to apply for a resubmission of the assessment.
Reasonable adjustments
Wherever possible, trainers/assessors will make reasonable adjustments to training and assessment processes to ensure all people are treated equally in the training and assessment process.
Students who have special needs may be allowed reasonable adjustment at the time of assessment in line with the Albright Institute’s Policy and Procedures.
To meet the needs of all learners’ adjustments can be made to the way assessments are conducted but not to the requirements of the assessment. The purpose of these adjustments is to enhance fairness and flexibility so that the specific needs of students can be met.
Examples of reasonable adjustments
- providing additional time for student to practice the assessment tasks
- presenting questions orally for students with literacy issues
- asking questions in a relevant practical context
- adapting machinery and equipment to make it more easily used
- presenting work instructions in diagrammatic or pictorial form instead of words and sentences
- simplifying the design of tasks
It is the responsibility of each assessor to assess students’ needs and make whatever reasonable adjustments are practicable to maximise a students’ opportunity to demonstrate their competence.
Assessment re-submission
If a student is deemed NYC (not yet competent) the Trainer/Assessor (TRN) will explain why and inform the student of what needs to be completed in order to demonstrate competence.
Re-assessment for assessments only occurs if the student has previously submitted the assessment or has missed the relevant session(s) and has been afforded special consideration which is approved by the Administration department.
If the result for the first submission of an assessment is NYC, students will be given two re-submission opportunities to achieve a competent result (this re-assessment is conducted free of charge). A suitable time will be arranged for the reassessment to occur within 14 days of the completion of the unit in question. Should a student either not make an attempt within this time frame (in spite of all efforts by Albright Institute, its Trainer/Assessor and administration staff to have the student attend a reassessment session) or the student does not achieve a satisfactory result after two re-assessments they may be charged for another attempt.
Should the student still not achieve competence after these assessment attempts, it will be necessary for them to re-enrol in (repeat) the unit of competence at a cost.
Assessment appeals
You can make an appeal about an assessment decision by filling an appeal form. Ask for an appeal for from a student support officer. Refer to Albright Institute’s Assessment Policy for more information about our appeals process.
Plagiarism Policy
All student work must be written in their own words, except where acknowledged through quotations and referencing. Plagiarism is a serious offence; Albright Institute may impose severe penalties on students who plagiarise.
For more information on Plagiarism and Cheating refer to Albright Institute’s policies.
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Assessment Task 1 –Coversheet
Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.
Student and Submission Details | |||
Student Name | Student ID | ||
Unit Code and Name | Date of submission | ||
Student Signature |
Assessor To Complete | |||||
Assessment Task | Task Result | Date | Type Of Submission | ||
Knowledge Test | □ C (Competent)□ NYC (Not Yet Competent) □NA (Not Assessed) |
☐ First submission☐ First re-submission ☐ Second re-submission |
Assessor feedback | |||||
Assessor Name | Date | ||||
Assessor Signature |
Performance Criteria | ||||
The project meets the following requirements: | Satisfactory | Unsatisfactory | Not Present | |
P1 | ||||
P2 | ||||
P3 | ||||
P4 | ||||
P5 | ||||
P6 | ||||
P7 | ||||
P8 | ||||
P9 | ||||
P10 | ||||
P11 | ||||
P12 | ||||
P13 | ||||
P14 | ||||
P15 |
Assessment Task 1 –Knowledge Test
Knowledge Test | |
Assessment task description | This is the first (1st) assessment task you have to successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit of competency.The assessment task is comprised of eleven (11) questions requiring written answers You must answer all questions and submit them to your Trainer/Assessor to be deemed satisfactory in this task It is estimated that this task will take between 2 and 3 hours to complete You will receive your feedback within two weeks – you will be notified by your Trainer/Assessor when results are available. |
Applicable conditions |
Resubmissions & reattempts |
Location |
Instructions to the participant to complete this assessment task: | All questions must be answered satisfactorily for the written assessment to be deemed competent.Please write your responses in the space provided on this assessment. You may attach separate sheets if required. You must include the following particulars in the footer section of each page of the attached sheets:
Appropriate references/citations are required. |
Resources Required: |
Reasonable Adjustment: | If theparticipantis unable to undertake the written assessment as designed, an interview (verbal questioning) may be used as an alternate approach. |
How your trainer/assessor will assess your work: |
What needs to be submitted: | An answer to all questions written either in this assessment or written on separate sheets if required/preferred.You may attach separate sheets if required. You must include the following particulars in the footer section of each page of the attached sheets:
Assessment Task 1 – Knowledge Test
Question 1: | Explain the purpose of an Operational Plan and the role of an Operational Plan in achieving the organisation’s objectives. |
Answer: | An operational plan is also known as work plan. It is an outline of what your |
Organisation will focus on for the near future. The aim of this plan is to provide | |
the clear picture specially to direct people to perform day to day tasks required | |
in running organisation. The role of an operational plan is to set out the strategies | |
Of tasks, Within budget and meeting quality standards. | |
Question 2: | Outline the information that is usually included in an Operational Plan. |
Answer: | An operational plan set out the tasks that a business needs to perform in order to |
reach a certain outcome. It is a blueprint of sorts outlines these are what, who | |
when and how much: | |
WHAT: – Strategies and tasks that should be taken. | |
WHO:– Who takes responsibilities for any task? | |
WHEN: – Set time period in which the strategies and tasks must be done. | |
HOWMUCH: – How much funds/money require for complete each task. | |
WHATIF: -what is the substitutional plan in case of failed first plan. |
Question 3: | Explain a typical process for developing an operational plan. |
Answer: | |
Question 4: | Explain the purpose of a budget. |
Answer: | |
Question 5: | Outline a typical budgeting process. |
Answer: | |
Question 6: | Explain the purpose of key performance indicators. |
Answer: | |
Question 7: | Discuss four approaches to developing key performance indicators. |
Answer: | |
Question 8: | Discuss the concept of a balanced scorecard as an alternative approach to measuring business performance through key performance indicators. |
Answer: | |
Question 9: | Explain the concept of benchmarking as a way of assessing business performance. |
Answer: | |
Question 10: | Provide a definition of a PCBU and outline their key responsibilities. |
Answer: | |
Question 11: | Explain in your own words a document management system and how you would develop and implement that system within your organisation. |
Answer: | |
TASK 2 –Develop & present your operational plan
Develop & present your operational plan | |
Assessment task description | This is the second (2nd) assessment task you have to successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit of competency.The assessment task is comprised of a series of activities and questions that need to be answered and submitted to your Trainer/Assessor to be deemed satisfactory in this task. This task requires you to assume the role of Operations and Finance Manager for King Edward VII College and meet with the CEO to discuss and then develop an operational plan. |
Applicable conditions |
Resubmissions & reattempts |
Location |
Information about the role-play |
Prior to commencing this task, read through the instructions and assessment information carefully. |
Instructions to the participant to complete this assessment task: | All questions must be answered satisfactorily for the written assessment to be deemed competent.Please write your responses in the space provided on this assessment. You may attach separate sheets if required. You must include the following particulars in the footer section of each page of the attached sheets:
Appropriate references/citations are required. |
Resources Required: |
Reasonable Adjustment: | If theparticipantis unable to undertake the written assessment as designed, an interview (verbal questioning) may be used as an alternate approach. |
How your trainer/assessor will assess your work: |
What needs to be submitted: |
Assessment Task 2
Case Study
King Edward VII College has been operating for five years. The College is based in Melbourne CBD and offers a range of courses in management, marketing, human resources and international business and currently has around 500 students enrolled across all of its courses. Courses are offered at all levels from Certificate II to Graduate Diploma. The College is very popular due to its competitive pricing structure, innovative teaching methods and state of the art facilities.
The College currently employs 24 staff members that include the CEO, a Marketing Manager and Marketing Assistant, Human Resources Manager, Operations and Finance Manager, Administration Manager, Office Assistant, Receptionist, Academic Manager, Student Services Officer and approximately 14 trainers.
Due to the success of the College, the College plans to establish two additional campuses, one in Brisbane and one in Sydney. The plan is for the Brisbane campus to commence operating in January 2020 and Sydney in April 2020. Ideally, campuses will be located close to the CBD and a maximum rental budget of $500,000 per annum in Sydney and $400,000 in Brisbane has been allocated.
With regard to staffing at each campus, it is anticipated that initially each campus will require a receptionist, student services officer and 4 trainers. The receptionist and student services officer positions will be permanent, full-time staff and the 4 trainers will be contract staff.
Existing staff at the Melbourne campus will complete all other staff functions until such time as student numbers increase substantially. It is anticipated that maximum student numbers at the new campuses will be up to 60 students per campus in the first 12 months of operations.
The College will also need to purchase a range of office equipment for the new campuses, as well as furniture for 100 students per campus.
The College has kept the expansion plans very quiet due to their competition hot on their heels. They are waiting for the Trademarks to come through so need to protect their intellectual property throughout the process.
Part A
- Complete the following activities:
- Develop draft Operational Plan
Review and analyse the scenario information and the Strategic Plan in order to identify all the actions that will need to be documented in your plan so that the College’s objectives can be achieved.
Use the template provided to write your plan. As a minimum your Operational Plan must address:
- The strategies
- The timeframe
- Responsible roles
- Budget – this information may be purely fictional
- Resource requirements (including renting suitable commercial properties, staffing requirements, fit outs of the new campuses, equipment requirements and marketing collateral)
- Recruitment of human resources, including strategies for recruitment & induction according to the organisations HR management policies
- SMART key performance indicators to measure performance
- Monitoring processes (including mentoring & coaching that will be made available for individuals and teams)
- Risk management plan to deal with operational plan contingencies
- References – record the sources of information that you have used in your research.
Ensure that you plan is written clearly and concisely in a language suitable for a variety of staff across an organisation, is formatted in a professional manner, is grammatically correct and free from errors.
- Submit your draft plan to your assessor, requesting a meeting to discuss and approve the plan.
Part B
Role Play – Meet with your CEO
- Consult on draft Operational Plan.
Meet with the CEO (your assessor) to discuss your operational plan. The purpose of this meeting is to obtain feedback and approval to move forward to the implementation stage.
Discuss your plan with your assessor and record suggestions and feedback as you go. During the meeting you will need to demonstrate well developed verbal and non-verbal communication and interaction skills, including negotiation and leadership.
Include the agreed feedback and suggestions into your plan and submit a final copy to your assessor. Your assessor will confirm the approval to move forward in writing.
Part C
Finalise your operational plan
Following your meeting with your CEO and based on the recommendations s/he has made, you are required to update your operation plan before moving forward to the implementation stage.
You will need to include the agreed feedback and suggestions into your plan and submit a final copy to your assessor. Your assessor will confirm the approval to move forward in writing.
Role Play Checklist
Student Name: ________________________ Student ID: _______________________________
Date of Assessment: ___________________ Signed: __________________________________
To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this assessment task the participant needs to demonstrate competency & ability in the following critical aspects of evidence | S | N/S | Comments and feedback to student |
a) Research, analyse and document resource requirements and develop an operational plan in consultation with relevant personnel, colleagues and specialist resource managers | |||
b) Develop and/or implement consultation processes as an integral part of the operational planning process | |||
c) Ensure the development and presentation of proposals for resource requirements is supported by a variety of information sources and seek specialist advice as required | |||
d) Obtain approval for the plan from relevant parties and explain the plan to relevant work teams | |||
e) Plan and implement systems to ensure that mentoring and coaching are provided to support individuals and teams to effectively, economically and safely use resources | |||
f) Presents information to a range of audiences using appropriate register, vocabulary and paralinguistic features.Listens and comprehends information from a variety of spoken exchanges with clients, co-workers and other stakeholders Confirms understanding through questioning and active listening |
Assessors Name: ________________________ Title: _______________________________
Signed: _________________________________ Date: ______________________________
TASK 3- Manage acquisition of resources
Manage acquisition of resources | |
Assessment task description | This is the third (3rd) assessment task you have to successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit of competency.Students are required to demonstrate that they can: Develop and implement strategies to achieve the operational plan Plan and manage human resource acquisition for an operational plan For this task you are required toliaise with the Human Resources Manager to organise staffing requirements and organise the required equipment for the new campuses. It is estimated that this task will take between 1 and 1.5 hours to complete |
Applicable conditions |
Resubmissions & reattempts |
Location |
Instructions to the participant to complete this assessment task: | All questions must be answered satisfactorily for the written assessment to be deemed competent.Please write your responses in the space provided on this assessment. You may attach separate sheets if required. You must include the following particulars in the footer section of each page of the attached sheets:
Appropriate references/citations are required. |
Resources Required: |
Reasonable Adjustment: | If theparticipantis unable to undertake the written assessment as designed, an interview (verbal questioning) may be used as an alternate approach. |
How your trainer/assessor will assess your work: |
What needs to be submitted: |
Assessment Task 3
Part A: Organise human resources requirements
Review the King Edward VII College Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedure.
In line with the policy and procedure you will need to liaise with the CEO and the Human Resource Manager in writing to ensure that the required staff are recruited as follows:
- You are required to write an email to your CEO and the Human Resource Manager which contains a request for approval of the positions required for the expansion as per the case study and the given scenario.
- This email also needs to contain information on how, once the additional staff are recruited, their performance will be monitored and reviewed (KPI’s).
Details including timelines for recruitment, the location of the positions and whether the College’s name should be included in the recruitment advertisement will need to be included in the email. Remember that the College needs to protect their intellectual property for this expansion project.
Ensure your communications are clear and concise, grammatically correct and free of errors.
Submit your written correspondence to your assessor.
Part B: Organise equipment requirements
- Review the King Edward VII College Purchasing Policy.
- Imagine that you have recently developed this purchasing policy in preparation for the expansion of the College. In order to ensure the administration team procure the equipment for the new campuses in accordance with the new policy, send a memo or email to the administration team outlining:
- The purpose of the purchasing policy and the need to ensure that all purchases are made You should summarise the key messages of the policy as per the purchasing principles.
- The required information for purchase of equipment for new campuses as follows:
- Description of equipment required, the number and type to be made as per existing campus (see list provided by your assessor)
- Required timelines for the purchase of the equipment
- Requirement to receive and approve quotes as per purchasing policy.
Ensure your communications are clear and concise, grammatically correct and free of errors.
3. Submit your written correspondence to your assessor.
TASK 4 – Operational planning, monitoring and reviewing project
Operational planning, monitoring and reviewing project | |
Assessment task description | This is the forth (4th) assessment task you have to successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit of competency.For this task students are to monitor and review the operational performance for King Edward VII College and report to the CEO. It is estimated this assessment task will take between 2 & 3 hours to complete |
Applicable conditions |
Resubmissions & reattempts |
Location |
Instructions to the participant to complete this assessment task: | All questions must be answered satisfactorily for the written assessment to be deemed competent.Please write your responses in the space provided on this assessment. You may attach separate sheets if required. You must include the following particulars in the footer section of each page of the attached sheets:
Appropriate references/citations are required. |
Resources Required: |
Reasonable Adjustment: | If theparticipantis unable to undertake the written assessment as designed, an interview (verbal questioning) may be used as an alternate approach. |
How your trainer/assessor will assess your work: |
What needs to be submitted: | Part A:
Part B:
Assessement Task 4 – Monitor & review operational performance
Part A: Monitor & review operational performance
Imagine you are reviewing the company’s performance for the two new sites for six months from July to December 2020.
You will be provided with a profit and loss account for review, which you will be required to analyse and provide a report to the CEO outlining performance in relation to the budget.
You have also been asked to review costs associated with electricity, office supplies and water as a means of assessing the company’s use of resources.
Based on the performance of the company, you will also be required to seek a variation to the Operational Plan to recruit two new Academic Managers, one for each campus. This is because the higher than expected student numbers led to a lack of time for the existing Academic Manager to manage all three campuses.
- Analyse the information provided in the interim Profit and Loss Account including:
- calculation of net profit or loss for each campus
- calculation of variances between actuals and budgeted expenses – noting that variances of up to and including 10% are acceptable and do not need to be reported
- Based on your analysis of the profit and loss account, develop a short report to send to the CEO that:
- outlines financial performance based on the figures in the profit and loss account
- identifies variances higher than 10%
- compare the performance of each campus
- recommends solutions in relation to expenditure items where variances are higher than 10%
- seeks a variance to the original operational plan – due to the large number of enrolments – to recruit two new Academic Managers, one for each campus
Ensure your report is structured in a logical format that makes use of headings. You may also include graphs and charts to visually represent your data. Submit your report to your assessor.
- Based on your review of the expenditure on energy usage as documented in the profit and loss account, you are required to develop and send a memo to all staff with regard to effective and economical use of resources. The purpose of the memo is to coach staff in using resources wisely and so you should include at least 10 simple actions that all staff can follow to conserve energy.
- The final part of this task requires you to organise all of the documents that you have developed for Assessment Tasks 1, 2, 3 and 4 into logical folders that are named appropriately (you will need to create new electronic folders on your computer). Submit a screen shot of each folder and its contents to your assessor.
Part B: Role play: Meet with the CEO |
- Negotiate the recommendations for a variation in the Operational Plan.
Meet with the CEO (your assessor) to discuss your variation recommendation of employing two Academic Managers.
The purpose of this meeting is to use your skills to gain approval for the variation from the CEO (your assessor). This means that you will need to demonstrate a range of high level communication and interaction skills such leadership, influence, negotiation and collaboration. You may decide how to present this information to gain the approval. You will have 10 minutes to do so.
Ensure that you make arrangements with your assessor for access to any type of equipment for your meeting.
Based on your meeting with the CEO, your assessor will approve the variation to the operational plan.
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