Assessment Task 2 Cover Sheet
Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses
- I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s).
- Iunderstand that if I If I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process explained to
- I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment
Student name______________
Student ID number__________
Student signature___________
Assessor declaration
- I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been carried out according to the required assessment procedures.
Assessor name______________
Assessor signature___________
Assessment outcome S NS DNS Resubmission Y N
Student result response
- My performance in this assessment task has been discussed and explained to me.
- I would like to appeal this assessment decision.
Student signature________________
A copy of this page must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
Assessment Task 2: Sustainability Policy and Procedure
Task summary
You are required, in the role of Operations Manager of Grow Management Consultants, to conduct research and analysis and prepare a briefing report to guide the development of a workplace sustainability policy and procedure. You will then consult with stakeholders at a meeting, using your report as a basis for discussion. Following the meeting, you will develop a sustainability policy and procedures document, as well as an action plan for implementation of this.
This assessment will be completed in the classroom as part of a simulated work environment. The assessor will observe students completing this task.
- Computer and Microsoft Office
- Access to the internet for research and to information included at:
- efficiency-for-business/resources-and-tools/life-cycle-management
- Policy and Procedures Template
- Action Plan Template
- Briefing Report
The assessor will advise you of the due date of these submissions.
- Email to your assessor with your sustainability briefing report attached
- Email to your assessor with the following attached:
Sustainability policy and procedures
Sustainability action plan
Assessment criteria
For students’ performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, they must satisfactorily address all of the assessment criteria. If part of this task is not satisfactorily completed they will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate competence.
Re-submission opportunities
Students will be provided feedback on their performance by their Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task.
If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed your assessor will explain why and provide you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date.
Students have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if they feel they have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.
Students are encouraged to consult with their assessor prior to attempting this task if they do not understand any part of this task or if they have any learning issues or needs that may hinder them when attempting any part of the assessment.
Assessment Task 2 Instructions
Carefully read the following:
Grow Consultants specialises in leadership consultancy, and has been operational for the last five years. It offers a range of services which support companies to:
- Assess leadership behaviour of existing managers and their performance metrics
- Design and implement customized leadership programs based on the assessment.
Services are offered Australia-wide, with consultants flying in to conduct specific training with companies, as well as offering regular workshops at the company’s premises. To date, technology (for example, webinars) has not been employed in training.
The company also writes and produces books on a range of topics about leadership. Currently the company has ten publications, which are published through a publishing house in the USA (Hozit Publishers). One of the Principal Consultants is American and knew these publishers. The cost of publishing the books and shipping to Australia is about the same as it would be use a publisher in Australia.
The books are produced using non-recycled paper and are transported via air to Grow Management Consultants office. They are then distributed by post to customers from the Grow Management Consultants’ office. As sales have been slow for the books, the company has also been exploring options for e-books.
The company was established by its Principal Consultants, Paul Burns and Sammy Martin, both of whom are Directors. The company also employs four Senior Consultants, an Operations Manager, an Office Manager, Administration Officer and a Receptionist.
The office building is owned by the company and is located in an outer lying metropolitan suburb. All staff drive to work in their own cars and there is on-site parking. The nearest railway station is 10 minutes’ walk from the office.
Paul Burns has recently attended a Sustainable Business workshop and is keen to implement sustainable practices throughout the business. The strategic plan has also been recently updated and has been influenced by Paul’s attendance at the workshop. It includes the following statement as part of the mission statement:
We are committed, as a business, to the well-being of both economic and ecological systems, of both humans and other living things,
However, there are no specific actions indicated in the Strategic Plan and so, at present, the statement appears to be paying lip service only.
Paul is keen to develop a sustainability policy and procedures that address all aspects of the business including, as a minimum: travel, purchasing, office energy use, office supplies, and cleaning. However, Paul also has specifically stated that he does not want to incur costs in developing policy and procedure and that all the work must be developed in-house, therefore consultants must not be used.
Current issues and practices within the organisation are as follows;
- There is older style florescent lighting in all offices, staff room and These lights are often left on after the work day has finished.
- There are no formal energy usage procedures for staff or signage to remind staff.
- The company does not have a policy for purchasing equipment and buys equipment when required, often purchasing whatever is on special at the time.
- The two principal consultants have company Both vehicles are now five years old and need to be upgraded.
- Staff buy stationary requirements on an ad hoc basis, often resulting in large stocks of items such as notepads and A grade printer paper.
- There is a waste bin and recycling bins, which are mostly used correctly.
- The company hosts regular meetings and Catering is provided by an external caterer with all plates and cups supplied (plastic).
- The office is cleaned once a week by contract cleaners who use regular cleaning products.
Current company procedures for developing policies and procedures are as follows:
- The need for the policy and procedure should be established and a preliminary briefing report developed.
- This should be discussed at a meeting with the senior management team consisting of at least one of the Principal Another staff member should also be selected to ensure representation of all staff.
- Develop a briefing report.
Review the case study information provided and conducts research using the Internet or any other source of information to identify the following:
- Relevant environmental and sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practice.
- Sources of information on sustainability, including incorporating sustainability into business planning and using it as an opportunity to identify new business initiatives.
- Sustainability policies and procedures developed by other organisations.
- Life cycle mapping processes.
Use the sources indicated under “Required” on page 19 as information sources.
Using your research and analysis, develop a briefing report to present at a senior management meeting. The purpose of the briefing report will be to provide relevant information about sustainability, including legislation and to seek input into the development of the policy and procedure.
Use the Briefing Report Template to guide your work.
Your briefing report should address the following:
- Introduction, including current organisational practices.
- Key sustainability facts and figures and the benefits to businesses of implementing sustainable initiatives.
- How sustainability can be built into business planning and can inform business opportunities to reflect the organisation’s commitment to sustainability.
- Legal requirements in relation to workplace sustainability relevant to Grow Management Consultants, as well as any relevant regulations and codes of practices.
- Details of sustainability policies and procedures researched and inclusions within the policy and procedures.
- An overview of life cycle mapping, including life style stages, life cycle map, life cycle matrix.
- Identification of the most effective strategies to reduce environmental impact (use the Sustainability Victoria website resources to assist you to complete this task). This should include, as a minimum, strategies to minimise resource use and to reduce toxic material and hazardous chemical use.
- Provide an example to illustrate this concept for the production of the books sold by Grow Management Consultants. Attach your example to your report as appendices, you should complete the life cycle map and life cycle matrix and mitigating strategies. Example actions should be included as below.
- Example sustainability actions to inform the sustainability action plan for the next 12 months. You should identify at least five ideas initially, including identifying priority actions and longer-term
- Recommendations on suitable performance indicators that can be used to measure environmental performance once the policy and procedure is actions
- Options for strategies that could be implemented to ensure that resource efficiency within the business is continually reviewed and improved.
- Proposed scope of the policy, including a list of headings to be included and a brief description of each heading.
- Recommendations for policy options including discussion on likely effectiveness, timeframes and any costs.
- Send an email to Paul (your assessor).
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and ask for the place, time and date of the meeting with stakeholders (your assessor and at least two other students).
The email text should also identify stakeholders who will need to be involved with the policy development as per the scenario information provided.
Your assessor will advise you of the date and time of the meeting.
You should also print enough copies of your briefing report to provide one to every participant at the meeting.
Attach your briefing report to the email
- Participate in a meeting with the stakeholders.
Provide a copy of the briefing report to each person.
Discuss your briefing report with the meeting attendees, clearly explaining the information and your ideas.
At the meeting stakeholders will provide input into the development of the policy and procedures through their comments and ideas. Encourage their participation.
During the meeting, demonstrate effective communication skills including:
- Speaking clearly and concisely
- Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
- Asking questions to identify required information
- Responding to questions as required
- Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding
- Send an email to all stakeholders at the meeting (your assessor).
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should:
- Outline the feedback provided at the meeting that you will take into account in developing the policy and procedures
- Confirms their agreement to the scope of the sustainability policy and procedures, including:
- Required outcomes of the sustainability policy and procedure
- Key Performance Indicators for sustainability actions
- Methods of implementation that will be used to implement the sustainability policy and procedures
- Develop the policy and procedures
Develop the policy and procedures based on your research and proposed outline, as well as the input from the team as confirmed in your email.
Ensure that your policy and procedures make a statement about the organisation’s commitment to sustainability (as set out in the scenario information), as well as how sustainability initiatives will be incorporated into business planning and will also serve as business opportunities.
Use the Policy and Procedures Template to guide your work.
- Develop an action plan for the upcoming 12 months
The final part of the assessment task requires you to develop an action plan to show the actions that will be completed over the upcoming 12 months.
The action plan should show the priorities of actions as well as timelines and responsibilities.
Use the Action Plan Template to guide your work.
- Send an email to the Principal Consultants (your assessor)
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should summarise the contents of the attachments, and seek their approval to move forward with the project.
Attach your policy and procedures and your action plan to the email.
Assessment Task 2 Checklist
Student’s name:
Did the student:
In the briefing report, identify a range of suitable sources of sustainability information that can inform the development of a workplace sustainability policy and procedures?
In the briefing report, identify and report on environmental legislation, regulations and codes of practice relevant to the business?
Provide a life cycle mapping (using the template provided) and identify suitable sustainability strategies?
In the briefing report, discuss strategies for minimising resource use, reducing toxic material and hazardous chemical use based on life cycle mapping?
In the briefing report, recommend a range of policy options including discussion on likely effectiveness, timeframes and any costs?
In the briefing report, provide an outline of the proposed scope of sustainability policy and procedures?
In the email, correctly identify stakeholders who need to participate in the policy development process?
Present briefing report at meeting and seek feedback on proposed sustainability policy and procedures?
During the meeting, demonstrate effective communication skills including:
- Speaking clearly and concisely
- Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
- Asking questions to identify required information
- Responding to questions as required
- Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding
Student’s name: | |||
Did the student: | Completed Successfully | ||
Yes | No | ||
In the briefing report, identify a range of suitable sources of sustainability information that can inform the development of a workplace sustainability policy and procedures? | |||
In the briefing report, identify and report on environmental legislation, regulations and codes of practice relevant to the business? | |||
Provide a life cycle mapping (using the template provided) and identify suitable sustainability strategies? | |||
In the briefing report, discuss strategies for minimising resource use, reducing toxic material and hazardous chemical use based on life cycle mapping? | |||
In the briefing report, recommend a range of policy options including discussion on likely effectiveness, timeframes and any costs? | |||
In the briefing report, provide an outline of the proposed scope of sustainability policy and procedures? | |||
In the email, correctly identify stakeholders who need to participate in the policy development process? | |||
Present briefing report at meeting and seek feedback on proposed sustainability policy and procedures? | |||
During the meeting, demonstrate effective communication skills including:
In an email, confirm and agree on the scope of the sustainability policy and procedures? | |||
Develop and submit a sustainability policy and procedures that reflect the organisation’s commitment to sustainability as an integral part of business planning and as a business opportunity? | |||
Document appropriate methods of implementation, outcomes and performance indicators in an action plan? | |||
In an email, seek agreement for their policy and procedures and action plan? | |||
Task Outcome: | Satisfactory | Not Satisfactory | |
Assessor signature | |||
Assessor name | |||
Date |
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