Think carefully about your workplace or a workplace you are familiar with. Do they review workplace sustainability policy implementation? Briefly describe how they go about doing this/could go about doing this. (If you do not work in an organisation, briefly describe how you could go about doing this).
Policy Statement
A policy statement is often used for marketing the company’s sustainability initiatives. It includes company background information and a declaration of commitment to the selected aspects of sustainability. The policy statement may also include a list of key principles and goals.
Policies come in various forms. Examples of manufacturing company policy texts include Thales’s Health Safety and Environment Policy. Thales is a manufacturer of metal components for the Australian Defence Force.
Following is an extract of Australian Arrow’s Environmental Policy. This company is a designer and manufacturer of electrical distribution systems and electronic products supplying the Australian car industry.
Australian Arrow Environmental Policy
‘Environmental Management is an essential part of our business processes and we are committed to:
- Maintaining our ISO 14001:2004 certification and ensuring compliance to all relevant environmental legislation and business
- Minimize waste and pollution in all our
- Continually improving our Environmental Management System and environmental targets, through regular
- Develop a corporate culture and awareness through continual training and communication that will lead to sustainable business
- Provide environmental leadership for our local industry, community and ’
Anticipate the use of the policy statement
Before you write your own policy, think about how objectives and actions need to be drawn out and interpreted into actual on-the-ground and measurable activities. Bearing this in mind will help you develop a useful and workable policy.
Typically, strategies for implementation are more detailed than the policy statement. Review the examples below to get a brief understanding.
Example of an extract from a policy statement:
‘We are committed to reducing our car use to reduce our contributions to greenhouse gases.’
Example of a corresponding extract from an implementation plan:
‘We are committed to reducing our car use to reduce our contributions to greenhouse gases. Actions to achieve this are:
- car pool
- use public transport
- have bicycles available for staff use
- use video conferencing
- purchase alternative fuel cars for our ‘
Details of who will take responsibility for the actions, how they will be achieved and by when will also be found in the implementation strategy.
Adapted from the NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water, ‘Standards for Sustainability: Manufacturing Knowledge and Skills for Sustainability Resource Manual’. Used with permission.
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