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BUS408 Lynn Social Responsibility of Walmart Around the Globe Paper

Question Description

To fulfill the course requirements of Justice and Civic Life 400-level dialogue course, a research paper along with a presentation will be required.
It is expected of each student to use a minimum of 15 scholarly sources and organize the paper with titles and sub-titles, a cover page, introduction, thesis, body/subtopics, conclusion,and references using the APA style. The instructor’s approval of the topic is required.
The final paper is an expansion,extension,and a refinement of the annotated bibliography which you already submitted. In other words, the annotated bibliography is the foundation of your paper. Your final paper should have an introduction with a thesis, well defined and analyzed subtopics and a conclusion. Make sure you use proper headings.
Paper must be formatted using APA style. Must be at least 15 pages (including cover page and reference page), one-inch margin all around, Times New Roman 12 points, double space. It must have a minimum of 15 sources, the majority of which must be dated within the last three years and come from scholarly sources.


400 Level Grading Rubric: Written Communication v2018

400 Level Grading Rubric: Written Communication v2018
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting strategy appropriate to genrethreshold: 3.83 pts
5.0 ptsConsistently used correct writing strategies specific to genre 4.33 ptsMostly used correct writing strategies specific to genre 3.83 ptsUsed some correct writing strategies specific to genre 3.33 ptsMinimally used correct writing strategies specific to genre 0.0 ptsDid not use correct writing strategies specific to genre
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction and thesis statementthreshold: 7.65 pts
10.0 ptsThoroughly engaging introduction, revealed a clear and substantive thesis 8.65 ptsEngaging introduction, revealed a clear thesis 7.65 ptsIntroduction revealed a thesis lacking in clarity 6.65 ptsIntroduction revealed a general topic but not a thesis 0.0 ptsLittle or no introductory material
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent Area (added by Instructor)threshold: 30.6 pts
40.0 ptsExcellent 34.6 ptsAbove Average 30.6 ptsAverage 26.6 ptsBelow Average 0.0 ptsUnacceptable
40.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganizationthreshold: 7.65 pts
10.0 ptsStructure enhanced the argument, clearly organized paragraphs and seamless transitions 8.65 ptsMostly successful structure, paragraphs, and transitions 7.65 ptsOrganization is inconsistent or uneven 6.65 ptsOrganization is in the way of reading for content 0.0 ptsLack of coherent organization
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence / Supporting ideasthreshold: 11.48 pts
15.0 ptsConsistently developed strong arguments with academically valid evidence 12.98 ptsMostly developed strong arguments with academically valid evidence 11.48 ptsDeveloped some arguments with academically valid evidence 9.98 ptsMinimally developed arguments with academically valid evidence 0.0 ptsDid not develop arguments with academically valid evidence
15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusionthreshold: 3.83 pts
5.0 ptsThoroughly engaging conclusion, fully reviewed thesis and main ideas 4.33 ptsEngaging conclusion, reviewed thesis and main ideas 3.83 ptsConclusion reviewed some main ideas 3.33 ptsConclusion minimally reviewed main ideas 0.0 ptsLittle or no conclusive material
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, spelling, and writing stylethreshold: 7.65 pts
10.0 ptsConsistently used correct grammar, spelling, and writing style. Virtually no errors 8.65 ptsMostly used correct grammar, spelling, and writing style. Some minor errors 7.65 ptsFrequent minor errors of grammar, spelling, or writing style 6.65 ptsSerious errors of grammar, spelling, or writing style 0.0 ptsGrammar or spelling errors get in the way of reading for content
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLayout and documentation (APA, Chicago, etc.)threshold: 3.83 pts
5.0 ptsConsistently used correct layout and documentation. Virtually no errors 4.33 ptsMostly used correct layout and documentation. Some minor errors 3.83 ptsFrequent minor errors of layout or documentation 3.33 ptsSerious errors of layout or documentation 0.0 ptsLittle or no documentation
5.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0

attached is the sources to used and an annotated bibliography

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