Busi 601: Business Environment..
Question Description
Comparison of Canada and another country regarding the various forces shaping the business environment (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, Competitive, Global)
- Introduction (make sure to bring the topic first and then to provide information regarding the structure of your paper, including the limits off what you will cover and what you will not cover in your text)
- Body of the text. clear structure with some headings (in line with what has been presented within the introduction)
- Conclusion (a summary of the main points that you have presented and the takeaway from your paper)
- References list
- Annexes, if needed you can put extra information (Maps, statistics, tables, etc.)
- APA Format, Make sure to follow APA format and use all references properly within the text and no more than 10% of quotation.
- 1500 to 2000 words
- 10 References
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