Business Failure Case Study
Business Failure Case Study
100% of total mark
3,000 words (You may exceed the word limit by 10% without penalty.)
This piece of coursework will require you to research and critically analyse a
failed or failing venture. Choose a medium to large size business that has failed in
the past 10 years or is currently experiencing significant financial problems. It
should be a publicly listed company (so you can access shareholders’ reports)
and covered by reputable sources in the business and news media (e.g. Forbes,
BusinessWeek, BBC). You will use tools and concepts drawn from lecture
material and independent study to identify root causes of failure on multiple
levels and develop a turnaround or exit strategy.
A good assignment will:
• Conduct a multi-level analysis to identify and evaluate the root causes of
failure, and any changing conditions or major decisions that were central to the
failure process
• Present an overview of company performance prior to and after the time
period during which failure occurred
• Understand failure as a process rather than as an event, i.e. illustrate how
failure develops over time
• Offer considered rationale for turnaround or exit strategy recommendations
• Include a balance of analytical and descriptive writing, as well as diagrams
where necessary
• Frame and support analysis and argument with relevant academic literature
• Be clearly structured and written with references in Harvard style format
1. Introduction – Introduce the case with evidence (25%)
2. Identify – Conduct a systematic multi-level root cause analysis (40%)
3. Strategise – Develop and present a turnaround or exit strategy (25%)
4. Conclusion – Summarise and present key takeaways (10%)
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