Business Psychology for Managers
In recent years the economic downturn, recession, the global banking crisis, political and social unrest in some regions have an impact on organisations of all shapes and sizes on a global scale. This has resulted in organisations having to assess their business strategy and to align their human resource strategy to meet these new organisational imperatives in order to survive, let alone grow and prosper.
You have been appointed to the role of Managing Director of an organisation of your choice. Your bank manager is concerned about the future of the organisation and whether the organisation is making best use of business psychology to meet the challenges of an increasingly digital global market. You need to develop a human resource strategy which applies the theory and literature in the following areas of business psychology: learning and development, leadership, motivation and engagement, organisational change, personnel selection, diversity and talent.
The bank manager has asked you to present you proposals on how you will use business psychology to support the globalization and improve profitability of the organisation in the form of short report style business psychology consultancy report. The report must be methodologically robust and it should assess your organisation’s overall strategic capability and make recommendations on the preferred strategic option. The bank have made it quite clear that they want a practical report grounded in theory which is accessible to senior managers in the bank.
Select a company of your choice through the case study approach and undertake the following tasks:
- Identify the personality profiles and leadership development needs of you management team including:
(a.) Assessment of the strengths of their personalities and areas for development using the IPIP-NEO personality questionnaire and any other valid psychometric instrument (250 words)
(b.) Do you have an appropriate spread of personality types across your leadership team? (250 words)
- Using the relevant psychometric questionnaires that instruments you were introduced to in the module critically analyse your team’s leadership styles and compare this to you own leadership style:
(a.) Are your senior leaders participative or authoritian leaders? What are the implications of their leadership style to the success of your organisation? (200 words)
(b.) Do your senior leaders adapt their approach to leading across situations, if so how? If not what how can flexibility in leadership style be introduced? Or (200 words)
(c.) Will their leadership style impact on the ability of you organisation to survive and grow? (200 words)
- Develop a high level project plan with supporting narrative to lead your team through the change. The narrative should include:
(a.) How will engage and motivate your team through the change? (300 words)
(b.) What processes will you use to select any new staff that you need or to assess in more detail the development needs of your staff. Or (300 words)
(c.) The project plan should include a brief section on learning and development setting out how you will coach and develop your top team (300 words)?
All sources must be referenced and Use the Harvard system of referencing and include a bibliography that lists all resources referenced.
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