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Can someone check and correct maybe change some sentences
Do you think that the stigmatization of an illness can change over time?

I strongly believe that the stigmatization of an illness can change over time. One example is the idea of female hysteria. Traced back to Hippocrates (the “founder of medicine”), it was thought that a woman’s uterus would travel throughout her body, causing mood swings and unpredictable behavior (Traniello, n.d.). The medical prefix “hyster-” as in hysterectomy can be traced back to this theory, however it also means “of the womb” in Greek.

While reading “Aids as Human Suffering” by Paul Farmer and Arthur Kleinman, it is evident that America’s perception of AIDS has changed greatly in the past 27 years. Written in 1989, this paper describes the stereotypes AIDS sufferers had to endure. They state, “[AIDS] marks the sick person, encasing the inflicted in an exoskeleton of peculiarly powerful meanings: the terror of a lingering and untimely death, the panic of contagion, the guilt of “self-earned” illness” (Farmer & Kleinman, 1989, p. 137). Currently, there are 1.2 million Americans suffering from HIV (Center for Disease Control [CDC], 2016). Treatment once included having to take three to four pills multiple times a day. Currently, Stribilid is a once a day pill combining 4 anti-retroviral medications. One pill/once a day treatment has greatly increased compliance with medication intake and shortly after FDA approval, HIV-related deaths in America decreased by 50% (Richardson, Grant & Zolopa, 2014). With the increased knowledge we have gained about transmission of HIV over the past three decades, the stigma of this disease has somewhat improved. There are even options to search matches on dating sites by HIV status. In Cuba, for many decades, anyone who was HIV-positive was shipped off to internment camps for quarantine. In 1993, this practice was abolished and people with HIV were allowed to return to their regular lives. This disease has come a far way, however not as far as some other infectious diseases.

The next disease entity I would like to discuss to prove how to stigmatization of disease can change over time is Tuberculosis. The stigma attached to Tuberculosis has diminished to almost zero in the United States over the past 60 years, since the invention of isoniazid in 1952. This however, is not the case for all populations. In “Health-related stigma: Rethinking concepts and interventions,” the authors discuss the stigma still attached to this disease in parts of the world such as Africa and Thailand (Weiss, Ramakrishna & Somma, 2006). Patients are not seeking out proper treatment in directly observed treatment (DOT) facilities as they do not wish to be associated with this disease. This results in poorer treatment and higher mortality rates.

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