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Can someone complete this assignment for me ? IFSM 300 course

Can someone complete this assignment for me ? IFSM 300 course

ISFM-300 Case Study, Stage 2: Business Process Analysis and FunctionalRequirementsBefore you begin this assignment, be sure you:1.Have completed all previously assigned readings, particularly those assigned in Week 2.2.Re-read the “Kelly’s Salon Case Study” and the Stage 1 assignment, and review the“Walmart Example,” beginning with “Background for Stage 2” on page 3.3.Review Instructor feedback from the Stage 1 assignment.4.Carefully review the Example shown following the Assignment instructions below.Overview of Business Process Analysis and Functional Requirements for Kelly’s SalonFor your Case Study Stage 1 assignment, you performed a Five Forces Analysis and justi±ed Kelly’schosenstrategy for competitive advantageand thebusiness processthat she would like toimprove through the application of technology.In the Stage 2 assignment, you will identify theinputs, processing,andoutputsof Kelly’sselectedbusinessprocess.Those inputs, processing, and outputs form the functional (business)requirements for an IT system to improve the process.The ±rst step in identifying the functional or business requirements for an information system is todevelop thehigh level requirementsthat establish the scope of the system.Kelly has selectedthe Customer and Employee Scheduling Process for improvement using an IT solution, and togetheryou have identi±ed the following high level requirements.The system must:Allow employees to enter their availability and desired days/times to workAllow Kelly to review the employee requests and develop a scheduleMake the schedule available to employees to review their ±nal work scheduleMake the employee schedule available for sta² to enter customer appointmentsAllow Kelly and the sta² to enter customer appointmentsKeep track of customer appointments, including stylist and service performedAccommodate changes in the employee schedules and customer appointments, and updatethe schedule accordinglyAccommodate changes in the customer information stored in the systemProvide management reports to Kelly showing employee workload, customers served,customer contact information, busy times/days, etc.For this assignment, you will focus on thecustomer appointmentportion of the overall process.The high level requirements are not detailed enough to be used as the functional or businessrequirements.More detailed requirements are developed using a variety of tools and methods.One such tool is a process model.The process model shows the steps in the customer appointmentprocess.In a process model, rectangles are used to illustrate process steps and diamonds are usedwhere decisions, or choices, are made.You need to be aware that there are other aspects of the11/18/15Purpose of this AssignmentThis assignment demonstrates how business processes are analyzed to developinformation systems functional (business) requirements. This assignment speci±callyaddresses the following course outcome to enable you to:analyze internal and external business processes to identify information systemsrequirements
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process to be considered, as shown in the high level requirements above.The points at whichthese additional steps intersect with the customer appointment process are shown in the processmodel with a circle.Customer Appointment Process Model:The Customer Appointment Process model isseparately provided as an Excel fle, labeled “Stage 2 Customer Appointment Process Model.”Assignment: Kelly’s Salon Stage 2:Using the Customer Appointment Process Model,create a document that includes:I.IntroductionAt the top oF your paper, show the strategy For competitive advantage that Kelly selectedand the business process she has chosen to improve, using the Following Format (noadditional explanation is required):Generic Strategy For Competitive Advantage:xxxxxxx (just name the strategy)Business Process to Be Improved:xxxxxxxxx (just name the process)II.Table of Functional (Business) RequirementsCopy the table below into your paper.Using the Customer Appointment Process Modelprovided complete the table oF requirements For an IT system, Foreach of the numberedprocess steps,that includes:the inputs to the process – include specifc items oF inFormation or data elements (Forexample, customer name) entered into the system as part oF the process stepprocessing or actionsthat the system takes (For example, check calendar to letperson know iF Kelly’s Salon is open at the specifed time)outputs oF the process – include specifc items oF inFormation or data elements (Forexample, appointment date) that the system will display or print out For the user toseeNote:This is not about what the employee or customer is doing butspeci±cally about data into the system (input), the system does somethingwith that data (process) to deliver the end result (output)There are 7 numbered steps in the Appointment Process itselF.In addition, there are twoother processes that are needed (numbered 8 and 9), but are beyond the scope oF theappointment process:a process For entering the time needed and costs For the variousstyling services – here you’re building a database or table For reFerence in Futuretransactions; and the payment process that collects customer payments and updates thedatabase accordingly.±or these two processes, you should also identiFy theinputneededFor the system, what the system is to do with that input (process) and whatoutputthesystem will need to create or display either immediately or later.The responses that you enter into the table For each requirement must be aligned to thespecifc business process to be improved and the data it uses, and it must be appropriate tothe Kelly’s Salon business.Note:Processes are actionsthat the system will take and should include action verbs.Inputs and outputs are not actions, but are data or inFormation.IF you need to use actionwords (verbs) to describe the input or output, they should be kept to a minimum and put inparentheses.7/8/2016 – Rev 1IS±M-300 Case Study, Stage22 |P a g e
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Can someone complete this assignment for me ? IFSM 300 course

ISFM-300 Case Study, Stage 2: Business Process Analysis and FunctionalRequirementsBefore you begin this assignment, be sure you:1.Have completed all previously assigned readings, particularly those assigned in Week 2.2.Re-read the “Kelly’s Salon Case Study” and the Stage 1 assignment, and review the“Walmart Example,” beginning with “Background for Stage 2” on page 3.3.Review Instructor feedback from the Stage 1 assignment.4.Carefully review the Example shown following the Assignment instructions below.Overview of Business Process Analysis and Functional Requirements for Kelly’s SalonFor your Case Study Stage 1 assignment, you performed a Five Forces Analysis and justi±ed Kelly’schosenstrategy for competitive advantageand thebusiness processthat she would like toimprove through the application of technology.In the Stage 2 assignment, you will identify theinputs, processing,andoutputsof Kelly’sselectedbusinessprocess.Those inputs, processing, and outputs form the functional (business)requirements for an IT system to improve the process.The ±rst step in identifying the functional or business requirements for an information system is todevelop thehigh level requirementsthat establish the scope of the system.Kelly has selectedthe Customer and Employee Scheduling Process for improvement using an IT solution, and togetheryou have identi±ed the following high level requirements.The system must:Allow employees to enter their availability and desired days/times to workAllow Kelly to review the employee requests and develop a scheduleMake the schedule available to employees to review their ±nal work scheduleMake the employee schedule available for sta² to enter customer appointmentsAllow Kelly and the sta² to enter customer appointmentsKeep track of customer appointments, including stylist and service performedAccommodate changes in the employee schedules and customer appointments, and updatethe schedule accordinglyAccommodate changes in the customer information stored in the systemProvide management reports to Kelly showing employee workload, customers served,customer contact information, busy times/days, etc.For this assignment, you will focus on thecustomer appointmentportion of the overall process.The high level requirements are not detailed enough to be used as the functional or businessrequirements.More detailed requirements are developed using a variety of tools and methods.One such tool is a process model.The process model shows the steps in the customer appointmentprocess.In a process model, rectangles are used to illustrate process steps and diamonds are usedwhere decisions, or choices, are made.You need to be aware that there are other aspects of the11/18/15Purpose of this AssignmentThis assignment demonstrates how business processes are analyzed to developinformation systems functional (business) requirements. This assignment speci±callyaddresses the following course outcome to enable you to:analyze internal and external business processes to identify information systemsrequirements
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process to be considered, as shown in the high level requirements above.The points at whichthese additional steps intersect with the customer appointment process are shown in the processmodel with a circle.Customer Appointment Process Model:The Customer Appointment Process model isseparately provided as an Excel fle, labeled “Stage 2 Customer Appointment Process Model.”Assignment: Kelly’s Salon Stage 2:Using the Customer Appointment Process Model,create a document that includes:I.IntroductionAt the top oF your paper, show the strategy For competitive advantage that Kelly selectedand the business process she has chosen to improve, using the Following Format (noadditional explanation is required):Generic Strategy For Competitive Advantage:xxxxxxx (just name the strategy)Business Process to Be Improved:xxxxxxxxx (just name the process)II.Table of Functional (Business) RequirementsCopy the table below into your paper.Using the Customer Appointment Process Modelprovided complete the table oF requirements For an IT system, Foreach of the numberedprocess steps,that includes:the inputs to the process – include specifc items oF inFormation or data elements (Forexample, customer name) entered into the system as part oF the process stepprocessing or actionsthat the system takes (For example, check calendar to letperson know iF Kelly’s Salon is open at the specifed time)outputs oF the process – include specifc items oF inFormation or data elements (Forexample, appointment date) that the system will display or print out For the user toseeNote:This is not about what the employee or customer is doing butspeci±cally about data into the system (input), the system does somethingwith that data (process) to deliver the end result (output)There are 7 numbered steps in the Appointment Process itselF.In addition, there are twoother processes that are needed (numbered 8 and 9), but are beyond the scope oF theappointment process:a process For entering the time needed and costs For the variousstyling services – here you’re building a database or table For reFerence in Futuretransactions; and the payment process that collects customer payments and updates thedatabase accordingly.±or these two processes, you should also identiFy theinputneededFor the system, what the system is to do with that input (process) and whatoutputthesystem will need to create or display either immediately or later.The responses that you enter into the table For each requirement must be aligned to thespecifc business process to be improved and the data it uses, and it must be appropriate tothe Kelly’s Salon business.Note:Processes are actionsthat the system will take and should include action verbs.Inputs and outputs are not actions, but are data or inFormation.IF you need to use actionwords (verbs) to describe the input or output, they should be kept to a minimum and put inparentheses.7/8/2016 – Rev 1IS±M-300 Case Study, Stage22 |P a g e
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