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Can someone help with the following Quiz.

Can someone help with the following Quiz.

1. The ________ approach is based on the underlying assumption that all of the biological components of ecological systems evolved together.

a. ecological evolution

b. evolutionary perspective

c. behavioral ecology

d. naturally selective

2. Primate behavior must be viewed as the product of complex interactions between ________ factors.

a. genetic and environmental

b. ancestral and primitive

c. evolutionary and social

d. physical and psychological

3. Primates don’t live in isolation because the costs of ________ are offset by the benefits of predator defense provided by associating with others.

a. competition

b. reproductive exposure

c. social interaction

d. resource sharing

4. Within primate societies, the behaviors which can lead to group disruption and those which promote group cohesion are called ________.

a. aggressive and affiliative

b. learned and instinctual

c. positive and negative

d. primary and secondary

5. Common affiliative behaviors minimize actual violence and defuse potentially dangerous situations by reinforcing bonds and enhancing group ________.

a. reproductive viability

b. population

c. violence

d. stability

6. Altruism refers to behavior that benefits another individual at some potential risk or cost to ________.

a. oneself

b. reproductive success

c. selective pressure

d. the group

7. The goal of ________ is to produce and successfully rear to adulthood as many offspring as possible.

a. reproductive strategies

b. permanent bonding

c. primate research

d. sexual behavior

8. The basic social unit among all primates is ________.

a. a female and her infants

b. a male and a female

c. a male, a female and their offspring

d. a male and multiple females

9. Work has shown that all the great apes have the capacity to ________ to communicate and this implies they are capable of symbolic thought.

a. use signs and symbols

b. make themselves understood with gestures

c. acquire verbal language

d. use verbal language

10. Many of our ________ behaviors are elaborate extensions of those of our hominin ancestors and close primate relatives.

a. modern

b. human

c. evolutionary

d. primitive

11. Most primates practice various ________ behaviors because they have flexible, generalized limb structure.

a. locomotor

b. social

c. omnivorous

d. prehensile

12. The group of characteristics shared by primates has been explained as the result of an adaptation to ________.

a. marine environments

b. ground-dwelling

c. frugivorous diet

d. arboreal living

13. Of the four kinds of teeth for biting, cutting, chewing and grinding found in almost all primates, ________ are not included.

a. incisors

b. molars

c. dentiforms

d. premolars

14. The sexual skin

a. swells and turns bright pink or red during estrus

b. s used by males to attract females

c. is found instead of sexual dimorphism in some primates

d. is found only in New World monkeys

15. Humans, apes, and all Old World monkeys share the same dental formula of ________.





16.The revised classification of great apes and humans is considered more evolutionarily accurate than the traditional classification and shows humans to be ________.

a. separate members of the family Hominidae

b. most closely related to orangutans and gorillas

c. separate members of the family Pongidae

d. part of the family Hominidae

17. The catarrhine nose is found among the

Old World monkeys
New World monkeys
prosimians and tarsiers
a and b

18. Although the category of ________ contains much variation among monkeys, apes and humans, they share certain features that distinguish them as a group.

a. anthropoids

b. tarsiers

c. hominids

d. cephalopods

19. All apes belong to the superfamily:


20. Chimpanzees:

a. live in flexible social groups

b. are knuckle-walkers

are closely related to bonobos
all of the above

21. Apes and humans are classified together as hominoids because they share all the following characteristics except that they ________.

a. show an increased period of infant development and dependency

b. show more complex brain and enhanced cognitive abilities

c. generally demonstrate more complex behavior

d. have tails

22. Humans:

have a long period of infant dependency

exhibit moderate sexual dimorphism
are omnivorous, with meat eating playing a large role
all of the above

23. Humans are the only living representatives of the habitually ________ primates.

a. omnivorous

b. bipedal

c. diurnal

d. nocturnal

24. Underlying the basic reasons for the worldwide depletion of nonhuman primates is the one major factor of ________.

a. unprecedented human population growth

b. live capture for export or local trade

c. habitat destruction

d. human predation

25. The hunting of wild animals for food has quickly shifted from ________ to a commercial enterprise of international scope.

a. a practice of culling out sick and injured animals

b. a necessary practice to reduce overpopulation

c. an academic exercise

d. a subsistence activity

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