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Can someone please help me get this program running. What am I missing?

Can someone please help me get this program running. What am I missing?

import java.util.Scanner;

public class TestUSCrime {

private static long timeStart;

private static long timeEnd;

private static Scanner input;


private static void showMenu() {

System.out.println(“***** Welcome to the US Crime Statistical Application *****\n”);

System.out.println(“Enter the number of the question you want answered. Enter ‘Q’ to quit the program :\n”);

“1. What were the percentages in population growth for each consecutive year from 1994 to 2013?”);

System.out.println(“2. What year was the Murder rate the highest?”);

System.out.println(“3. What year was the Murder rate the lowest?”);

System.out.println(“4. What year was the Robbery rate the highest?”);

System.out.println(“5. What year was the Robbery rate the lowest?”);

System.out.println(“6. What year was the Larceny rate the highest?”);

System.out.println(“7. What year was the Larceny rate the lowest?”);

System.out.println(“8. What year was the Violent Crime rate the highest?”);

System.out.println(“9. What year was the Violent Crime rate the lowest?”);

System.out.println(“10. What year was the Rape rate the highest?”);

System.out.println(“11. What year was the Rape rate the lowest?”);

System.out.println(“12. What year was the Aggravated Assault rate the highest?”);

System.out.println(“13. What year was the Aggravated Assault rate the lowest?”);

System.out.println(“14. What year was the Property Crime rate the highest?”);

System.out.println(“15. What year was the Property Crime rate the lowest?”);

System.out.println(“16. What year was the Motor Vehicle Crime rate the highest?”);

System.out.println(“17. What year was the Motor Vehicle Crime rate the lowest?”);

System.out.println(“Q. Quit the program.”);

System.out.print(“\n Enter your selection: “);


public static void main(String[] args) {

String fileName = “”;

String choice = “”;

input = new Scanner(;

timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis();

if (args.length == 0) {

System.out.println(“No argument provided.”);



fileName = args[0];

Crime objCrime = new Crime(filename);

//Loop – continue running until user quits

while (!choice.equalsIgnoreCase(“Q”)) {


choice = input.nextLine();

if (!choice.equalsIgnoreCase(“Q”)) {

//Population growth

if (choice.equals(“1”))


//Highest Murder rate

else if (choice.equals(“2”))

System.out.println(“\nThe Murder rate was highest in ” + objCrime.HighestMurderRateYear() + “\n”;

//Lowest Murder rate

else if (choice.equals(“3”))

System.out.println(“\nThe Murder rate was lowest in ” + objCrime.LowestMurderRateYear() + “\n”;

//Highest Robbery rate

else if (choice.equals(“4”))

System.out.println(“\nThe Robbery rate was highest in ” + objCrime.HighestRobberyRateYear() + “\n”;

//Lowest Robbery rate

else if (choice.equals(“5”))

System.out.println(“\nThe Robbery rate was lowest in ” + objCrime.LowestRobberyRateYear() + “\n”;

//Highest Larceny rate

else if (choice.equals(“6”))

System.out.println(“\nThe Larceny rate was highest in ” + objCrime.HighestLarcenyRateYear() + “\n”;

//Lowest Larceny rate

else if (choice.equals(“7”))

System.out.println(“\nThe Larceny rate was lowest in ” + objCrime.LowestLarcenyRateYear() + “\n”;

//Highest Violent Crime rate

else if (choice.equals(“8”))

System.out.println(“\nThe Violent Crime rate was highest in ” + objCrime.HighestViolentCrimeRateYear() + “\n”;

//Lowest Violent Crime rate

else if (choice.equals(“9”))

System.out.println(“\nThe Violent Crime rate was lowest in ” + objCrime.LowestViolentCrimeRateYear() + “\n”;

//Highest Rape rate

else if (choice.equals(“10”))

System.out.println(“\nThe Rape rate was highest in ” + objCrime.HighestRapeRateYear() + “\n”;

//Lowest Rape rate

else if (choice.equals(“11”))

System.out.println(“\nThe Rape rate was lowest in ” + objCrime.LowestRapeRateYear() + “\n”;

//Highest Aggravated Assault rate

else if (choice.equals(“12”))

System.out.println(“\nThe Aggravated Assault rate was highest in ” + objCrime.HighestAggravatedAssaultRateYear() + “\n”;

//Lowest Aggravated Assault rate

else if (choice.equals(“13”))

System.out.println(“\nThe Aggravated Assault rate was lowest in ” + objCrime.LowestAggravatedAssaultRateYear() + “\n”;

//Highest Property Crime rate

else if (choice.equals(“14”))

System.out.println(“\nThe Property Crime rate was highest in ” + objCrime.HighestPropertyCrimeRateYear() + “\n”;

//Lowest Property Crime rate

else if (choice.equals(“15”))

System.out.println(“\nThe Property Crime rate was lowest in ” + objCrime.LowestPropertyCrimeRateYear() + “\n”;

//Highest Motor Vehicle Crime rate

else if (choice.equals(“16”))

System.out.println(“\nThe Motor Vehicle Crime rate was highest in ” + objCrime.HighestMotorVehicleCrimeRateYear() + “\n”;

//Lowest Motor Vehicle Crime rate

else if (choice.equals(“17”))

System.out.println(“\nThe Motor Vehicle Crime rate was lowest in ” + objCrime.LowestMotorVehicleCrimeRateYear() + “\n”;

else System.out.println(“\nInvalid Choice. Please choose a valid option.\n”);


else {

timeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();

System.out.println(“\nThank you for using the US Crimes Statistical Application.”);

System.out.println(“\nElapsed time in seconds was: ” + getElapsedTime());




private static long getElapsedTime() {

return (timeEnd – timeStart) / 1000;


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