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Can someone proof read this paper and ensure it is APA Format correct?

Can someone proof read this paper and ensure it is APA Format correct? Please do not edit the citations, Thanks!

Running head:CONCEPT OF PROTECTING PERSONAL INFORMATION1Concept of Protecting Personal InformationIdentity theftAndrew EtanUMUC/IFSM-201Concept of Protecting Personal Information
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CONCEPT OF PROTECTING PERSONAL INFORMATION2Imagine applying for a job, which you know you are well qualified for and it requires a backgroundcheck of your personal information. You are comfortable with the process due to having a clean record. Youreceive a call from the business and you are very excited. As the conversation closes you have been told you areunqualified due to having multiple credit cards that have been defaulted. You are thinking, “I have paid all ofmy finances on time and never used your credit cards for anything but gas and emergencies. You are on yourway to one of your banks and you are running low on gas. You decided to stop and use a new credit card, whichyou are confident that it contains a positive balance. You are finished pumping your gas and head to cashier. Heswipes your card three times and all three times your card is declined. You have an argument with the cashier ashe cuts your card into pieces. You are thinking to yourself “What is happening?” and “Is today my bad luckday”. As this was just a scene that happened in the movie “Identity Theft”, this is so real.Identity TheftIdentity theft is becoming an increasing normal issue in the United Kingdom, as fraudsters findincreasing approaches to get hold of the data that is required to take somebody’s personality.Identity theftincludes the unapproved taking of a persons’ close to personal data; be that as it may, involve the victim of thewrongdoing in the hands of the perpetrator and afterward utilizing this as part of an unapproved way for theirown gain. The thief utilizes stolen data to play out an illegal demonstration whereby the victim could beconfined for doing nothing erroneous [Ide14].SpywareLet’s talk about Spyware! SPYWARE software which is mainly downloaded to your processor machinemainly to hack your data from your processor without your consent or knowing. The data is then sent to remoteplaces. It can be used to collect internet surfing habits as well as individual information of the client. Spywarecan also gain basic data minus your authority chance to perceive and that makes it tremendous security andadditionally assurance damages to one’s data. Spyware can likewise be connected to data fraud sources.(Identity theft, 2014)
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