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Can you please open the attached file and provide me with a solution to this complex tax accounting

Can you please open the attached file and provide me with a solution to this complex tax accounting


David R. and Sheri N. Johnson (ages 45 and 46) are married and live at 641 Cody Way, Casper, WY 82609. David is a consulTng engineer, whileSheri is a paralegal. ±hey fle a joint return and use the cash basis For tax purposes.1.±rained as a mining engineer, David has developed considerable experTse in the treatment and disposiTon oF waste material. He is also well-versed in the ²ederal and state requirements For land reclamaTon projects. David maintains a consulTng pracTce through which he advisesclients on these ma³ers. David’s business acTvity code is 541990. Most oF his clients are small and medium-size mine owner/operators located inWyoming and conTguous states (e.g., Montana, Idaho, Utah). Usually, David is retained by a client on a contract Fee basis and is reimbursed For allout-oF-pocket expenses. In perForming his services, David usually visits the job site and later submits his recommendaTons in a wri³en reportalong with a statement For his services and expenses. David received the Following amounts From his consulTng business in 2015:²ees For services rendered$ 92,800Expense reimbursements:AirFare$8,200Meals6,100Lodging5,200±ransportaTon (taxis, airport limos, car rentals)920Subtotal For expense reimbursement20,420±otal received$113,2202.±he Following Fees For rendered services are not included in the receipts listed in item 1 above:Echo Mining:Payment received January 2016; work done December 2015$5,100Sesa Mining:Payment received January 2015; work done December 20144,400Cormorant Mining:No payment received; work done March 20153,700
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