Case Analysis- Deere & Co
I Have a need for a scholarly research paper to be written. The objective is to research and write a paper analyzing and evaluation of Deere & Co.
I have trouble writing so help will be appreciated!
The requirements are your written critical analysis of the company should cover the following. It is essential early on in your paper that you provide a sharply focused diagnosis of strategic issues and key problems and that you demonstrate a good grasp of the company’s present situation. Using the concepts and tools from the chapters as diagnostic aids, make sure you can identify the firm’s strategy and that you can pinpoint whatever strategy implementation issues may exist. Consider beginning your paper with an overview of the company’s situation, its strategy, and the significant problems and issues that confront management. State problems/issues as clearly and precisely as you can. Check out the firm’s financial ratios, its profit margins and rates of return, and its capital structure, and decide how strong the firm is financially. Use it to assist in your financial diagnosis. Similarly, look at marketing, production, managerial competence, and other factors underlying the organization’s strategic successes and failures. Check to see if the firm’s strategy is producing satisfactory results and determine the reasons why or why not. Probe the nature and strength of the competitive forces confronting the company. Decide whether and why the firm’s competitive position is getting stronger or weaker. The final section of the written case analysis should consist of a set of definite recommendations and a plan of action. Your set of recommendations should address all of the problems/issues you identified and analyzed. State how your recommendations will solve the problems you identified. Be sure the company is financially able to carry out what you recommend. Avoid such unhelpful statements as “the organization should do more planning” or “the company should be more aggressive in marketing its product.” For instance, if you determine that “the firm should improve its market position,” then you need to set forth exactly how you think this should be done. Offer a definite agenda for action, stipulating a timetable and sequence for initiating actions, indicating priorities, and suggesting who should be responsible for doing what. The final paper, excluding the cover page, abstract, appendix and references should be at least 10 pages in length, double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font and APA format.
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