need the answer for this lab. ECET 230 WK 5 ILAB

 need the answer for this lab. ECET 230 WK 5 ILAB

Laboratory Report Cover SheetDeVry UniversityCollege of Engineering and Information SciencesCourse Number:ECET230Professor:Laboratory Number:Laboratory Title:Design of a Simple State MachineNote that this is a formal lab and needs to be submitted as an individual separate document.Questions:The following questions are to be included in your formal report.1.In Figure 5.3, what is the purpose for the arrows going from S1 to S0 and from S4 to S3?Why are these needed?2.What are the advantages of using state variables instead of a series of IF…THEN…ELSEstatements?3.Give an example of a finite state machine that can be easily development using statediagrams and state variables?4.Do some research and determine when the state variable method of design was developed.Be sure to properly cite your sources.The grading rubric for this lab is below.DeliverablePointsAvailableFormal Lab Content35Working Circuit(s)/Program(s)25Questions10Total Points70Course Number: ECET-230Laboratory Number: 5Page 1 of 1
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I uploaded the question before because I needed help. However, didn’t label it as advanced.

I uploaded the question before because I needed help. However, didn’t label it as advanced.

So, I’m

requesting assistance with this work.

A Step by step breakdown and analysis would be very much appreciated.

ECET-350EXPERIMENT #6NAME:__________________________________________IIR Filter DesignObjectve:To learn abou± how ±o design IIR fl±ers using Ma±lab’s bilinear ±ransForm command.IntroducTonAn IIR fl±er is comple±ely specifed by i±s di²erence equaton or ±ransFer FunctonAs given in general Forms in ±he Followingy(n)=box(n)+b1x(n1)++bMx(nM)a1y(n1)aNy(nN)Wherebo,b1,…,bManda1,a2,…,aNare coe³cien±s oF ±he sys±em;nis ±hediscre±e-tme index. A digi±al fl±er can also be represen±ed by i±s ±ransFer Functon by ±aking±he z-±ransForm oF ±he di²erence equaton asH(z)=Y(z)X(z)=bo+b1z1++bMzM1+a1z1++aNzN.The IIR fl±er ou±pu±y(n)depends no± only on ±he curren± inpu±x(n)and pas±inpu±sx(n1),x(n2),…bu± also on ±he pas± ou±pu±sy(n1), y(n2),…(Feedback or recursive ±erms). The ±ransFer Functon oF IIR fl±ers is a ratonal Functon oFz(i.e., numera±or polynomial on denomina±or polynomial inz. Consequen±ly ±hefl±er impulse response has an infni±e number oF ±erms.The roo±s oF ±he denomina±or polynomial ob±ained by solving charac±eristc equaton1+a1z1++aNzN=0are called poles and mus± be inside ±he uni± circle in z-plane ±oensure ±he fl±er s±abili±y.IIR fl±ers o²er a much smaller fl±er size. Hence, ±he fl±er operaton as coded on ±he digi±alcompu±ers or DSP chips requires a small number oF compu±atons. On ±he o±her side, ±helinear phase response is hard ±o achieve. When linear phase is no± necessary, IIR fl±ers arepreFerred due ±o simpler compu±aton and Fas±er response as compared ±o an ´IR fl±er wi±ha large number oF coe³cien±s or ±aps.
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submit a research about following parts as an annotated bibiliagraphy

submit a research about following parts as an annotated bibiliagraphy

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1. Loop Analysis Method /> 2. Superposition Theorem 3. Thevenin Theorem

1. Loop Analysis Method


2. Superposition Theorem

3. Thevenin Theorem

Weekly iLabiLab: Verification of Network Theorems by simulationLab Exercise: This will be simulaton lab using MultSim ±o unders±and ±he diferen± ne±work ±heorems.Scenario/Summary:At least two of thefollowing simulations must be attempted by the student.Verify Loop Analysis Method by MultiSim simulationVerify Superpposition Theorem Method by MultiSim simulationVerify Thevinin’s Theorem Method by MultiSim simulationThe circuits must be containing resistors and one or two reactive components. Actual circuitdescriptions are left to the discretion of the instructor.This week’s lab is only simulation using MultiSim to understand the diferent network theorems. Youshould selectat least two theoremsFrom the ones listed below to veriFy using MultiSim. The circuitsI would like you to work on are selected From the textbook (e-book) and indicated below For eachtheorem. Make sure you use the Multisim tools that I have showed during my online o±ce hour.1. Loop Analysis Method ( ²g 17.61 on page 775 )2. Superposition Theorem ( ²g 18.105 on page 822 )3. Thevenin Theorem (²g 18.117 on page 825)dda81090eca77646deF34F7678a330936d07798c.docxPage 1
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