Explain What kind of relationship you see between step and impulse responses for RC and RL circuits.

Explain What kind of relationship you see between step and impulse

responses for RC and RL circuits. First think about the relationship between the impulse function and unit step function. Do you see any relationship? What is it?

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Let’s say you have f(t) in time domain and its Laplace transform is called F(s).

Let’s say you have f(t) in time domain and its Laplace transform is called


Then you have another function let’s call it g(t) which happens to be derivative of f(t), then what is the relationship between G(s) and F(s)? Any chance I can get help understanding this?

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Let’s say you have f(t) in time domain and its Laplace transform is called F(s).

Let’s say you have f(t) in time domain and its Laplace transform is called


Then you have another function let’s call it g(t) which happens to be derivative of f(t), then what is the relationship between G(s) and F(s)?

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If 40 pA was an actual current that were carried by the DNA due to light excited chromophores,

If 40 pA was an actual current that were carried by the DNA due to light excited chromophores, how much charge is

generated by chromophores in one minute?

Laboratory Report Cover SheetDeVry UniversityCollege of Engineering and Information SciencesCourse Number:ECET301Professor:Laboratory Number:Laboratory Title:Understanding the Conservation of Electrical Energy and ChargeSubmittal Date:Write a brief technical lab report summarizing the technical facts learned from this lab. Thereport should be organized to provide the following:1.Section 1—Introduction:An introductory/summary paragraph describing the typeof conservation principle being analyzed and the key elements that will be discussedrelating to this principle.2.Section 2—Lab Results:Includes any diagrams, models, simulations, datasummaries, and answers to lab questions.Model:The documented model using the standard problem-solving methodology insection 1.8 of your text.Recommend the use of Visio or MS Word drawingtools to create system illustration(s).Data Output/Plots:Matlab plot with script to generate and/or any required simulation output andassociated diagram. Use screenshots where appropriate.Answers to lab questions3.Section 3—Discussion:A section describing the most important characteristicsshown, or demonstrate via the modeled and collected data. Also include a practicalexample of how the information learned in this assignment might help you in a jobsetting in the real world.4.Section 4—Concluding Remarks:A summary statement listing the most positiveaspects of the assignment and any difficulties encountered.ECET-301DeVry UniversityPage 1 of 1
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