john and Martha file a joint return. in 2012 they had the following items

john and Martha file a joint return. in 2012 they had the following items

salary 92,000

loss of

108,000 on the sale of 1244 stock acquired 2 years ago

interest income of 4,000

determine john and Martha’s AGI for 2012





none of the above

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ACCT346 Week 4 Homework AssignmentThe Van Halen Company manufactures and sells guitar tuners. The data table below provides selectedcompany informa±on for Van Halen’s opera±on over the past year:Units sold during year30,000Units produced during year45,000Units in ending inventory15,000Variable manufacturing (product) cost per unit$ 4.50Fixed manufacturing overhead cost (annual total)$ 20,250Selling price per unit$ 12.00Variable selling and administra±ve expense per unit$ 1.00Fixed selling and administra±ve expenses (annual total)$ 4,000Note there were no units si²ng in the company’s beginning inventory for the year. Using the informa±onin the company’s data table above, please answer the following four mul±-part ques±ons by inser±ngyour answers directly into each of the empty “answer boxes” provided. The mul±ple answer boxes foreach ques±on have purposely been listed in a logical, step-by-step sequence to smoothly walk youthrough the required calcula±ons and solu±on to each problem. Ques±ons #1 and #2 require you to usethe given company data from the above table to produce afull (absorpton) costng income sTaTemenTand then calculate the corresponding value of theending invenTory applying full (absorpton) costng.Ques±ons #3 and #4 are similar to Ques±ons #1 and #2, respec±vely, except these will instead requireyou to produce avariable costng (conTributon margin) income sTaTemenTand then calculate thecorresponding value of theending invenTory applying variable costng.To assist you in comple±ng all por±ons of these four mul±-part ques±ons, note that beside each emptyanswer box is a brief hint (if needed) indica±ng how you can quickly arrive at the answer to enter intoeach box. In some cases, these hints will simply refer you back to a piece of informa±on obtained directlyfrom the table of company data given above. In other cases, you may need to calculate an answerthrough addi±on, subtrac±on, mul±plica±on, or division of previously completed values in earlier answerboxes. It’s also possible that an entry to a speciFc answer box will just need to be copied from apreviously calculated value. It’s up to you to understand each of the pieces of data, work through thecalcula±on process, and insert the appropriate answers into each answer box.
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