As you know, firms spend a lot of money in acquiring assets like computers, fixtures, etc., that must be depreciated

As you know, firms spend a lot of money in acquiring assets like computers, fixtures, etc., that must be

depreciated. So, explain why firms depreciate assets and does it really represent the true value of the assets in question.

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Briefly explain how R&D is reported in the financial statements.

Briefly explain how R&D is reported in the financial statements.

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Can you please open the attached file and provide me with a solution to this complex tax accounting

Can you please open the attached file and provide me with a solution to this complex tax accounting


David R. and Sheri N. Johnson (ages 45 and 46) are married and live at 641 Cody Way, Casper, WY 82609. David is a consulTng engineer, whileSheri is a paralegal. ±hey fle a joint return and use the cash basis For tax purposes.1.±rained as a mining engineer, David has developed considerable experTse in the treatment and disposiTon oF waste material. He is also well-versed in the ²ederal and state requirements For land reclamaTon projects. David maintains a consulTng pracTce through which he advisesclients on these ma³ers. David’s business acTvity code is 541990. Most oF his clients are small and medium-size mine owner/operators located inWyoming and conTguous states (e.g., Montana, Idaho, Utah). Usually, David is retained by a client on a contract Fee basis and is reimbursed For allout-oF-pocket expenses. In perForming his services, David usually visits the job site and later submits his recommendaTons in a wri³en reportalong with a statement For his services and expenses. David received the Following amounts From his consulTng business in 2015:²ees For services rendered$ 92,800Expense reimbursements:AirFare$8,200Meals6,100Lodging5,200±ransportaTon (taxis, airport limos, car rentals)920Subtotal For expense reimbursement20,420±otal received$113,2202.±he Following Fees For rendered services are not included in the receipts listed in item 1 above:Echo Mining:Payment received January 2016; work done December 2015$5,100Sesa Mining:Payment received January 2015; work done December 20144,400Cormorant Mining:No payment received; work done March 20153,700
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Bonds can be used to build major facilities such as; hospitals, churches, business complexes, and universities.

Bonds can be used to build major facilities such as; hospitals, churches, business complexes, and universities.

The issuing company becomes the debtor and those receiving these bonds are called the creditors. When companies issue bonds, normally they have a par or face value assigned to the bond.

What happens when the market value of the bond exceeds its face value? What happens when the market value is less than the face value? What happens when the market and face value is the same?

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