Research studies have found that children who are forced to cope with ongoing stress for example, (poverty or large family size) are A. more likely to develop serious psychiatric problems than children with none of these stresses B. able to cope much better when provided with a consistent daily routine C. more likely to develop intense, destructive friendships than other children D. less likely to be accepted by their peer group
/in Feeds /by adminResearch studies have found that children who are forced to cope with ongoing stress for example, (poverty or large family size) are
A. more likely to develop serious psychiatric problems than children with none of these stresses
B. able to cope much better when provided with a consistent daily routine
C. more likely to develop intense, destructive friendships than other children
D. less likely to be accepted by their peer group
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Research studies have found that children who are forced to cope with ongoing stress for example, (poverty or large family size) are A. more likely to develop serious psychiatric problems than children with none of these stresses B. able to cope much better when provided with a consistent daily routine C. more likely to develop intense, destructive friendships than other children D. less likely to be accepted by their peer group
/in Feeds /by adminResearch studies have found that children who are forced to cope with ongoing stress for example, (poverty or large family size) are
A. more likely to develop serious psychiatric problems than children with none of these stresses
B. able to cope much better when provided with a consistent daily routine
C. more likely to develop intense, destructive friendships than other children
D. less likely to be accepted by their peer group
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According to Freud, the period between ages 7 and 11 when a childs sexual drives are relatively quiet is the A. phallic stage B. genital stage C. period of latency D. period of industry versus inferiority
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