BUS505 UNE Eight Myths In Relation To Creativity And Innovation

Question Description

Overview: You will select an article on creativity/innovation that expresses a point of view. (the myths of creativity articles in this week’s unit are examples). You will ultimately write a 4 page paper on the article that incorporates the double loop analysis. We would expect your paper to have an introduction, information on the article, your point of view, back up for your point of view, the opposing point of view with back up, and ultimately a conclusion.
Part 1 – to make sure you are on the right track we ask that in week 2 you submit a one page paper that describes the article and explains what point of view you will be taking and why. Please see the rubric for specific requirements for this paper. Keep in mind that a page of text for an assignment does not include the cover page or the reference page. Rubric is in Unit 2. This part was already turned in and will be back to you soon.
Part 2 – Once you finish the 1 page summary and feel confident you can continue on to complete the 4 page paper. The summary can be a part of the paper, but be sure to incorporate any comments from your professor. Again, please see the rubric for specific requirements for the paper.
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BUSS2066 History Trust of South Australia Creativity and Innovation Report

You must use this template to prepare your individual report for this course.

  • do not change the page size (A3), or page orientation (landscape), or the 12.7mm margins, and 3 columns with 10 mm spacing
  • use either 10 point Arial, or 11 point Calibri typeface/font, normal (not condensed or narrow), 1.15 spaced, 10 point space after each paragraph. Headings may be larger.
  • all content is to fit on two pages – including references
  • your report must be easily legible when printed in black on white. You may include images, but avoid reverse type and dark background colours

Your report is to be submitted as a single Word document, with no attachments
The reason for keeping to this format is that it makes the peer review process easier to carry out if the layout and the presentation are standardised.
RETAIN THE HEADINGS and subheadings and enter your responses under appropriate headings as indicated.
Before submission, make sure that you delete these explanatory notes, and all of the text that is highlighted in yellow.
Your challenge is to make sure that your entire assignment, including references, fits onto two pages. If your assignment does not meet these specifications, it will not be marked.
Enter the details in the header of this document. Make sure that your Team number appears clearly!
RENAME THE FILE: Before submission, include your team number in the file name.
This is not just an introduction. It is a concise summary of your document that gives a short overview of the context and clearly identifies what you regard as the important aspects. It should give the reader a reasonable understanding of what is in the whole document.
In particular, include a summary of the key aspects of innovation capability and entrepreneurial orientation that you have selected for discussion, and briefly describe the overall outcomes/benefits for the business.
Describe the business that the organisation is in, and what it wants to achieve
The business environment
Include here a discussion of important and relevant aspects of the external business environment that provides either opportunities or constraints for the organisation to achieve its purpose. This might include a review of relevant factors such as demographic change, legislation, trends in social attitudes, economic trends, technology and ecological trends.
Customer analysis
Who are the customers or clients of this organisation (how would you describe them)?  What appear to be their needs and preferences? What do you think might be their behaviours in terms of finding out about the product or service, and then buying it?
Competitive environment
What is the competitive environment?  How does this business appeared to be positioned in relation to its key competitors? Are there any significant trends in the competitive environment that need to be considered in this report?
The key challenge facing any organisation is to identify way(s) in which the organisation can improve its ability to support innovation across all aspects of its business, as well as improve its ability to be enterprising, with the aim of improving its competitiveness and overall performance/profitability.
Use the survey questionnaire as a guide to identify innovation capabilities, and dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation for the business, that you think could be improved, and that would help it to meet its objectives. Refer to the course website materials.
Pick what you think is the ONE (OR TWO) most important or relevant innovation capability that you think requires attention, and summarise it in this section, together with the reasons why you picked this area.
Also, pick what you think is the ONE (OR TWO) most important or relevant dimension of entrepreneurial orientation that you think requires attention, and summarise it in this section, together with the reasons why you picked this dimension.
Important note: you can choose the number of dimensions of innovation capability and entrepreneurial orientation you discuss, with a minimum of one aspect for each of IC and EO, and a maximum of two for IC and EO.
BUILDING THE ABILITY TO INNOVATE: (and here insert the name of the innovation capability that you are addressing)
Recommended activities and action plan:
Draw on the frameworks and approaches developed in this course to support your recommendations regarding the ways that the organisation might build its innovation capability and improve its performance by focusing on this particular capability. Use the detailed results in the benchmark report as a guide to the specific activities that you might include in your recommendations.
You will need to draw on the Innovator Mindset materials to propose way(s) in which the organisation can equip its staff to become personally more innovative.
Explain how your recommended activities might be applied in the organisation (who would do what with what sequence and timing of steps; this would be a plan of action that may run over a year). Include enough detail so that the reader can readily understand how to put into practice the approach that you describe). It is important to relate the application to the relevant theory.
Expected outcomes:
Describe the expected outcomes (and the timeframe) of the approach you have suggested for developing this innovation capability. Again, relate this to the theory.
Explain how you would measure the outcomes, ie the performance indicators that you would use. Use the survey questionnaire as a guide to selecting what you think might be the most useful or appropriate performance indicator.
Note: if you decide to address two aspects of innovation capability, then you repeat the above layout for that second aspect.
BUILDING THE ABILITY TO BE ENTERPRISING: (and here insert the name of the entrepreneurial orientation dimension that you are addressing)
Recommended activities and action plan:
Draw on the frameworks and approaches developed in this course to support your recommendations regarding the ways that the organisation might build its entrepreneurial orientation and improve its performance by focusing on this particular capability. Use the detailed results in the benchmark report as a guide to the specific activities that you might include in your recommendations.
Explain how your recommended activities might be applied in the organisation (who would do what with what sequence and timing of steps; this would be a plan of action that may run over a year). Include enough detail so that the reader can readily understand how to put into practice the approach that you describe). It is important to relate the application to the relevant theory.
Expected outcomes:
Describe the expected outcomes (and the timeframe) of the approach you have suggested for developing this aspect of entrepreneurial orientation. Again, relate this to the theory.
Explain how you would measure the outcomes, ie the performance indicators that you would use. Use the survey questionnaire as a guide to selecting what you think might be the most useful or appropriate performance indicator.
Note: if you decide to address two aspects of entrepreneurial orientation, then you repeat the above layout for that second aspect.
Here include a concise summary of the challenge and recommendations.
Include here only relevant references. Use in-text citations and the Harvard-UniSA referencing style.
Note that all references must fit into the two pages of the report, using the same type size and style.

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Oman Airports Company Organizational Creativity and Innovation Paper

Oman Airports Company Organizational Creativity and Innovation Paper

Question Description

In this unit we consider many alternative approaches and perspectives on how organisational creativity and innovation might be promoted or blocked in practice across multiple levels: individual, group and organisation.Assignment 2 is specifically concerned with the development and sustainability of an organisational culture to promote and support creativity and innovation across the group and organisational levels of analysis.

  • You are required to critically evaluate group and organisational level support for creativity and innovation in the context of your workplace, firstly through application of climate models and secondly through a consideration of the role of creative leadership and creative Human Resource Management and Development in promoting creative and innovative behaviour, which is qualitatively difference to productivity and performance.
  • You will then need to demonstrate a systematic understanding and critical appreciation of the process of creativity and innovation drawing on contemporary theories to support your evaluation and synthesis.
  • You will develop a plan to promote creativity and innovation in the context of your work organisation supported by contemporary quality academic perspectives.You will need to include an in-depth literature review critically evaluating alternative contemporary perspectives in order to draw meaningful conclusions and develop feasible recommendations.
  • You will present your analysis and plan in report format of approximately 1500 words excluding references and appendices.

Note: organization name :Oman airports company

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Creativity, Leadership, and Innovation, management

Note: For the sake of clarity, be mindful during this Individual Reflection to focus on a leader that you admire who inspires innovation and not a leader who is innovative in terms of leadership style and characteristics.
For this Individual Reflection, describe a person who successfully brought together leadership, foresight, creativity, and innovation. This person should be someone with whom you have worked or who has inspired you in your professional career or personal life. (Note: You do not need to identify the individual by name, if he or she is someone you personally know). Be sure to include the following:

  • Part 1: Provide an opening section where you provide your assessment of the characteristics of this innovation leader that you currently do not possess or demonstrate that you would like to develop. Your own characteristics are the baseline in the analysis, and the innovation leader you identified is the model. If you are not currently in a leadership role, envision how you might develop these characteristics in a future position. Be sure to consider the following factors and questions:
    • Explain how this innovation leader supported a creative environment, and how they catalyzed, implemented, and promoted innovation in the organization.
    • Describe the leadership skills he or she used to foster creativity in successful ways.
    • How does the leader engage stakeholders (vendors, executives, board members, employees) in the innovative or creative process? For example, how does the leader conduct a stakeholder analysis?
  • Provide an inventory of leadership characteristics exhibited by this leader using the Leader Characteristic Inventory Handout document in this week’s Resources.
  • Part 2: Provide a self-assessment on the extent to which you have (or need to cultivate to be successful) the dimensions of leadership that foster creativity. For each of the following dimensions of leadership, assess how you currently display (or would display) the dimensions in your work and professional life. Provide a brief explanation of your self-assessment for each of the dimensions listed below. (Refer to “The Innovator’s DNA” for more details about each of these innovator dimensions):
    • Associating
    • Questioning
    • Experimenting
    • Observing
    • Networking
    • Cultivating New Thinking
    • Comfort with Change
    • Risk tolerance
    • Collaboration
  • Part 3:Aggregate your findings and provide a summary of the main lessons you have learned about yourself as a leader (present or aspiring) and what you may need to work on to achieve your identified dimensions. How important do you think it is that leaders possess these dimensions and which do you think are the most important to your future? Provide your rationale or examples to justify your answer.

By Day 7
Submit a paper that addresses the four areas listed above. Include your Innovation Leader Characteristic Inventory within the body or your paper or as an Appendix, depending on what makes better sense for the way you organize your assignment.
Guidance on Assignment Length: Your Week 7 assignment should be 6–10 pages (3–5 pages if single spaced), excluding a title page and references.

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