Creativity and Innovation

Question Description

Creativity and Innovation
Educators strive to create a classroom that instills creativity and innovation. In this discussion, you will think about the creative and innovative instructional approach known as the the flipped classroom while making direct connections to the Common Core State Standards and teacher decision making based on student assessments. Reflecting on your previous discussion on CCSS in Week Two as well as your previous discussions from EDU671: Fundamentals of Educational Research about the flipped classroom, you will complete the three parts of this discussion’s initial post.
There are three parts to this discussion, which are described below.
Part 1

  • Discuss how the flipped classroom idea can be used in conjunction with CCSS (Math or English Language Arts)
  • Describe ways you could incorporate technology used in the flipped classroom idea to support the Framework for 21st century learning in the classroom as it relates to decision making based on student assessments.

Part 2
Now, think about assessments you have created or used in the past to address the following:

  • Discuss if a school or teacher should use a multimedia resource that is absolutely amazing in delivering both content and assessment, but is not accessible.
  • Evaluate whether the resource must be excluded from a course if there are no reasonably equivalent accessible alternatives.

Part 3

Guided Response: Respond to at least two peers. Your replies should include a question about the incorporation of CCSS and the Framework for 21st Century learning in your peers’ posts and should offer an additional resource for consideration that supports an alternative viewpoint. Though two replies is the basic expectation, for deeper engagement and learning, you are encouraged to provide responses to any comments or questions others have given to you, including the instructor. Responding to the replies given to you will further the conversation and provide additional opportunities for you to demonstrate your content expertise, critical thinking, and real world experiences with this topic.

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Explain the Marketing Function

Question Description

In this assignment, develop a brief presentation to be given to new employees in your organization.
The objective is to explain the marketing function to them.
Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as “speaker notes” for each slide.
The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists. In addition to the required readings support your presentation with at least two (2) additional scholarly resources.
In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.
Length: 10-12 slides (not including the title and separate reference slide)
Notes Length: 150-200 words for each slide
Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style.
Save the file as PPT with the correct course code information.
Your response should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards
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Mobilising Creativity and Innovation: SHR044-6 (Europe and Oman)

Coursework Information Sheet
To be supplied to students when they receive the coursework assignment task.

Unit Co-ordinator: Dr Pauline Loewenberger
Unit Name: Mobilising Creativity and Innovation
Unit Code: SHR044-6 (Europe and Oman)
Title of Coursework: Assignment 2
% weighting of final unit grade: 60%

Feedback details
The university policy is that you will receive prompt feedback on your work within 20 working days of the submission date.  Exceptionally where this is not achievable (for example due to staff sickness) you will be notified as soon as possible of the revised date and the reasons behind the change.

Submission Deadline:  2nd January 2019
Feedback Date              23rd January 2019
Details of how to access the feedback:  Breo


  • A Discussion Forum will be made available for questions and answers.


  • Your work must be submitted to Breo in the usual way in good time for the deadline stated above. You will be allowed one single submission.

In this unit we consider many alternative approaches and perspectives on how organisational creativity and innovation might be promoted or blocked in practice across multiple levels: individual, group and organisation.  Assignment 2 is specifically concerned with the development and sustainability of an organisational culture to promote and support creativity and innovation across the group and organisational levels of analysis.

  1. You are required to critically evaluate group and organisational level support for creativity and innovation in the context of your workplace, firstly through application of climate models and secondly through a consideration of the role of creative leadership and creative Human Resource Management and Development in promoting creative and innovative behaviour, which is qualitatively difference to productivity and performance.


  1. You will then need to demonstrate a systematic understanding and critical appreciation of the process of creativity and innovation drawing on contemporary theories to support your evaluation and synthesis.


  1. You will develop a plan to promote creativity and innovation in the context of your work organisation supported by contemporary quality academic perspectives. You will need to include an in-depth literature review critically evaluating alternative contemporary perspectives in order to draw meaningful conclusions and develop feasible recommendations.
  2. You will present your analysis and plan in report format of approximately 1500 words excluding references and appendices.
  3. In the unlikely event that your work organisation prevents adequate analysis the UK Tutor can agree an alternative.

You are not permitted to use a case study of your own choice unless approved in advance by the UK tutor.  Use of an unapproved alternative case study will result in failure of the assignment.
A random sample of students will be invited to a viva voce to support authenticity
You will need to demonstrate achievement of the Learning Outcomes for this unit.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this unit you should be able to:

  • Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
  • Demonstrate a systematic understanding and critical appreciation of theories and models of creativity, innovation and change management in the context of contemporary organisations.
  • Demonstrate the following skills and abilities
  • Synthesise individual and organisational theoretical perspectives to systematically promote the potential for creativity, innovation and change in practice.

To pass on this assessment, as an absolute minimum (40%) your work will need to meet the following threshold standards.  

Threshold expectations

In order to pass Assessment 1 you will need to:

  • Demonstrate an adequate critical knowledge and understanding of challenges and opportunities in promoting organisational creativity and innovation.
  • Synthesise adequate alternative perspectives of influential contemporary theorists, contributors and models.

In order to pass Assessment 2 you will need to:

  • Demonstrate adequate knowledge, skills, abilities and approaches necessary to effectively orchestrate organisational systems to promote and sustain creativity, innovation and manage change.
  • Synthesise adequate capability across multiple levels to add value and optimise creativity, innovation and organisational performance.

For the requirements to achieve a higher mark please refer to the assessment evaluation criteria specified in the rubric on the final page.

Criteria Excellent (70% and above) Commendable (60-69%) Good (50-59%) Satisfactory (40-49%) Marginal Fail (35-39%) Fail (1-34%)
Application of theory Draws on major theoretical contributors introduced in the unit and with substantial evidence of independent reading.  Review the role of creativity in organisational development and demonstrate a capacity to balance innovation with other essential requirements Draws on most theoretical contributors introduced and with evidence of independent reading.  Review the role of creativity in organisational development and demonstrate a capacity to balance innovation with other essential requirements Draws on a good range of   theoretical contributors introduced but with limited evidence of wider reading. Demonstrates adequate application of appropriate theory (ies) drawing on published sources introduced.   Reviews the role of creativity in organisational development and demonstrate a capacity to balance innovation with other essential requirements Weak application of appropriate theories and models. Fails to demonstrate detailed understanding. Very little use of published sources. Limited evidence of understanding key issues and concepts. Very little or no attempt to use published sources.  No evidence of understanding key issues and concepts.
Case Study: Evaluation of Organisational Barriers
In-depth analysis is logical and coherent in critically evaluating implications for the workplace.  Demonstrate an excellent understanding and critical appreciation of the systematic process supporting creativity and innovation. Analysis is logical and coherent in critically evaluating implications for the workplace.  Demonstrates a very good understanding and critical appreciation of the systematic process supporting creativity and innovation. Analysis is limited but coherent and supported by evidence.  Demonstrates reasonable understanding and critical appreciation of the systematic process supporting creativity and innovation. Overly descriptive at the expense of analysis. Analyse to an appropriate level stimulants and obstacles to organisational creativity and innovation.  Demonstrates a satisfactory appreciation of the significance of the systematic process of supporting creativity and innovation. A random collection of statements with little attempt to use evidence to support the arguments. .  Demonstrates limited appreciation of the significance of the systematic process of supporting creativity and innovation. A random collection of statements with no attempt to use evidence to support the arguments. .  Demonstrates no real appreciation of the significance of the systematic process of supporting creativity and innovation.
Conclusions Conclusions are valid and clearly derived from in-depth analysis through application of major theoretical contributors and experiential learning.  Entirely convincing. Conclusions are clearly derived from in-depth analysis through application of most major theoretical contributors and experiential learning.   Largely convincing Conclusions are mainly derived from analysis through application of theoretical contributors and experiential learning.   Limited and not entirely convincing. Conclusions are satisfactory but limited and not clearly derived from analysis through application of theoretical contributors and experiential learning.  Validity of conclusions is unconvincing. Conclusions do not follow from the evidence and argument presented. A random collection of statements based on the students own point of view with little or no attempt to draw analysis to conclusions.
Recommendations Evaluates existing practices and explores the implications for creative leadership and organisational development, and outlines innovative recommendations for improvement. Clear and appropriate recommendations. Professional applicability. Evaluates existing practices and explores the implications for creative leadership and organisational development, and outlines innovative recommendations for improvement. Clear and appropriate recommendations. Less comprehensive than for an A grade. Evaluates existing practices and explores some implications for creative leadership and organisational development, and outlines recommendations for improvement. Recommendations are reasonably clear and mostly realistic Some implications are explored. Recommendations are vague. Doubtful feasibility Recommendations are unclear or unrealistic No attempt to identify appropriate recommendations
Presentation and Referencing
Clearly and concisely structured in report format, sourced throughout and with a comprehensive bibliography. Clearly and concisely structured in report format, sourced throughout and with a good bibliography. Well-structured in report format, sourced throughout and with an adequate bibliography.
Satisfactory report format. Some citations and a passable bibliography.
Few citations and no bibliography. Not in report format. Poorly structured.
No citations and not in report format. Poorly structured

Assignment 2 Assessment Evaluation Criteria

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Mobilising Creativity and Innovation

Mobilising Creativity and Innovation

Question Description

Consider many alternative approaches and perspectives on how organisational creativity and innovation might be promoted or blocked in practice across multiple levels: individual, group and organisation.Specifically concerned with promoting individual creativity as it contributes to the innovation process and is, therefore, at the individual/group level of analysis with a focus on creative thinking.

  • You are required to critically evaluate individual creativity in the context of Galfar Engineering & Contracting SAOG workplace, firstly through the identification of individual blocks that inhibit the process, and secondly you will need to consider which of the alternative approaches is most relevant in this context as an intervention designed to promote individual creativity and innovation.
  • You will then need to demonstrate a systematic understanding and critical appreciation of the process of creativity and innovation drawing on contemporary theories to support your evaluation and synthesis.
  • You will develop a plan to promote individual creative thinking in Galfar Engineering & Contracting SAOG located in Sultanate of Oman with a view to enhancing innovation. You will need to include an in-depth literature review critically evaluating alternative contemporary perspectives in order to draw meaningful conclusions and develop feasible recommendations.
  • You will present your analysis and plan in report format of approximately 1500 words excluding references and appendices. Concise report writing is an important business skill.You will need to do the analysis in the context of Galfar Engineering & Contracting SAOG before you start to write the report.
  • In the unlikely event that Royal Court Affairs prevents adequate analysis.

The structure form will be as the following:

  • Executive Summary: 150 words.
  • Introduction: 150 words.
  • Analysis: 700 words.
  • Conclusions: 250 words.
  • Recommendations: 250 words.

*** Word count: 1500 words.
*** In-Text citation and references using Harvard style.
*** Organization name: Galfar Engineering & Contracting SAOG.

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