BMI Business Models and Business Model Innovation Strategy Management

The Business School
Department of Management
Strategic Management
Assignment replacing exam.
You have been prepared to address question pertaining to strategy in the 21st century and these are exactly the questions we were intending to set you under exam conditions. Your preparation therefore will be just as valid and only the format of submission has changed. I have dropped the multiple-choice element as this is only feasible under closed book conditions.
Answer two questions from the following six choices.

  1. What are the key strategic challenges facing commercial businesses/organizations in the remainder of the 21st Century? You may choose to answer this question from a context, country, or sector of your choice.

You should use appropriate theory and models to support your answer

  1. What are business models and how are they a compliment to or alternative to traditional strategy models and tools? Outline your understanding of business innovation (BMI) and how BMI is different to product and process innovation.


  1. Is the military metaphor of ‘competing with the enemy until the battle is won’ still an appropriate metaphor for strategy in the remainder of the 21st Century?


  1. Critically evaluate the importance of dynamic capabilities and how they will be increasingly important in the face of disruptive innovation in the future? How important are dynamic leadership capabilities relative to other principles and theories of leadership.


  1. What are global value chains and how can they be used today to generate options to face the 21st century strategic challenges.


  1. Critically evaluate the contention that traditional models of strategy bind companies into red oceans. In contrast, what are blue oceans and what tools can we use to look for and exploit blue oceans?

In each question we a looking for a contrast between what you think is 21st century strategy and what every you think preceded it.
We are looking for you to develop your own arguments not just recanting what you have been taught. As we have stressed all along, we are looking for you to develop arguments that shape your thinking when you enter the workplace.
Provide full references to support your arguments. Try to use journals as much as possible. Many have been cited in lecture slides but also, try and research the most recent work published in respect of any of the core concepts.
Word count. 1500 words per each question. This excludes the bibliography so there is every incentive to demonstrate your reading and provide extensive ‘quality’ literature sources.
We are looking for a critical rather than applied piece of work here so whereas in the first assignment we looked for a lot of diagrams, in this essay we are looking for essay style. So…. limit the use of diagrams and avoid report style, such as bullet points. Structuring your argument is very important for the higher grade levels.
I fear that I have is that some will attempt to simply add to the assignments from semester 1. I had briefed that you could draw upon these cases in the exam, but given where we are, I am going to prohibit use of a single company case study. What I mean is, don’t write an answer from the perspective of a single company. When using company examples, compare and contrast companies and use them to illustrate theoretical points. Please note, just copying across paragraphs from the first assignment will count as self-plagiarism.
However… I have been keen all along for Law and Accounting students for instance to develop a narrative about the future of their communities of practice and the use of the word ‘organization’ instead of just business, and ‘sector’ in Q1 offer that opportunity. You can interpret this to mean ‘profession’ if that helps.
On submission, clearly indicate the questions you are answering at the start of each essay and submit in one document.
Further support on structuring and essay skills will be provided.

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BMGT8132: Business Model Innovation Proposal

Question Description

Use the Capella library and the Internet to complete the following:

  • Baden-Fuller and Morgan’s 2010 article, “Business Models as Models” from Long Range Planning, volume 43, issue 2–3, pages 146–155.
  • Giesen, Riddleberger, Christner, and Ragna’s 2010 article, “When and How to Innovate Your Business Model” from Strategy & Leadership, volume 38, issue 4, pages 17–26.

The following required readings are available full-text in the Capella University Library. Search for each article by clicking the linked title and following the instructions in the Library Guide.

  • Zook and Allen’s 2011 article, “The Great Repeatable Business Model” from the Harvard Business Review, volume 89, issue 11, pages 106–114.
  • Johnson, Christensen, and Kagermann’s 2008 article, “Reinventing Your Business Model” from the Harvard Business Review, volume 86, issue 12, pages 50–59.

Business Model Innovation Proposal
This assignment has two components:
Discovering the Job
(A) Select a publicly traded organization with which you are familiar (it can be your own company but one you have not yet used in this course or BMGT8130). Write a paper that describes a target customer group from your selected company that reflects a deconstruction of the job that the customer is trying to get done. Also, analyze opportunities for innovation using this new lens. You will be building on the results of this assignment in Unit 5, Assignment 1, for the Business Model Innovation Proposal.
Business Model Innovation Proposal
(B) In section A, you identified and evaluated the job to be done for a target market segment or customer group. For section B, integrate the work from section A and prepare and submit a proposed business model innovation for this target organization. Define all of the proposed elements in the business model innovation, indicating the logic behind the element selection using a synthesis of the assigned readings and your research in support. Also, explain why this business model is innovative. Finally, explain the assumptions and trends upon which your business model innovation is based and how you will mitigate the limitations of the strategic assumptions in your model. As part of your paper, interweave some of the discoveries in preparing your post for this unit’s discussion.

  • Written communication: Must be free of errors, scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the business profession.
  • APA formatting: Your essay should be formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.
  • Length: A minimum of 2,100 words, Times New Roman 12-point font.
  • Structure: Please include the following sections using APA headings (no abstract required):
    • Introduction.
    • Body headings as appropriate.
    • Conclusion.
  • Turnitin: Please submit your paper through Turnitin. There will be a 10 percent penalty if you do not.
  • References: A minimum of 4PRJ or PJ references (in addition to the required course readings).
  • Writing Feedback Tool: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click on the linked resources for helpful writing information.
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business innovation at IKEA

Question Description

Q1. innovation at IKEA (at least 300 words)
A. why is IKEA an innovation company? Support your answer with examples.
B. discuss the role of four business functions at IKEA. Give at least two innovation examples for each business function at IKEA.
Q2. product offering and targeting (300 words at least )
A. discuss the three levels of a product by using the HAMARVIK mattress as an example.
B. discuss the four targeting strategies. Which targeting strategy does IKEA use for its mattresses. Justify your answer. (Check the mattress section on the IKEA website before answering this question.)
Q3.The marketing mix and innovation (At least 500 words).
IKEA’S marketing strategy consists of market segmentation, targeting, positioning, and the marketing mix. IKEA’s marketing strategy enables the company to be a successful player in the global marketing. using your knowledge, evaluate how innovation in IKEA’s marketing mix elements are used to position the products within the minds of consumers. Your answer should contain the following:
1. IKEA’S market segmentation and targeting
2. what is positioning. How is it related to the marketing mix?
3. examples of the IKEA’s marketing mix elements and their contribution to brand positioning
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Innovation In Business

Innovation In Business Essay

Question description

Introduction: In today’s highly competitive global economy management must recognize and seize opportunities in order to gain an economic advantage. With the advent of technology organizations have implemented cost containment, virtual collaboration, and effective customer feedback initiatives, and with the added efficiencies greater capability to innovate by creating and redesigning products to meet market demand.
The essay for this lesson is required to be a minimum of 4 pages. Essays should have a clear introduction, thesis statement and conclusion, written in APA format (
Activity Details:
Step 1: Introduction
Consider how managers seize opportunities. The written analysis should include a minimum of three references cited within the content of the paper and the reference page according to APA guidelines.
Begin with an introductory paragraph that poses the question – How do managers seize opportunities?
Once executive management recognizes an opportunity, the company generally will assign a manager to seize the opportunity by taking the previously selected need, want, or problem and converting it into a commercial product. There are five ways a company can fulfill a customer need or want:

  • it can sell a commodity that provides the materials or ingredients the customer can use for fulfilling their need or want
  • it can sell a finished good that is already assembled and can be put to immediate use by the customer
  • it can provide a service that accomplishes a specific task for the client
  • it can stage an experience that more fully engages the customer
  • It can cause a transformation where the business has a deeply personal impact on a customer (which is rare)

Step 2: Research and Write Essay Content
Research via internal course materials and external resources (relevant Internet articles, books, etc.) to deliver a written analysis on the following:

  • Commodities: Provide a description about commodities in general, consider and describe how business opportunity is created with respect to innovation of commodities from a scientific and/or economic perspectives.
  • Products: Describe how new products and new product approaches can be created and/or adapted to create demand opportunity
  • Services: Provide a definition of what a service based business is, the benefits and advantages of service based business. Provide examples where business have listened to their customers to find out their unique needs and problems thereby translating into business service opportunity.
  • Experiences and Transformations: Consider creative business opportunities that offered new experiences and approaches that were more memorable and personal. For example, experiences that are esthetic, escapist, educational, or entertaining. Transformational business looks for ways to help customers realize their aspirations along the physical, emotional, intellectual, or spiritual dimensions. Elaborate on this concept and provide transformational business examples.

Step 3: Conclusion Summary

Conclude the assignment with a statement of the type of business that a company or an entrepreneur might wish to pursue given any given potential idea or opportunity example (real or otherwise). Substantiate why a commodity, product, service, transformational business (or combination thereof) would likely be the best approach following the above written research analysis.

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