Business Innovation in Marketing

Question Description

I will upload the supported materials needed in for this task.
Propose an individual plan in two paragraphs.

  • Include personal characteristics to best explain your talents, behaviors, and worldview — consider the opportunities around you and available to you for
    • Name your strengths. Top 5 strengths finders. What do these mean to you?
    • Your abilities/aptitudes –what talents did you identify with in the assessment results?
    • What you value/what is your purpose?
    • What did you find this term are your passions and interests?
    • Do you have an overall world view you discovered?
  • Refer to your answers from course Activities
  • Look at resources in Canvas Module on The Individual

A successful answer to this question will include at least one page. Students should report where the content for the answer was retrieved. Use APA citations and references as sources for information. (SLO 2.1)

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Management Innovation

Management Innovation

Question Description

Management Innovation
As innovation and technology continue to accelerate the already hectic pace of business, managers must consider if they are also developing their management styles to reflect the new reality. For organizations to remain competitive they must constantly evolve and managers play a key role in directing that evolution.
To prepare for the Discussion, review the Hamel article in this week’s Resources. In this article, Hamel discusses the importance of building an agenda for management innovation. Locate a research article that focuses on the future of management and is aligned with one of the suggestions in the Hamel paper. The article you select should involve your current or desired field of management.
Now answer and addresses the following:

  • Provide a brief summary (with the reference) of the article you selected and then demonstrate how this article adds to or refutes the specific “moon shot” you selected from the Hamel article.
  • Based on your evaluation of your selected article and the Hamel article assess what challenges could accompany these changes?
  • How do you envision the field of management changing in the future? Why do you expect such changes and what will drive them?

Note: All work in APA format with proper citing!
Hamel, G. (2009). Moon shots for management. Harvard Business Review, 87(2), 91–98.
Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Business Source Complete database.
Johnson-Cramer, M., Parise, S., & Cross, R. (2007). Managing change through networks and values. California Management Review, 49(3), 85–109.
Tengblad, S. (2006). Is there a ‘new managerial work’? A comparison with Henry Mintzberg’s classic study 30 years later. Journal of Management Studies, 43(7), 1437–1461.
Fleming, J., Coffman, C., & Harter, J. (2005). Manage your human SIgMA. HarvardBusinessReview, 83(7/8), 106–114. Retrieved from
Likierman, A. (2009). The five traps of performance measurement. Harvard Business Review, 87(10), 96–101.

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innovation management

innovation management

New York University

Question Description

Coursework 1
Three case studies from the book: Foss, Petersen, Pyndt and Schultz (2012).
organization & management, Cambridge University Press.
List of case studies:
− Lego: Redefining the boundaries
− Coloplast: Innovating innovation
− NKT Flexibles: Global sourcing of R&D innovation
Copies of the book can be found in the library (one not on loan, 7 on standard or
short loan).
Coursework 1: Innovation management
Submission date: 16 March 2020, by 3pm Coursework makes up 50% of your final mark
Word limit: 2000 words
Students must include their word count on the coursework coversheet when they submit their
work. Word limit includes: footnotes and endnotes, references in the main text, tables and
illustrations, and if applicable the abstract, title page and contents page. The bibliography or
reference list and appendixes should be excluded from the word count.
Essay should include:
− A brief introduction (e.g., info about the company and what the
case study is about)
− Then proceed to answer selected questions at the end of the
case study
Lego: Answer all questions except question 4 (this means that question 4a is also excluded)
Coloplast: Answer all questions except question 5 (this means that questions 5a and 5b are also excluded)
NKT Flexibles: Answer all questions
Some advice
Combine case study evidence with theory For instance:
− If the question is about new ideas being generated by outside stakeholders (adult fan), you may want to discuss open innovation and user innovation
− If the question is about expansion through strategic acquisitions, you may want to discuss methods of exploiting entrepreneurship inside corporations (where we discuss acquisitions)
− If the question is about collaborative strategy, you may want to discuss open innovation, user innovation, strategic alliances, ….
Some advice

  • 10-15 references (max 20) are OK

− must be relevant
− quality of the source is also important (e.g., leading scholars, high-quality academic journals are better)

  • The quality of the presentation matters. If your discussion is unclear, your final mark will tend to be lower. Spending some time re-reading and improving your report makes in my opinion a big difference

Some advice
Word limit is tight, so −Use the space wisely −Write well
−The appendix is excluded from the word count. So if you have something important to say and not enough space, you can use the appendix. I read and mark the appendix. But the main concepts should also be summarized in the main body.
Some advice

  • If you have doubts, ask your teacher (e.g., fix an appointment with me by email, or simply ask me after one of the lectures)
  • Check the NBS Coursework Feedback Sheet
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Question Description

Topic: Each of the following components of the business plan should be used as headings and begin on a separate page. For your chosen business: Identify the Start-Up Resource Requirements

  1. People (Explain how you will build the initial team. Will you use professional advisers (must provide support as to why or why not). Will you hire employees or outsource with independent contractors?)
  2. Physical Assets (Where will the company be located? Rent or own? Equipment?)
  3. Financial Resources
  4. Estimate sales and revenues.
  5. Prepare a pro-forma income statement.
  6. Forecast start-up cash needs.
  7. Discuss the role of the balance sheet in the business plan.
  8. What are some important biblical concepts to consider in this part of the business plan?

(My business is an online retail store, T-shirt line called Cutesy. It will be cute T-shirts with logos and slogans on it. I will also allow my customers to have the shirt custom made)The book is Allen, Launching New Ventures (6th ed.) Mason, OH: Cengage Learning)

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