BUS2074 /LBU 2074: 2000 words International HRM essay

BUS2074 /LBU 2074 Semester 2 Assessment: Individual Essay (50%) Required: You are required to write a 2000 words (+10%) essay on one of the following topics: 1) Critically analyse the Varieties of Capitalism (VOC) approach and discuss its strengths and limitations within the context of employment relations. OR 2) Identify and critically analyse two specific issues related to the state of labour standard and employment practices in developing economies. NOTE: Your answer should include related key concepts, issues, theories, examples and research evidence. SUBMISSION GUIDANCE Title Guidance University coversheet Include Module title and code, assessment title, date of submission, word count. Sources of references It is important to engage with academic literature (journal articles, book chapters and monographs) in your assignment. Some journals with an IBM focus include Journal of World Business, Journal of International Business Studies, Socioeconomic Review, Economy and Society, Review of International Political Economy, Management International Review, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Organization Studies, Human Relations, Asia Pacific Business Review, China Quarterly, Work, Employment and Society etc. Reference Style Harvard style (see the Learning Resources website: http://libguides.ncl.ac.uk/referencing/harvardatnewcastle) Appendices Lengthy appendices are not necessary. Word Count The length of the essay is 2000 words (+/- 10%). The list of references is not included in the word-count of the paper. Feedback Feedback will be provided after 20 working days after submission Assessment Criteria University UG Assessment Criteria Style The essay should be typed in double spacing on A4 sized paper with margins of 1.5cm on left, right, top and bottom. Font size for text must be 12 and all pages should be numbered. Submission type Upload the electronic copy of your report to Turnitin using the assignment link on Blackboard. Submission Date Deadline of submission : Friday 1 May 2019 by 4pm …

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Identify employment relations issues/problems

Question Description

Length and/or format: 1200 words

For this assignment you are required to identify employment relations issues/problems which are currently or have very recently been in the Australian news media. The issues/ problems should relate to some aspect of one of the topics covered in Weeks 3 and 4.
Both Weeks 3 and 4 relate to the role of the State:
Week 3 – The political, economic and social context in which employment relations is practiced
Government and opposition party policies/changes to laws
Union campaigns
Suggested topics to choose from are listed below:

  • Trade union powers/regulation
  • Regulatory bodies (eg. Australian Building & Construction Commission)
  • Wages and conditions for workers (eg. penalty rates, minimum wages)

Week 4 – Legal framework of employment.
Legal processes/substantive and procedural rules
Workplace Ombudsman investigations/decisions
Suggested topics to choose from are listed below:

  • Workplace discrimination
  • Contractors/minimum conditions
  • Unfair dismissal

What should you do?

  1. Summarise of learnings relating to one aspect of workplace relations from Weekly Topics in Weeks 3 and/or 4:

Summarise your learnings from readings (newspaper articles and anything from the text book relating to the issue/topic), journal articles (eg. articles from journals such as The Journal of Industrial Relations, The Australian Bulletin of Labor, Labor and Industry, workshop discussions and other readings.

  1. Reflect on your learnings:
    1. choose any topic from the workshop, readings and discussions during relating to Weeks 3 and/or 4.
    2. Follow the structure below.

The reflective questions you need to address are:

  • What are the major current themes and issues?
  • What are the employers’ perspectives?
  • What are the employees’ perspectives?
  • What are the implications of the issue for organisations e.g. brand, reputation?
  • What is the State’s interests in the issue?

This critique should be against the theories and practical material discussed in class as well as additional research by students. You should use the text as a starting point and research recent high quality journal articles on the issue.
This is your chance to consider real employment relations situations and either support or argue a perspective, rather than just accepting what has been delivered.
A possible structure for the report could be

  • Introduction – Major themes and issues (200 words)
  • Employers’ perspective (250 words)
  • Employees’ perspective (250 words)
  • Implications for the organisation (250 words)
  • Political, social and economic context (250 words)
  • Reference List
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Effects of Technology on Unemployment and Employment discussion

Question Description

Create research questions based on a topic covered in class that interest you. Research and find answers to those questions by using articles from current or past events from any major publication (electronic or print edition) to be your research references. Articles that appear in economic journals or business magazines such as The Economist are good resources. In addition, articles that appear in blogs or newspapers are good sources for further research. Several links to good references are available under the Content and the Announcement section on the class website as well as a sample and guildlines for your research.
The objective of the paper is to summarize, analyze, critique, support (or question) the articles, and relate the articles to your research questions. The paper must show an analysis of a real world situation using economics concepts, framework, and theories to suggest such as what the problems are, why there are the problems, how to fix the problems, what the pros and cons of each solution are, and how it will affect each group of people.

    • Remember: Your assignment is to write a research paper, NOT a dictionary or a section of a textbook or a newspaper article or a Wikipedia. Use economics theories and concepts to analyze real world economic problems.
    • Each paper must have a minimum of 750 words but should not over 1,200 words excluding title, quotes, and references. A paper between 700-749 words will receive a maximum of a “C+” or lower. A paper below 700 words will receive a maximum of a “C” or lower depending on a quality of a paper.
    • Submit in Doc, Docx, or RTF format only. Any other format will not be graded.
    • Paper#1 should cover a topic from the first half of the course.
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Employment Law/Labor Relations discussion

Question Description

Post your thorough and complete answers to any two of the following scenarios. Provide the scenario number in your answer.
Set 1
A secretary employed by a U.S. aircraft dealership regularly works 9 am – 5 pm, Monday through Friday. The secretary’s duties include filling in the blanks in all of the various form documents needed to close aircraft sales and being present during closings to type up any changes that may arise. Sometimes, closings are not completed until after 5 pm. This most often happens on Fridays. When that happens, the secretary is allowed to come to work later the following workday morning to compensate for having worked late to help finish closing the sale.

  • Is the employer in compliance with the law? Explain.
  • If this is a violation, what are the possible consequences to the employer?

Set 2
South Carolina is an employment at will state. Management of an aerospace manufacturing plant located there learns the identities of a half-dozen of the company’s machinists who are surreptitiously circulating authorization cards among their co-workers in an effort to become represented by a union.

  • Is the company running any legal risks if it fires those employees without stating a reason for their discharge?
  • Explain.

Set 3
You are a pilot for a low-cost U.S. airline whose pilots are not represented by a union or working under a collective bargaining agreement. As a cost-saving measure, airline management decides to drop the pilots’ health insurance benefit.

  • Can the company legally impose this change immediately and unilaterally, or is it required to first follow some specified procedure?
  • Explain.

Set 4
You are an avionics technician employed by a U.S. airline, all of whose maintenance personnel are represented by a union and working under a union contract with the company. You dislike unions, don’t want to be a member of the union or to have to pay union dues, and don’t want the union representing your interests.

  • Can you opt out and cut your own deal with management?
  • Explain.

Set 5
If you are employed as a pilot by a U.S. company that is not an air carrier, is it to your advantage or disadvantage to be classified by the U.S. Department of Labor as a “learned professional”? Explain.
Set 6
For a nation or union of nations other than the U.S.:

  • Identify laws governing employee minimum wages, compensation, and hours worked
  • Compare and contrast those laws to the U.S. minimum wage & the Fair Labor Standards Act described in the text.
  • Determine whether commercial airlines are governed by the same laws as other businesses or by separate laws.
  • Provide examples of labor strikes that have disrupted either air transportation or aerospace manufacturing there since 2007.
  • Provide hyperlinks to references relied on.
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