Monetary Policy 2008 Economic Crisis Presentation

Question Description

1.Create a visual presentation (PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Prezi are best) that gives a
comprehensive overview of all significant points from the term paper
2.Use whatever technological process that is convenient to you to record a video of
yourself giving the presentation Note: You do not need to physically appear in the video
presentation, but you should at least record your voice talking over the visual
presentation/slides. Please save your presentation in an MP4 format(5-10 min)
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Economic crisis 2008, management

Question Description

Well class, here we go again!!! Shortly after President Obama assumed office, the public was informed the the “bankers” and “wall street” boys were at it again! Please consider the following:
1. These individuals received a “whopping” $140,000.000.000 in bonuses……$10,000,000,000 more than the $130,000,000,000 in bonuses received the year before!.
2. “Wall Street”ws giving out these record bonuses as “Main Street”was still on the verge of calapse!
3. Tax-Payers’ Money: As a result of the “bailout” wall street had access to our money to be used without adequate constraints, restrictions, or penalties.
4. According to the media, we are out of the recession, consumer confidence is up, and investors are starting to see acceptable returns on their investments……thus, in part, providing impetus for the awarding of these exorbitant bonuses.
5. However: Unemployment is still up high, Mortgage Foreclosures are still up! Productivity is still down! Balance of Trade is negative! Consumer Saving is down!, etc.
What are your thoughts/opinions?!
Here are a few questions or “food for thought” to get you started:
1. What does this discussion have to do with this course and you personally?
2. Did our government “over-sight” agencies drop the ball?!
3. Are these individuals “high performers” and deserve such exorbitant amounts of money for a job well-done? These are the same people who wrecked the economy?
4. Has the definition of Capitalism changed? Does “New Capitalism” give these individuals the right to extract as much as they can from the economy without consequence.
5. Does our economic system encourage and legalize greed.? Is this acceptable?
Once again, the aforemention is just to get you started, feel free to expand!
6. What are the Solutions?
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Global Economic Crisis

Question Description

In 2009, President Obama said the single greatest threat to United States security was the global recession. How does a global recession impact U.S. security? Why does a global recession matter? Security experts note that the economic downturn is already creating social unrest and political instability in some strategic hot spots around the world, and they warn that a prolonged slump could undermine U.S. and Western security interests.
The global economy is an important issue of particular importance to people of all ages in all parts of the world. As our world experiences a deep economic downturn, what is the best plan of action to combat global recession? A global crisis requires a global solution. For the final segment of this semester’s final project, your task is to prepare a 5 minute speech that outlines your plan to solve the global economic crisis.
You may complete this assignment as a word document
You may use the following resources to help you write your speech or you can use any additional resources:

  1. Riots, instability spread as food prices skyrocketRiots, instability spread as food prices skyrocket (key word search: CNN world food crisis riots)
  2. Poorest nations face large financing shortfall due to credit crisis – World Bank (key word search UN financial crisis poorest nations)
  3. Financial crisis to deepen extreme poverty, increase child mortality rates – UN report (key word search UN financial crisis child mortality extreme poverty)

You will be graded according to the following criteria:

  • Logical and coherent plan
  • Discuss one or more of the economic systems and how they are impacted by and/or contributing to the economic crisis
  • Display understanding of current issues with supporting evidence
  • Discussion of specific problems that need to be addressed as well as suggestions for potential solutions with supporting evidence
  • Outline of goals for the future and how those goals can be reached
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Research Paper, Finance and Accounting FINA U3 IP Theoretical Stock Prices

Research Paper, Finance and Accounting
FINA U3 IP Theoretical Stock Prices
Project description
By walking through a set of financial data for XYZ, this assignment will help you better understand how theoretical stock prices are calculated and how prices may react to market forces such as risk and interest rates. You will use both the CAPM (capital asset pricing model) and the constant growth model (CGM) to arrive at XYZ’s stock price.
To receive full credit on this assignment, please show all work, including formulae and calculations used to arrive at financial values.
Assignment Guidelines:
Find an estimate of the risk-free rate of interest (krf). To obtain this value, go to Market Data and use the “U.S. 10-year Treasury” bond rate (middle column) as the risk-free rate. In addition, you also need a value for the market risk premium. Use an assumed market risk premium of 9.00%.
Download the XYZ Stock Information by clicking the link.
Using the information from the XYZ Stock Information document, record the following values:
XYZ’s beta (ß)
XYZ’s current annual dividend
XYZ’s 3-year dividend growth rate (g)
Industry P/E
With the information you recorded, use the CAPM to calculate XYZ’s required rate of return (ks).
Use the CGM to find the current stock price for XYZ. We will call this the theoretical price (Po).
Now use the XYZ Stock Information to find XYZ’s current stock quote (P). Compare Po and P and answer the following questions:
Are there any differences?
What factors may be at work for such a difference in the two prices?
Now assume the market risk premium has increased from 9.00% to 12% and this increase is due only to the increased risk in the market. In other words, assume the krf and the stock’s beta remain the same for this exercise.
What will the new price be? Explain.
Recalculate XYZ’s stock price using the P/E ratio model and the needed info found in the XYZ Stock Information file.
Why is the present stock price different from the price arrived at using CGM (Constant Growth Model)?
If you used Microsoft Word to arrive at your answers, then you must provide an explanation of the formulas and calculations.
assignment must include the following:
A double-spaced Word document of 2–3 pages that contains the following:
All of the numerical values listed in the assignment guidelines.
Your answers to the four questions in the assignment guidelines.
The formulas and calculations that you used to arrive at your answers
You must include your explanation of how you used Microsoft Excel for your calculations if applicable.

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