AF4S31 Assessment 1 (V2) Brief

AF4S31 Assessment 1 (V2) Brief
This assignment will be marked out of 100%
This assignment contributes to 50% of the total module marks.
The assessments are bonded which means you need 40%+ over both assessments
combined to pass the module.
Learning Outcomes to be assessed
As specified in the validated module descriptor available at:
Learning outcome 1
The ability of students to critically assess, apply and evaluate the issues and techniques
of strategic financial management.
Grading Criteria
Please see School’s marking criteria for undergraduate/post graduate assessments on
the module VLE. Any additional grading/marking guidance will be posted with
assessment task below.
You have recently attended a workshop aimed at improving your understanding of
company Annual Reports using Tesco’s report as an example.
During the workshop you looked at the following sections of Tesco’s annual report:
 The Strategic Report including the Environmental and Social Review,
 The Corporate Governance Report and,
 The Group Statements of: ‘Income’ (also sometimes referred to as the Statement
of Profit and Loss) ‘Balance Sheet’ and ‘Cash-Flows’.
You learned about how different ‘stakeholders’ may use the information contained in
these reports and financial statements. You also learned about financial ratios and how
these can be used to interpret and assess the performance of a business in terms of its
profitability, liquidity, efficiency and return to investors.
The timing of the workshop was very fortuitous. You are the Purchasing Manager for the
business you work for. You are in the process of letting a contract for the supply of an
important component used in your business’s production. You have been provided with
the financial statements of Benedict Co. who are one of a few companies tendering for
the contract. The income statement and statement of financial position have been
reproduced below.
As well as reviewing the financial statements of Benedict Co. from a potential customer
perspective, you are interested in how the company may be viewed by potential
investors, lenders and suppliers.
You have also collected the following information about other companies operating in the
same sector as Benedict Co.:
Current ratio 1.6 Quick ratio 1.0
Trade receivable days 55 days Inventory days 60 days
Trade payable days 90 days
Statement of income for Benedict Co. for the year to 31 January
20X1 20X0
$’000 $’000
Sales 30,800 24,900
Cost of sales 16,000 14,500
Gross profit 14,800 10,400
Admin expenses 1,700 400
Distribution costs 3,500 800
Finance costs 1,300 500
Profit before taxation 8,300 8,700
TAXATION 1,700 1,700
Profit after taxation 6,600 7,000
Statement of financial position for Benedict Co. as at 31 January 20X1
20X1 20X0
$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000
Non-current assets 38,000 32,600
Current assets
Inventory 5,200 2,600
Trade receivables 7,600 3,800
12,800 6,400
Total assets 50,800 39,000
Capital and reserves
Share capital 18,000 18,000
Reserves 10,000 7,900
28,000 25,900
Non-current liabilities
6% bonds 12,000 8,000
Current liabilities
Trade payables 6,800 4,300
Overdraft 4,000 800
10,800 5,100
50,800 39,000
Dividends of $4.5 million were paid in 20X1 and $3.6 million in 20X0. Shares in Benedict
Co. had a market value of $5.60 at 31 January 20X1 compared to $3.60 in 20X0.
Benedict Co. has issued 18 million $1 shares.
Prepare a report for your manager which:
1) Using the Annual Report of Tesco available at the following link:
a) Explains the term ‘stakeholder’ and identifies three types of stakeholder of
Tesco. 15%
b) Analyses how the Environmental and Social Review and the Corporate
Governance Report help Tesco demonstrate its performance in terms of its
corporate and social responsibilities to two of the stakeholders identified in a)
2) Analyses and evaluates the financial position of Benedict Co. using a range of
financial ratios to meet the requirements of potential customers, investors, lenders
and suppliers. Your analysis should:
a) Explain the purpose and relevance of the chosen ratios.
b) Include the results for each chosen ratio and reasons for the movement
between the two years.
c) Highlight any aspects of the performance of Benedict Co. which would give
cause for concern.
d) Critically evaluate the application of financial ratios in interpreting and measuring
the performance of a company.
All calculations should be shown in full as an appendix to the report. 40%
Marks are available for the presentation of your report including structure, style and the
presentation of referencing. 10%
Total 100%
Grading Criteria
Section Weighting Criteria
(1) Using the AR of
a) explain ‘Stakeholder’
and identify three of
Tesco’s stakeholders
b) analyse the
‘Environmental and
Social Review and
Corporate Governance
Report how this
demonstrates CSR to 2
 Relevant practical, academic and subject
specific skills
 Knowledge understanding and
appreciation of issues involved.
 Ability to research and provide practical
and relevant points
 Clear communication, explanation
evaluation and discussion of aspects
being covered
(2) Financial analysis
and interpretation 40%
Structure and
 Clarity of layout, grammar, presentation
and inclusion of all relevant matters
 Tone and use of professional language i.e.
suitable for addressee of report
 Accuracy of referencing, and appropriate
use of appendices
Assessment guidance
Your report should be word processed, clearly laid out and concise and should be
supported by appropriate workings for the numerical elements. The word limit for the
report is 3,000 words.
The text of this assignment must be in your own words (not even a sentence or phrase
should be taken from another source unless this source is referenced and the phrase
placed in quotes). It is dishonest not to acknowledge the work of other people and you
open yourself up to the accusation of plagiarism. Referencing should in accordance with
the Harvard System. A guide published by the Library lists the most common types of
references with examples. The guide can be found on the module VLE
Hand-in requirements and dates:
Please see the VLE

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Supply, demand and elasticity

Assignment B: Supply, demand and elasticity
Economics argues that consumers and suppliers will change their behaviours in predictable ways in response to price incentives. How does the demand for electric cars respond to prices in the electric vehicle market, the market for electric vehicle charging, and the market for unleaded fuel?
First, explain these three markets and present diagrams of each. Pay attention to the price elasticity of demand (approximated by the slope of the demand curve) and the units on the price axis. The equilibrium price in each market should be realistic. Provide references for the values you choose. [Hint: Draw your diagrams in Powerpoint and copy and paste as images into your Word document.] (650 words)
Next, present ONE government policy that could be implemented in one of these three markets to increase electric car usage. Discuss why the government would want to implement this policy. (650 words)
Note: Your Introduction and Conclusions should be about 100 words each.
Format: Write your assignment as a business essay (use headings) with an introduction, body including sections related to the parts of the question, and conclusion. Use in-text references when you include information from sources. Add a reference list (one textbook [I WILL DO THIS]and at least four scholarly references – ei journal articles) after the conclusion. The word count (1200 to 1500 words) is measured from the introduction heading to the end of the conclusion. Ensure you write academically using precise vocabulary, spelling and grammar.
For this assignment, you are required to follow the instructions in the questions for your chosen topic and keep within the suggested word limit.
Have I ..

  • Checked my word count? 1,200 (minimum) to 1,500 words (maximum)
  • Checked my formatting? Line spacing (double) and font size (12)
  • Provided informative headings?
  • Answered all parts of the question?
  • Ensured my referencing is compliant with APA style?
  • Have I included my textbook? [I WILL DO THIS]
  • Have a referenced at least four academic references (journal articles)?
  • Checked that all of my in-text references have full details in my Reference list?
  • Checked that all of the references in my Reference list are cited in text?
  • Checked my spelling and grammar?
  • Checked the marking criteria for how I can achieve the best marks? Used MS Word (not pdf)?
  • Added quotation marks and in text referencing, and used more paraphrasing and less quotations to reduce my similarity score?

MARKING CRITERIA : please see attached PDF.

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Critical Research On Corruption in Nigeria with Supported References
All references should be from 2014 to date
2000 words on Corruption in Nigeria on the following theme:

  1. Effects of Corruption on Citizens – 400 words (at least 10 references)


  1. Citizen Perception of Government’s Effort in Combating Corruption – 400 words (at least 10 references)


  1. Government Involvement in Fight against Corruption – 400 words (at least 10 references)


  1. Citizen Corruption Awareness – 400 words (at least 10 references)


  1. Solution to Nigeria Corruption problem – 400 words (at least 10 references)

All references should be from 2014 to date
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Product Marketing on kiwi products

Student Name [type] …. Student Number [type] …
Assessment 2: Mid-semester case study [MSCS] [35 marks]
Activity [backpacking New Zealand]
Learning objective: To ensure that students study and understand the marketing concept, a marketing philosophy, and the buyer decision process.
Task: An assessment scenario will be uploaded to Blackboard, two weeks prior to the due date. Students will be asked to study the assessment scenario [case study] and complete a series of questions that consolidate the learning outcomes of the unit up to the end of section 2.
Marking Rubric: The CCSS marking rubric will be employed. 4 questions, each question will be worth equal marks, each question has a 1-page limit.  Marks will be awarded as follows:

  • Content 30%
  • Context 30%
  • Synthesis 20%
  • Structure 20%

Please use this document to answer each question and then upload this document via the assessment 2 Blackboard link.
Please Note: You should visit the Kiwi Experience website to gain an understanding of this product. However, as this assessment is directed towards the learning outcomes of the unit and the material in the e-book, an internet search for marketing theory will be pointless.
Critical: All students must save their document as A2XXXXXX A2 represents the assessment and XXXXXX represents the student’s unique student number. This will avoid any two assessments having the same document name.
Hint: Please ensure that you employ the language and concepts of marketing and that you address the learning objective when completing the following tasks. An infrequent student mistake, but worth highlighting, is to fall in love with the example and ignore the unit learning. Keep in mind marks will be awarded on how well you demonstrate that you have addressed the learning outcomes of the unit.
Warning: It is your responsibility to take appropriate steps to save and protect your work with regular back-ups.
Website to be used:
Please also see attached copy of PDF book for further content to be used for this assignment
Statement: The buyer decision process varies according to the customer, the organisation, the market, and the product. The buyer decision process has 3-time zones; the first-time zone is purchase behaviour. It is often overlooked that after selecting a product a customer will form expectations which will be assessed and evaluated in the second and third time zones.
Task 1: Using the Kiwi Experience product demonstrate your understanding of the first-time zone and the steps a consumer may take when selecting [or not selecting] this product. Ensure you also discuss how expectations influence customer satisfaction.
Statement: The total product is the totality of what an organisation delivers to the customer – what is promised, therefore, what is expected, what is delivered, and what are the total costs to the customer.
Task 2: Given this statement, holistically, demonstrate your understanding of the total product relevant to the example.
Statement: There are a number of product considerations that would be of importance to the marketing manager of this business.
Task 3: Identify the most important [relevant] product considerations [6] and then discuss the implications, from the perspective of a marketing practitioner, each selected product consideration.
Statement: There are 6 product components in the total product [goods, services, ideas, experiences, people, and places].
Task 4: Identify the product components within the Kiwi Experience product; rank them by importance; justify your decisions. 

Task 1: Using the Kiwi Experience product demonstrate your understanding of the first-time zone and the steps a consumer may take when selecting [or not selecting] this product. Ensure you also discuss how expectations influence customer satisfaction.
Task 2: Given this statement, holistically, demonstrate your understanding of the total product relevant to the example.
Task 3: Identify the most important [relevant] product considerations [6] and then discuss the implications, from the perspective of a marketing practitioner, each selected product consideration.
Task 4: Identify the product components within the Kiwi Experience product; rank them by importance; justify your decisions.

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