Part 2: The best marketing strategies aren’t top down, they’re outside in, starting with the customers’ needs and wants.”

Assessment Category 2: Written Assignment / Self reflective writing 1 – Critical
Reflection on Case Study
Dear Students,
During the 8
th week, you are required to submit your second written summative
assessment of 1200 words, which counts for the 20% of your overall grade. Please
pay attention on the below Task Requirements:
Provide a critical self reflection of the process of completing assignment 1
For completing this Task successfully, you must read carefully the 8
th week’s content
as well summarize all the academic knowledge you receive from the module’s
content and professional benefits you received while critically analyzed Amazon’s
case towards marketing strategies during the completeness of the summative
assignment 1 during the 4th week of the module.
The indicators of a good reflection are:
 It is personal to you
 It is clear how the learning relates to your role or prepares for a future role
 It outlines the content and method of the learning activity
 It describes how your knowledge, skills and attributes have developed as a
result of the learning activity.
 It identifies any further gaps or learning you did not cover and how you might
fill these.
 It describes how your current practice might change as a result
You can approach your Self Reflective writing as per the four stages below:
1. What did I expect to learn?
2. What did I learn?
3. What will I do differently going forwards?
4. My actions and next steps
A strong Assignment Critical Reflection Requires addressing to the following
High personal effectiveness:
– Critical self-awareness,
– Self-reflection and self-management;
– Time management;
– Sensitivity to diversity in people and different situations and
– The ability to continue to learn through reflection on practice and experience.
Guidelines for completion:
1. The word limit is 1,200 words, +/- 10% inclusive of appendices. Bear in mind that
the appendices count towards the word limit so avoid including organisational
material such as annual reports in any appendices.
2. Where you quote directly or take ideas from something you have read you must
reference these correctly using the Harvard referencing system, not numbered
3. Assignments should be word-processed in Times New Roman 12 point type.
4. As this is a self reflective practice within your writing you can use of the first
person such as ‘I’ or ‘we’.
You are free to quote directly or indirectly from any publication, provided that you
give a reference for the author or originator. In other words, if the research or the
views you cite are not your own, then you MUST acknowledge your source(s), in
accordance with the Harvard style whereby citations are made in the text by author
and date, with a full alphabetical listing at the end of the paper. If you fail to
acknowledge your sources, you run the risk of being accused of plagiarism, which is
an academic offence. The University’s guidelines on academic offences are available
Please note that tutors cannot read large amounts of material prior to handing in, so
please do not ask them to do so. We can advise on style and overall structure but will
not proof read. Draft assignments cannot be evaluated by module staff. Please
submit your work through the Turnitin link set up in the Assessment folder on the
module’s Blackboard site. Please use your University identification number, not your
name, and ensure that the document is clearly marked in terms of your Scheme, the
module and the module leader. Number each page of the document submitted. It is
recommended that you place your identification number on each separate page of
the document.
Length: A word processed self reflective essay of 1,200 (+/- 10%) words (inclusive
of appendices, NOT inclusive of references).
Submission deadline: End of week 8

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“The best marketing strategies aren’t top down, they’re outside in, starting with the customers’ needs and wants.”

Assessment Category 1: Written Assignment / Report 1 on live strategic marketing
activity or case study
Dear Students,
During the 4th week, you are required to submit your first written summative
assessment of 4800 words, which counts for the 80% of your overall grade. Please
pay attention on the below Task Requirements:
“The best marketing strategies aren’t top down, they’re outside in, starting with
the customers’ needs and wants.”
Critically analyse this statement using Amazon as your case study
organisation. You should aim to show whether customer voice drives
strategic marketing decisions in this organisation making reference to relevant
academic literature in the process.
For completing this Task successfully, you must read carefully the 4th week’s content,
the recommended reading materials that are uploaded in this week’s section, as well
attain Amazon’s information in relation to their marketing strategies.
For reaching information about Amazon, you may either have a direct search to
Amazon’s website or look for industry related information such as Amazon’s press
A strong assignment submission must include the following:
 Relevance
 Good Portion of Knowledge
 Consistent Analysis
 Argument Structure
 Critical Evaluation
 Good Presentation
 Reference to Literature
In order to complete this activity you need to consider the following:
(1) Utilise academic research using literature from journals, books, etc.
(2) Undertake a critical evaluation making effective use of evidence and sources
(3) Present findings in an appropriate format (ensure that Harvard referencing is
Guidelines for completion:
1. The word limit is 4,800 words, +/- 10% inclusive of appendices. Bear in mind that
the appendices count towards the word limit so avoid including organisational
material such as annual reports in any appendices.
2. Where you quote directly or take ideas from something you have read you must
reference these correctly using the Harvard referencing system, not numbered
3. Assignments should be word-processed in Times New Roman 12 point type.
4. Write clearly and professionally, avoid use of the first person such as ‘I’ or ‘we’ and
take pride in the presentation and spelling.
5. It may sound obvious, but make sure you answer the question. A good conclusion
is crucial for good marks.
You are free to quote directly or indirectly from any publication, provided that you
give a reference for the author or originator. In other words, if the research or the
views you cite are not your own, then you MUST acknowledge your source(s), in
accordance with the Harvard style whereby citations are made in the text by author
and date, with a full alphabetical listing at the end of the paper. If you fail to
acknowledge your sources, you run the risk of being accused of plagiarism, which is
an academic offence. The University’s guidelines on academic offences are available
Please note that tutors cannot read large amounts of material prior to handing in, so
please do not ask them to do so. We can advise on style and overall structure but will
not proof read. Draft assignments cannot be evaluated by module staff. Please
submit your work through the Turnitin link set up in the Assessment folder on the
module’s Blackboard site. Please use your University identification number, not your
name, and ensure that the document is clearly marked in terms of your Scheme, the
module and the module leader. Number each page of the document submitted. It is
recommended that you place your identification number on each separate page of
the document.
Length: A word processed essay with referencing to literature. The essay will be
4,800 (+/- 10%) words (inclusive of appendices, NOT inclusive of references).
Submission deadline: End of week 4

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ECON 376 – Proposal and Term Paper Guidelines

ECON 376 – Proposal and Term Paper Guidelines
Dr. Saeed Moshiri
ECON 376 Students are required to write a term paper on a topic related to Economics of Energy. The
proposal and the paper should follow the guidelines below.
I. Research Proposal
Prior to writing the paper, you need to write a short proposal. The proposal should have the following
– research topic
– main question(s)
– methodology (e.g. theoretical, empirical, modeling approach, survey)
– data sources (for empirical papers)
– two main references
The proposal should be typed and not longer than two standard (8.5-11”) pages with double space lines
and font size 12.
II. Paper
You can work on any topic dealing with a particular aspect of Economics of Energy. The paper can be
theoretical or empirical. The theoretical paper includes a literature review or a survey on a current issue
discussed in the literature. The empirical paper can be either a survey of the literature on an issue with a
wide range of empirical results, a quantitative analysis, or an estimation of a model. The topics we cover
in class are good examples of the research topics for your term paper, but your topic should be specific
to allow you to provide a deeper coverage of the material. Here are some topics past students have
worked on:
Energy Scenarios in Saskatchewan
Oil Sands Development in Canada
Future of Crude Oil
Carbon Tax Effects on Saskatchewan Farmers
Carbon Tax Effects on Prices
Electric Car Demands in China
Energy Consumption and Economic Growth
Renewable Energies in Northern Communities
Solar or Wind Energy Developments in Ontario
Is 100 percent Renewable Achievable?
Recent Trend in Energy consumption in China
Saskatchewan’s Uranium Royalty and Implications of Change
Measuring Oil Supply Impacts of the Libyan civil war
Impacts of gasoline tax
Geothermal Energy in the Canadian Context: A Feasibility Analysis
Oil Sand: Nature’s gift or a curse to Canada?
Macroeconomic Impacts of Oil Price Shocks
Oil peak in Canada
Dutch Disease in Canada
Hydraulic Fracturing
Determinants of oil price
The paper must be minimum 8 and maximum 10 pages (max. 2500 words, double spaced, Times font 12,
standard margins) excluding tables, graphs, and bibliography.
A proper organization of the paper will have the following sections:
– Introduction
o Motivation
o Main questions
o objectives
o Methodology
– Body
o Economic model
o Review of the literature
o Data description
o Results
o Analysis
– Conclusion
o Summary of the finding
o Possible shortcomings and caveats
– References
o Follow the standard format used in Economic journals, e.g. Chicago standard.
The paper will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
1. Organization
2. Clarity (how well the ideas are developed and presented)
3. Originality
4. Depth and coherence of the analysis
5. Citation
Good luck.
Saeed Moshiri

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HealthCare Collaborative Working Practice Task

HealthCare Collaborative Working Practice Task
Please use subheadings and also answer each question as stated in 1(a)(i), (ii) etc so that I can easily identify what has been answered.
References is very important for all tasks, and must be from 2016 upward
Introduction: (200 words)
Provide an introduction – this should be done after you have completed all the sections to help with what needs to be included in the introduction. Support your introduction with references
Section 1 (800 words)
In this section, you will provide an excellent, well structured discussion that displays a high level of critical awareness and evaluation through clear identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the principles of service user/carer involvement from a wide range of perceptive. The concepts of interprofessional working and collaborative practice are clearly defined and differentiated and appraisal of own practice clearly evaluated with argument of the highest quality, supported by integrated appropriate and relevant sources.
Positive and challenging aspects of service user involvement must be clearly and eloquently argued, critical analysis and development of excellent arguments of sound academic quality supported by a very wide range of perspectives and sources that are appropriate and relevant.
The concepts of interprofessional working and collaborative practice must be clearly defined and differentiated with a critical and creative application to own practice is evident throughout.
1 (a). Explain and justify the principles of service user and carer involvement in the context of interprofessional working and critically appraise how you may apply these to your practice.
(i (a)) What is concepts of interprofessional working? – support this with reference from literature
(i (b)) What concepts of collaborative practice? – support this with reference from literature
(i (c)) With concepts of interprofessional working and collaborative practice clearly defined in (i) and (ii), now differentiate and appraise of mental hospital setting practice with clearly evaluated.
(ii) Explain with aid of references the positive aspects of having service users involved in their care/treatment etc.
(iii) Explain with aid of references – What are the challenges?
(iv) Explain with aid of references – What does the literature suggest about Service Users involvement?
(v) Explain with aid of references – Critically appraise how healthcare worker should apply Service Users involvement in their own practice?
1(b) Interprofessional working in Healthcare setting
(i) Explain with aid of references – What is interprofessional working and What does the literature suggest?
(ii) Explain with aid of references – What is collaborative practice and What does the literature suggest?
(iii) Explain with aid of references  – How should be collaborative practice apply in practice?
(iv) Could you reflect on an incident with example of interprofessional working and collaborative practice was observed?
(iva) Why was it successful or a challenge? – support this with reference from literature
(ivb) What was the impact on the service or Service Users? – support this with reference from literature
(v) Finally, conclude this section with how you’ll work collaboratively and interprofessionally in practice and give 3 examples? – support this with reference from literature
Section 2 (800 words)

  1. Critically analyse the factors and processes, which are often ambiguous and complex, that facilitate effective collaboration which promotes the creation and maintenance of safe and effective services.

Excellent critical evaluation and application of concepts which inform and impact on collaborative practice elaborated through the critical and judicious selection of examples supported by a wide range of perspectives and sources.
A critical approach must be used throughout that demonstrates clear understanding and outstanding analysis of the complex and ambiguous factors and processes that affect effective collaboration
Critical analysis of strengths and weaknesses in processes affecting effective collaborative practice are clearly defined and evidenced throughout, ambiguity and complexity are explored with excellent argumentation. Factors are identified and critically discussed using a comprehensive range of examples and relevant sources in relation to the maintenance of effective safe services
Critical analysis of a variety of factors and processes for collaborative practice are clearly identified and well integrated into argument.
Critical application of theory to safe effective service delivery is supported.  Discussion addresses ambiguity and complexity using reference to appropriate examples from a variety of sources. Demonstrates good criticality and cogent analysis.
(i) Write about what affects effective collaborative practice? Explain factors and processes that affect effective collaboration – this needs to be discussed with factors are identified and critically discussed using a comprehensive range of examples and relevant sources in relation to the maintenance of effective safe services – support this with reference from literature
(ii) Critical analysis of strengths and weaknesses in processes affecting effective collaborative practice – support this with reference from literature
(iii) What in practice have you observed? – support this with reference from literature
(iv) Poor or effective collaboration? – support this with reference from literature
(v) How is the service/Service User impacted? – support this with reference from literature
(vi) What does the literature suggest can affect effective collaborative practice? – support this with reference from literature
(vii) Reflect upon your involvement in collaborative working in which you have worked collaborative with another Health Care Professional or service to enhance a Service User’s care or experience? – support this with reference from literature
Section 3 (700 words)

  1. Critically evaluate the service environment to offer new insights, through engaging with practice based situations and identify the relevance to contemporary policy drivers for collaborative practice and integrated service delivery.

Demonstrates critical and insightful consideration and creative exploration of the strengths and weaknesses of the service environment in terms of promoting collaborative practice. This must be soundly based on evidence and critical use of the literature and contemporary policy.
(i) How does the environment you work in impact on your ability to collaborate with other Health Care Professional’s? Demonstrates critical and insightful consideration and creative exploration of the strengths and weaknesses of the service environment in terms of promoting collaborative practice.  – support this with reference from literature
(ii) How could this be adapted? – support this with reference from literature
(iii) How can you overcome barriers to collaborative working? – support this with reference from literature
(iv) If you are able to collaborate effectively what is it that facilitates this? – support this with reference from literature
(v) What does the literature suggest as to how the environment can support effective collaborative working? – support this with reference from literature
(vi) Do you agree with the literature? Remember you can appraise the literature, so you could use the literature to offer an alternative opinion and critically reflect using your experiences in practice.
(vii) How do policy drivers promote collaborative working? Make sure you refer to appropriate policy – will send you some sample
Important: References is very important for all tasks, and must be from 2016 upward

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