devise and develop a business case for an existing business

Digital Pathway Report
Task: devise and develop a business case for an existing business
Goal: provide a compelling argument for a company or organisation to invest in and launch
a digital innovation (i.e., a new product, service, process or business method that is based
on digital technologies).
Keep in mind:
● Imagine that you work for this company/organisation, and that the recipient of the
business case is a senior manager from whom you need support to go ahead.
● Propose a digital innovation that you believe this company/organisation should
introduce. This may be because the company/organisation is particularly well placed
to introduce a specific innovation, or because it is threatened by competition and will
suffer if no action is taken.
● Use all information that you can find on the company/organisation to build your case.
This information may include annual reports, information issued by the
company/organisation, press information (FT, Economist, etc.) and any other
information source that you can identify, such as personal contacts.
Structure the document as you see fit. It should include:
● A 200-300 word executive summary at the beginning that pitches your idea
● A description of the innovation that you propose
● An outline why there is a market opportunity (including analysis of the industry
environment and competitors, and economic characteristics of the innovative product,
service, process or method)
● A reflexion about who will be the beneficiaries of the innovation and what problem will
the innovation solve for them? (1000 words)
● An outline of why the innovation would be a good fit with the company/organisation
● A preliminary description of how the innovation will be executed (How will the
innovation be created or sourced? If applicable, how will it be protected? What are
the resources required?)
The innovation: (doesnt have to explain the innovation in your report, just giving you an idea
of what the product is)
– An ecosystem of smart clothing , yoga top, yoga pants and yoga mat
– The yoga top, yoga pants, yoga mats are embedded with sensors, so it can guide
your yoga practise and improve your posture. And records your heart rate etc.
– Also comes with an app, you can track your progress, share your progress with your

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will b
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will t
e innovation solve for them?
Essay plan:
– Introduction
– Target audience: who will be the beneficiaries? (see slide above, do some
market research on lululemon’s existing customer base and give statistics on
it, and say that our new product will target the same customer base)
– Explain why we chose this customer base?
– -eg. #1 Lululemon customers have high income and relatively price
insensitive , and since our new innovation will be expensive, so its likely that
this customer base will adopt this technology, #2 Lululemon customers are
young (around late 20s), so they are interested and familiar with technology,
so they are likely to adopt this technology (this part should be brief and short,
as this will be elaborated more in another question, just give a brief overview)
– How can the innovation benefit our customers? (should be the longest part) talk
about customer value, please see powerpoint above.
– This section should be split like the powerpoint : Guide, Track, achieve,
– Guide: how the innovation can improve their posture, eliminate injuries,
maybe find some data on how incorrect posture can lead to injuries
– Track: how the innovation can track their heart rate etc, do some research on
how this technology can benefit the customer (improve your health? Keep
track of your health?)
– Achieve (doesnt have to go into detail): customers can set goals and achieve
– Inspire: talk about the app, and users can share their progress with friends
and inspire them. this part also should highlight lululemon’s community, and
how our app can help bring lululemon’s community online, lululemon has a
huge network but they dont have an existing online community, so this app
can help connect like minded individuals.
– Conclusion

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Digital Marketing & Communications

Digital Marketing & Communications Task
Essay   format   of   up   to   1500   words,   excluding   references,   tables,   figures,
infographics and diagrams
Details of what you are expected to do:
Rationale: Marketing communications are constantly developing and ever-changing, in particular, due to the impact of digital technologies. New theories, cultural influences and technological advances all combine to create a dynamic environment. Marketers have to be able to understand and assess contemporary issues and challenges in marketing communications and its impact on an individual industry, contexts and product/services. You are encouraged to consider how these issues and challenges can impact on consumption patterns within both local and global contexts, using marketing communications models to underpin your analysis.
In this essay tasks, you need to write an individual evaluation report in relation to consumption of social media content that promote social causes and digital and marketing and communication practices if the non-profit sector.
Overview of assignment
You are then required to write an Evaluation Report in relation to the non-profit sector and consumption of social media content promoting the non-profit causes, within both local (UK) and global contexts. When producing your report, you are to fulfil the three tasks below.
Task 1: (400 words)
Critically evaluate the non-profit sector’s digital and marketing communication practices, within both local (UK) and global contexts.
With use of Critically assess the impact of emerging digital technologies and social media on marketing communication theories.
Task 1 assumes use of analytical tools, i.e. PESTEL, Porter’s 5 forces – main conclusions should then be critically discussed within the main body of your evaluation report.
Task 2: (600 words)
Using one or two marketing communication models, critically evaluate audience(s) that   engage   with   the   social   media   content   promoting   social   causes   and consumption/engagement patterns with such content, within both local (UK) and global contexts.
Demonstrate a critical awareness of local, international and global influences on digital marketing and communications.
Task 2 implies a brief discussion of selected theories and their application to non-profit causes.
Task 3: (500 words)
Discuss the challenges and issues that non-profit organisations face when promoting their causes via social media. Investigate the behaviour of individuals and groups in digitally-mediated Environments.
Task 3 is a summary of things you are highlighting via task 1 and task 2 analysis which altogether constitute challenges marketers face when promoting digital news.
Please note the following:
You should relate the discussion to the relevant academic literature and industry reports.
Every single fact/idea/stat etc should be referenced.
When using PESTEL and Porter’s five forces, you have to list all sources you used to extract data you list, so reference.
A typical structure for the report:

  1. Cover page;
  2. Contents page;
  3. Introduction;
  4. Task 1:
  5. Task 2;
  6. Task 3;
  7. Summary;
  8. References;
  9. Appendices.


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To critically evaluate an Organisations’ SHRM Practices and Policies in response to the impact of a topical issue.
Word Count: 1000 words

  1. Rationale

The concept of HR has undergone significant changes in its purposes, structures and activities in recent years, largely in response to transformations in the external and internal contexts within which organisations and HR operate.
Accordingly, Strategic Human Resource Management Practices can be
beneficial in managing appropriate HR functions within organisations.
This assignment enables you to select an organisation of your choice, which you are familiar with, to be the focus for your study and to choose a key theme and an area of Strategic Human Resource Management that you are most interested in.
The purpose of this is for you to investigate an area which could create problems within an organisation and explore Strategic HRM methods in an attempt to resolve potential issues and propose SHRM policies and practices that could be implemented to maintain effective performance – for both employees and the
The focus of the REPORT: 
Choose ONE Organisation: The Organisation chosen, you must have

  • Readily available information on its structure, the ways in which they manage their staff and how the company organises its HRM activities and functions

See attached list of best and worst Best and Worst Organisational Examples that you may choose from
Consider the relevant EXTERNAL environment and identify ONE key theme which has significantly impacted on the INTERNAL organisation.
Critically evaluate how Strategic Human Resource Management Policies and Practices can be beneficial in managing this impact – to resolve issues and maintain effective performance – for both employees and the Organisation.
The Key Theme area you relate your research to should be one listed below. Choose ONE key theme which has significantly impacted on their chosen organisation from list below – this will be the subject of discussion. The choice of Organisation, key theme and SHRM area, will provide you with advice and guidance accordingly to enable you to proceed with focused research and study of 4,000 words.

  • Global/International practices
  • CSR
  • Ethics
  • Diversity
  • The Employment Relationship: Participation and Involvement
  • Well Being/ Work Life Balance and/or Flexible Working
  • Employee Engagement/Employee Voice
  • Other Emergent Topical HRM issues

Your Rational should covered

  1. Critically evaluate the key issues and debates associated with making HRM strategic.


  1. Consider the relevant EXTERNAL environment and identify ONE key theme which has significantly impacted on the INTERNAL organisation.


  1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the potential and actual connection between HRM and organisational performance


  1. Understand the contribution   of   HR   policies   and   practices   in   employee   resourcing,  employee development, employee relations and reward management, performance management, participation and involvement, redundancy among others, to the delivery of SHRM


  1. Recognise the key challenges and opportunities surrounding the delivery of SHRM in a global context.

Then complete the TOPIC CHOICE RATIONALE form, providing details of their chosen Organisation; of their chosen Theme and a brief summary of their Rationale.
An initial Bibliography (relevant Literature) should be identified, listed and reviewed to help demonstrate further the rationale for their proposed final Report.

Approx 1000 words
Brief Detail of Organisation:
Assessment of the External environment:
Key Theme/Topical Issue chosen:
HR Practices and Policies identified:
Strategic Perspective and Models identified:
Your Rationale – RESEARCH Content (so far)
Bibliography (so far):
Proposed Report Structure:
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Argentina financial crises

Academic Writing – Economy – Financial Crisis
10 page assignment.
You should focus on a large economic downturn – crisis- related to debt default, banking collapse, massive currency depreciation, or hyperinflations.
your aim is to uncover the origins of the latest crisis, but also a past crisis and then understanding similarities and differences.
You MUST be familiar with work of Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth S. Rogoff, who have analysed the similarities of financial crisis over the past centuries.

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