Write A Report To The Directors Of CICI Ltd Outlining The Treatment Of Each Item: Corporate Reporting Assignment

niversity The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport (CILT)
Subject Corporate Reporting

Assignment Details: CICI Ltd question

The following items of property plant and equipment were included in the records of CICI Ltd 1. February 2019:
The following items of property plant and equipment were included in the records of CICI Ltd 1
During the year ended 31st January 2020, the following occurred: –

  • Buildings represent €348,000 of the amount in Feb 2019. The buildings were bought new on la Feb 2019.
  • On the 1st February 2019, an item of a plant costing €88,000 on 1st July 2017 is now recognized as having a useful life of only five years in total.
  • A new plant was acquired for €100,000 on l August 2019 and the company received a government grant of €20,000 towards the cost. The company uses the deferred credit method in accounting for government grants.

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  • On 30th September 2019, a vehicle that was originally purchased for €19,000 during the year ended 31st January 2018 was traded in at a value of €13,000 against a new model costing €28,000.
  • Fixtures which had cost €22,000, and were fully depreciated, were scrapped in November 2019.
  • During November the company incurred an expenditure of €85,000 on developing projects which are considered technically feasible and commercially viable.

The following is relevant:

  1. The company’s policy for depreciation is to use the straight-line method at the following rates:

The company's policy for depreciation is to use the straight-line method at the following rates

  1. The company charges a full year’s depreciation/amortization in the year of acquisition of a non- current asset and no depreciation in the year of disposal.


Write a report to the directors of Cici Ltd outlining the treatment of each item above as per the relevant international accounting standard and prepare the extracts for the company’s published financial statements for the year ended 31st January 2020.

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The Contribution Of The Construction Industry To The Irish Economy Is Considerable In Terms Of Output, Employment, Capital Expenditure

The contribution of the construction industry to the Irish economy is considerable in terms of output, employment, capital expenditure and in the provision of infrastructure requirements. There are numerous factors that determine the demand for construction output and to fully understand the economic importance of the construction industry it is essential to monitor and analyze these indicators.
1) Economic Growth:
~ GDP and GNP (% changes as well as monetary value)
~ Value of construction output
~ Construction as a percentage of GDP
2} Employment in Ireland: 

~ Employment and unemployment rates
~ Construction Employment: direct and indirect
3) Inflation:

~ Consumer Price Index
~ Construction Tender Price Inflation/Construction Cost Inflation
4) Private Residential Sector (owner-occupier or investment) 

5) Social Housing (and affordable housing) 

6) Private non-residential (eg. offices, hotels, retail) 

7) Productive infrastructure (eg. rail, road, airport, seaport) 

8) Social infrastructure (eg. healthcare, education buildings) 

9) Fiscal Policy
~ Budget (current and capital expenditure)
~ National debt, government deficit
10) Monetary Policy Implementation
~ ECB interest rates & credit control
11) Apprenticeship Training/Education
12) International Trade/Brexit
13) Sustainable Development
A written report providing critical analysis and discussion of the construction industry in Ireland over the last decade.
Significant trends (positive and/or negative) must be identified and explained prior to any relevant relationships between variables outlined and discussed (for example employment in the economy as a whole versus construction; economic growth and construction industry growth; inflation and employment). The analysis should highlight critical drivers and the impact of the trends and draw linkages to the various sectors within the industry (where relevant).
The report should also provide a forecast of future output for construction identifying the key contributing factors and likely drivers of future output within the sector, and for the economy as a whole. Topical issues, for example, Brexit, should form part of the discussion in the context of the Irish economy and the potential impact (if any) on the construction sector.
The written report may include some of the visual displays from the first component and must be referenced in accordance with the Harvard System. A possible structure for the written report is outlined as follows:

  •  Title Page (Group member name, student number, course, year)
  •  Abstract (Executive summary c. 200 words)
  •  List of tables, list of figures, list of abbreviations
  •  Table of contents
  •  Introduction
  •  Macroeconomic objectives (trends and analysis)
  •  Construction industry and macroeconomic objectives (trends and analysis)
  •  The future outlook for the economy (including opportunities and threats)
  •  The future outlook for the construction industry (including opportunities and threats )
  •  Conclusions
  •  References (Harvard system)
  •  Appendices (minutes of group meetings; graphical displays not included in the main 
body of the report) 
The written report should be approximately 5,000 words (excluding preliminaries, bibliography, and appendices) and a screenshot of the word count must be included as an appendix.
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The Irish Government Must Respond To The Severe Economic Downturn Caused By The COVID-19 Pandemic: Economics Essay Assignment

University National University of Ireland (NUI)
Subject Economics

Assignment Details:

The Irish government must respond to the severe economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic; such a response may act to stimulate the economy or promote living within our means as set out by the theories of Keynesian Economics and Economic Liberalism respectfully.
Compare and contrast these different potential responses in at least four sectors of the Irish economy.

Learning outcomes:

LO2. Explain the broad principles of macroeconomics and the role of government intervention
LO3. Describe the main features of the Irish economy
LO4. Interpret standard economic models of the market and of market intervention

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In your answer you should:

  1. Describe the Irish economy using the circular flow of income;
  2. Briefly outline the theories of economic liberalism and Keynesian economics;
  3. Use the model of demand and supply to explain how markets work;
  4. Discuss and describe how international trade can affect an economy’s potential output;
  5. Debate the role of the welfare state;
  6. Analyze potential labor market changes;
  7. Analyze any potential trade-off between unemployment and

Your answer should have an introduction, main body, and conclusion. While some attention of your answer should be focused on the theoretical definition, the main focus of your answer should concentrate on the extent to how the state may act and the economic arguments both for and against these actions by using the course material and external evidence such as CSO data.
It is important that you answer the question directed at you. In essence, the question is seeking a response to contrasting arguments around government intervention in the Irish economy. Your answer should be a well-balanced economic argument identifying the various options open to the government.
Diagrams, tables, graphs, and their descriptions are to be attached as appendixes and are excluded from the overall word count, you should reference them in your answer.
Your answer must contain a reference list in a separate section at the end of your answer. References and the reference section are also excluded from the word count.

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Trade Law Demands A Delicate Balance Between International Rules And Domestic Autonomy: International Economic Law Essay

University University College Dublin (UCD)
Subject International Economic Law

Assignment Details:

“Trade law demands a delicate balance between international rules and domestic autonomy. The World Trade Organization fails to strike that balance, and that has been its undoing.” Do you agree? Explain your answer.

  • Key concepts – “international rules”, “domestic autonomy”, “balance” What are they? What do they mean? What do they imply? Why (if at all) do they matter?
  • Doctrinal focus – “trade law”, “The World Trade Organization” Open, so up to you to decide which parts of the module to focus on. Why choose the ones you do? (Justify your choices!) How do they relate to the key concepts? Is the answer always the same?
  • “fails to strike” “has been its undoing” – Are these the right criteria for judging WTO law? How well has it done by these criteria? What is the consequence? For whom?
  • “Do you agree?” – evaluate the statement! Is it right or wrong? Why?
  •  “Explain your answer.” – Why is the answer you have reached the correct one? What is the argument supporting it?

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Make an Argument

  1. The argument is yours – it is what you bring to the table.
  2. The questions are intentionally open. There are many different but equally good ways you could answer these questions. It is your job to decide how to approach them.
  3. There is no one right answer (but this does not mean there are no wrong answers!)
  4. An interesting, original and compelling argument is what distinguishes really great academic writing.
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