s Either An Entrepreneur Or As Part Of A Larger Organization, You Are Expected To Create/Develop And Market A New Product: Marketing Assignment

University National University of Ireland (NUI)
Subject Marketing

Written Project

Introductory Outline:

As either an entrepreneur or as part of a larger organization, you are expected to:

  • create/develop and market a new product/service or
  • revise and reposition an already existing product or service

Note: Where possible you should apply the project to the company you work for or a company you are familiar with.
As part of the project you will carry out the following:


Part (a). Market Audit and SWOT Analysis

The first section of the report should provide an audit/assessment of the marketing environment in which you plan to operate.
You are expected to use a mix of both Secondary and Primary research to complete this section of the report.
This research should provide insights into:

  • The customer landscape, the major segments in the market, and the needs and factors that might affect purchasing behavior. Customer Analysis.
  • The competitors, their strategy and their strengths and weaknesses
  • Examine existing Suppliers and Distributors if relevant.
  • The relevant political/ legal,  economic, ecological, social, and technical factors that might impact your choice of the market (PEEST) Macro forces and trends at play.

This section should end with a SWOT analysis summarising what you see as:

  • Your company or product’s Strengths and Weaknesses
  • The major Opportunities and Threats that your product might face.

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Part (b). Marketing Strategy

This section should provide details on:

  • Specific marketing objectives.
  • Market segmentation, targeting, and positioning strategy. Students must clearly outline theirs chose target market(s) and their positioning strategy to achieve their objectives. Clearly outline your value proposition.
  • Apply the marketing mix framework /FOUR Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process, Physical Evidence) to deliver on your strategy. Detailed discussion on how you intend to use the approaches and tactics offered by each ‘P’ that you’ve explored as part of your course.
    • Product & Brand Strategy  | PRODUCT
    • Pricing Strategy | PRICE
    • Distribution / Channel Strategy | PLACE
    • Marketing Communication (Advertising & PR other IMC elements) & Sales Strategy | PROMOTIONS

Part (c). Conclusion & Recommendations

A brief summary of conclusions and recommendations based on your market audit and strategy.

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Responsibility For HR, Talent And Organisation Consulting And Leverages Research, Analytics, And Industry Insights To Help Design

Assignment Brief:
You have recently graduated from Griffith College and have joined the international accounting and consulting firm, Deloitte, as an intern. You have been allocated to the Management Consulting Department and are now working it its Human Capital Section. This section has responsibility for HR, talent and organisation consulting and leverages research, analytics, and industry insights to help design and execute critical programs from business driven HR to innovative talent, leadership, and change programmes.
You report to a Director responsible for advising clients appropriate structures, policies, procedures and processes related to recruitment, selection and induction. She is currently working on several projects and has asked you to choose one you would like to work on with her. All of the projects are related to the recruitment, selection and induction of an appropriate person for a senior management role in a leading multinational company. The roles will be based in Ireland but require extensive international travel. The roles are.

  • Chief Operations Officer for Apple Ireland.
  • Chief Technology Officer for Aviva Ireland.
  • Global Brand Manager for CRH Cement Products.
  • Head of Finance at Medtronic Ireland.
  • Marketing Director at SanDisk Ireland.

The Director has asked you to write a short report (1,500 words plus diagrams) that covers the following:

  1. A high-level description of the department e.g. Operations Department (approx. 150 words/5% of marks) and an outline of what you see is the current, global strategy for the area e.g. the global operations strategy (approx. 150 words/5% of marks). A diagram that outlines your suggestion for the senior management structure of the area (one, A4 page/10% of marks). (20% of marks in total).
  2. A description of the department’s likely future HR resources, capacities and capabilities requirements (approx. 500 words/30% of marks).
  3. A description and explanation of the competencies required for the specific role in the chosen organisation (approx. 300 words/20% of marks) and a recruitment system/process you would suggest using for the recruitment, selection and induction for the position (approx. 400 words including a diagram/30%). (50% of marks in total).
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PUBLIC RELATIONS PLAN- How You Plan To Manage The Public Relations (PR) Activity Of Your Product/Service/Brand

Written Project –
Introductory Outline:
As either an entrepreneur or as part of a larger organisation, you are expected to:
(i) create/develop and market a new product/service/brand from scratch
(ii) revise and reposition an already existing product/service/brand
Note: Where possible you should apply the project to the company you work for or a company you are familiar with.  You can choose the same company for all 4 projects (Marketing, Sales, Advertising, Public Relations) or choose a different company for each, it is your choice. You have an unlimited budget and resources available to you (or your company). 
You should provide an outline of how you plan to manage the public relations (PR) activity of your product/service/brand.
You should organise your public relations plan under the following headings:

  1. Analysis – What are the current perceptions and issues?
  2. Objectives – What should the PR campaign set out to achieve?
  3. Publics – Who will the PR campaign seek to engage with and influence?
  4. Messages – What elements of persuasion will be used to shift perceptions?
  5. Strategy – What is the overarching strategic mission?
  6. Tactics – Exactly what PR tactics will be employed? (Your plan must include for CSR, Sponsorship, Traditional Media Relations (including one press release), and Social Media activities)
  7. Timescales – What is the planned timings for each activity and why?
  8. Resources – What resources (financial, human, equipment) will be required?
  9. Evaluation – How will the plan be evaluated throughout, regarding effectiveness of each activity?
  10. Review – At the conclusion of the plan’s implementation, how do you plan to review the entire approach and learn for future campaigns?
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Blueprinting identifying MOTs, CITs and potential Service Failure /Recovery Assignment: Service Marketing

University National University of Ireland (NUI)
Subject Marketing

Blueprinting identifying MOTs, CITs and potential Service Failure /Recovery Assignment: Service Marketing

Your group are part of a marketing consultancy that has been approached by NCI’s Career Development and Employability Office (CDEO) to review and possibly improve their current services/marketing/branding across all student channels and media.
While the CDEO have been independently lauded and have won numerous awards for their services, being a market-oriented department, they are always anxious to make their services even better.
In this vein, you are required to compile a detailed report utilising the following services marketing theories, frameworks and/or principles to review current practice and to recommend avenues to create an even more conducive & satisfactory student & potential employer experience: Blueprinting identifying MOT (moment of truth), CIT’s and potential service failures/recovery
A FLOWCHART that illustrates steps
Blueprinting identifying MOTs
A sequential a step by step (mapping: times, tolerance)

  1. What happens each step(details on the side of the chart)
  2. For example,1. The first step is e-mailing the career office, 2. book an appointment, 3. arrive in the career office, 4. talk to the career office worker. (how long will it take? for instance, 2:30 minutes)
  3. Identifying who is handling the interaction through the steps. While the is more on the side (feedback loop).

Blueprinting identifying MOTs, CITs
What to link to each other digital

  • Outline the service and delivering.
  • Sequential
  1. Through steps
  2. Identify the process
  3. Initiating, purchasing, customer, evaluate the service

For example, the service can start when the customer rings/e-mail the office and chose the service
Blueprinting identifying MOTs, CITs and potential service
Blueprinting identifying MOTs, CITs and potential service failure

  • A video can show the blueprint service
  • Anaesthetics: consist of the service intended strategy & positioning As a critical indicate
  • Important expectation
  • Want to interacting customers through involvement
  • To be a tracking system
  • The service may fail because its in real-time and in front of the customer
  • It can have an emotional involvement
  • Sequential inducted technique
  • And encourage customers to complain about the service if it failed to deliver

Customer/ service:

  • Who is responsible & how to present the service. The visual evidence and tangible cue
  • A detailed flowchart, visual functional: aesthetic ( showing the right image & importance.

For example, a bar. Is more accurate.

  • Service failure parts: identifying if there were failure points
  • Line of interaction: the mot : ( the moment of truth).
  • Service can be on &back stage
  • As on stage
  • And backstage: the support staff
  • The line of visibility: what is seen and what is unseen
  • (value of personals: interaction).
  • Line of inertial interaction: for example IT
  • The role of the service environments.
  • Engaging with IT service
  • Customers point of view: to see if is functional or not
  • Viewing the right image forming?

Noteworthy Resources:
Current CDEO Events you’ll need to consider:

  • Spotlight on HR, IT, Marketing, Computing events
  • Just in Time careers Fair
  • School of Computing Project Showcase
  • IT Fest
  • Part-time jobs & volunteering Fair
  • Certificate in Career Management & Employability
  • Weekly vacancy newsletter
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