ACHI Barcelona Is A Company That Sells Medium-High Range Handbags: Strategic Management Assignment

University University College Dublin (UCD)
Subject Strategic Management


BACHI Barcelona ( is a company that sells medium-high range handbags and accessories for men and women. This project has been created by two friends, Meritxell and Nuria, passionate about fashion and fully orientated to the satisfaction of their customers through their products, and it has been in the market for one year.
These two enterprising women have a common idea: to create comfortable accessories but without sacrificing innovative designs. Therefore, their products seek differentiation through originality, because their patterns are visible both inside and outside of the bags, thereby creating a different product.
BACHI Barcelona stands out for online sales through a website that tries to be intuitive and with high navigability whilst, of course, gaining visibility for their bags and accessories. In addition, it has the following services:

  • The complete catalog of their accessories for online sales.
  • Filtering by categories and price system, to customize searches.
  • Offers and temporary discounts on some products.
  • Form for potential customers to request information.
  • Delivery service of 24-48 hours. Cost: € 5 (other costs assumed by BACHI Barcelona). However, they offer several promotions with free deliveries.
  • National and international shipments (European Union), although they are still not very clear how to penetrate international markets.
  • “Stories by Bachi” blog, where they report announcements and related news.
  • Newsletter service (previous subscription with welcome gift).
  • Access to their social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

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In relation to other information of interest:

  • Human capital is composed only of them: Meritxell and Nuria. They both have extensive knowledge of the fashion industry and new trends. Also, they have earned a degree in Law, so they have great knowledge of legal matters.
  • High involvement, enthusiasm, desire to grow and meet the needs of customers in the fashion and accessories sector.
  • They have external consultants in different areas such as Marketing, Community Manager, Web Positioning, Accounting, Photography, Web Programming, or Modelling.
  • Clear awareness of the importance of the presence of BACHI Barcelona in social media to obtain a good position in the market.
  • Low bargaining power of the price of the deliveries until they start getting a higher number of orders.
  • A very close relationship with their suppliers. Currently, they are working with 20 suppliers because of the many details that their accessories have. These are local Eco-Friendly suppliers, thus contributing to the sustainability and development of local commerce, even though this may translate into less competitive prices than if they worked with suppliers from countries with different labor rights cultures.
  • All their designs are unique and handcrafted in Barcelona.
  • The stock policy is very clear: refuse to work on request. They prefer to have a surplus for all their star and classic products. They will only work on requests for cost or limited edition designs.
  • At a financial level, they work with a Business Expansion Account for SMEs with advantageous conditions in terms of fees and bank charges, but they do not have financing.
  • They often base their strategy on participating in fairs and events to bring their product and brand closer to the public, at strategic points such as Barcelona, Tarifa, and different Italian cities, avant-garde in the latest fashion.
  • Currently, BACHI Barcelona faces stiff competition. Their main competitors are:
    • Zubi (
    • Afortunadas (

Meritxell and Nuria have some priorities related to gaining a presence in social networks and increasing their competitive advantages over their main competitors. They consider it very important to increase the number of subscribers on the web, get more followers to increase visibility, try new ways of online communication (guest posting, banners, collaboration with bloggers and other national and international friendly companies) and increase sales from the promotions they make.
Although they are very aware of these facts, they have never stopped to elaborate on a strategic plan that helps them achieve their main goals for BACHI Barcelona. For this reason, they’re contacting you to help them with this task.


  1. Create the mission, vision, and values of BACHI Barcelona
  1. With the information provided, we need to carry out an internal analysis based on the evaluation of both the website and any internal elements mentioned.
    • Describe and explore the competitive advantages and disadvantages of BACHI regarding its competitors.
    • Identify the tangible resources (physical and financial), the intangible resources, and the capacities that we have.
    • Prepares a VRIO analysis of the resources of BACHI Barcelona
    • Conclude the exercise with a small matrix that reflects the resulting Strengths and Weaknesses.
  2. Perform an external analysis (macroenvironment and microenvironment) of the current situation.
    • PEST analysis
      1. 4 elements of the economic structure.
      2. 2 elements of the technological structure.
      3. 2 elements of the political structure.
      4. 2 elements of the social structure.
    • Analysis of the 5 Porter Forces
      1. Bargaining power with suppliers.
      2. Power of negotiation of the consumers.
      3. Threat on the income of substitute products.
      4. The threat of new competitors.
      5. Rivalry among competitors.
    • End the exercise with a small matrix that reflects the resulting Opportunities and Threats.
  1. In accordance with the Weaknesses, Strengths (internal analysis), Opportunities, and Threats (external analysis), propose the following:
    • Defensive strategy.
    • Offensive strategy.
    • Survival strategy.
    • Reorientation Strategy.
  1. Develop a BSC in the form of a matrix.
  2. Based on the contribution of Michael Porter, you must propose and justify the following (one of each):
    • Strategy in Cost Leadership.
    • Differentiation Strategy.
    • Focus Strategy.
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The Business World Has Witnessed An Unparalleled Surge In Transnational And Cross-Cultural Commerce : International Sales Management Assignment

University Dublin Business School (DBS)
Subject Sales Management
Question: “The business world has witnessed an unparalleled surge in transnational and cross-cultural commerce” (Gu et al. 2019, pg. 227). Critically evaluate the key factors in international business to business marketing that contribute to efficient business management and improved performance.

Essay Assessed on:

  • Structure
  • Quality of articles selected
  • Integration of articles
  • Quality of discussion/presentation
  • Depth of discussion
  • Relevant examples
  • Quality of referencing
  • Originality
  • Coherence and flow of the overall work
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Critically Evaluate The Effectiveness Of HR Planning. Choose A UK (Or International) Business Sector: Resourcing And Talent Management Assignment

University Sheffield Hallam University (SHU)
Subject Resourcing and Talent Management

Assignment Details:

Critically evaluate the effectiveness of HR planning. Choose a UK (or international) business sector and explore how HR planning may (or may not) be used to help organizations within that sector respond to political or legislative changes that impact upon its labour market.
Use academic research, statistical and case study evidence to explore both the labour market you have selected and the differing HR planning approaches that may be adopted (or not) by your selected case study organization (s).

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This element of the coursework aims to assess the following learning outcomes and should, therefore, be considered within your written submission:

  • Analyze and evaluate the major features of national and international employment markets from which organizations source staff and the ways in which markets evolve and change, demonstrating awareness of the changing nature of work and the requirement to have a workforce that can operate flexibly as labour demands fluctuate.  This is not an essay about ‘flexible working’ but about a ‘flexible workforce’ the composition of which will change according to organization demand and labour market dynamics.
  • Critically analyze the impact of internal and external organizational factors and how these impact on workforce planning strategies and initiatives.
  • Take into account the ethical considerations that need to be considered when developing HR (workforce) plans.
  • Critically evaluate the different approaches to workforce planning within the context of your case study illustration(s)
  • Critically evaluate the sources and evidence base for knowledge that underpins this discipline. Please remember this is an HR essay – not a political, economic, or legislative essay, to please focus your writing and research efforts on Human Resource Management.
  • Fully compliant with APA referencing requirements.
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Choose The Option “Compliance And Managing For Ethical Behavior”, Please Check The Verizon’s Code: Social Responsibility Of Business Assignment

University University College Dublin (UCD)
Subject Social Responsibility of Business

Assignment Title: Social Responsibility of Business

Assignment Brief:

During our classes together we will look at issues connected with the following topics
Introduction to corporate responsibility, stakeholder analysis

  • Organisation Culture and Values
  • Compliance and Managing for ethical behavior
  • Employees and the Changing Work Environment
  • Business and the Environment
  • Global Society
  • Business Responsibility to Consumers
  • Science, Technology, and R&D
  • Social impact CSR strategy

Topic selection: –

For section A, please choose the option “Compliance and Managing for ethical behavior”. Please check the Verizon’s Code of Conduct which you can download from this link:
For section B, please choose the option “Business and the Environment”. Please check this page from Verizon to give you some directions:
For section C, please choose the option “Social impact CSR strategy”. Please check the following links:

For your individual assignment, you are to complete a project about the company “Verizon” (” which includes:

  • A stakeholder analysis of the company (this can be a simple table or diagram and does not need to eat up word count)
  • Your choice of one topic from each section, A, B and C as shown above (so three topics in total). For each of the three topics, you are to outline an aspect of the topic for this business that is particularly important and set out your recommendations for this company. There will be additional guidance at the end of each slide set.

I do not want a mere description of what the company is doing. I want your recommendations based on learning from class (see slides), class discussion, academic research and research on a range of industry players. It might be helpful to imagine you are writing a report for the CEO of Verizon.

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You need to research an aspect of a topic that is particularly relevant for the business. For example, we will look at considerations around responsible practice in terms of compliance issues. If you were applying that to a retail organisation with low paid staff spread over a wide geographic area you might focus on the difficulty of communicating a consistent message and training to them due to shift work, staff turnover etc. Please do keep in mind that you are required however to demonstrate coverage of the stakeholder analysis and three other topics so make sure that your work has that spread even while doing a deeper dive into specific issues within your topics.

  1. Clear and comprehensive identification and analysis of the key issues
  2. Application of current thinking and research to issue
  3. Logical and clear structure
  4. Good presentation of work which is properly referenced
  5. Evidence of additional research beyond what was covered in classes
  6. Attendance and participation

Learning Outcomes Addressed in this Assignment:

MLO1 Critique and justify new sustainable business approaches taking into account stakeholders, globalisation, human needs in the workplace, diversity, and corporate citizenship.
MLO2 Act as a responsible, informed, socially aware and self-aware individual and a contributor to positive organisational change and ethical management.
MLO3 Anticipate challenges to an organisation’s social and environmental performance and suggest and defend proposed solutions to those challenges.

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