George Bernard Shaw – An Organisation Will Go Through Many Transformations

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything”
George Bernard Shaw
An organisation will go through many transformations. Both external and internal forces are the drivers of these transformations.
Based on an organisation of your own choosing, investigate the changes that have occurred in the organisation. You must investigate the impact of change on structure, strategies and people.
You may wish to consider the following:

  • Environmental turbulence
  • Organisational Structure and life cycle
  • Organisational Culture
  • Types of change
  • Models of change
  • Change strategies adopted
  • Management style (pre and post change).
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B8MN104: Analyse The Interdependent Relationship That Exists Between ‘Business Strategy’ And ‘Human Resource Management’

University Dublin Business School (DBS)
Subject Human Resource Management (HRM)

Assessment Task

To undertake this Assignment, you must first form a group. This group is self-appointed.
Analyse the interdependent relationship that exists between ‘Business Strategy’ and ‘Human Resource Management’ within an organisation of your choice.

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To help you with your analysis please read the following carefully:

In your analysis discuss the differences between theory and practice as it relates to the following;

  • The linkages that exist between Business Strategy, and the Management of human resources. ( Best fit approach)
  • The initiatives the HRM function can take, to implement change, in order to support the achievement of a high performing organisational culture. (Best practice approach)

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this module, learners will be able to:

  1. Prescribe strategically enabling HRM strategies designed to harness the maximum contribution of human resources to organisational success
  2. Assess the practical talent management issues involved in Human Resource Planning
  3. Synthesise the importance of effective recruitment, selection, training and development as a basis of competitive advantage
  4. Evaluate the main methods of managing performance and reward at work
  5. Display analytical ability in the motivation, engagement and retention of employees
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Contemplating Risk And Changing Needs In Social And Community Work Practice: Assessment And Care Support Planning Assignment, BCFE

University Ballyfermot College of Further Education (BCFE)
Subject Unit 24: Assessment and Care Support Planning

Assignment Title: Contemplating risk and changing needs in social and community work practice

Learning Outcomes:

LO3 Analyse the impact of risk management and crisis and contingency planning in social and community work practice.
LO4 Evaluate how needs are being met in relation to own area of practice.

Assignment Brief and Guidance:


You are a senior manager in a social or community service that has undergone significant change as a result of increasing regulations and the changing needs of the population. The Board of Management is attempting to move from a risk-averse culture to one that promotes the individual’s right to risk and choose. You need to ensure that staff members, old and new, understand the importance of risk management in the care planning process and the need for a crisis or contingency planning to respond to changing needs.

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Part A: Develop an information bulletin that can be included in the next newsletter for staff. It should analyse the importance of risk management as part of the care planning process (P5) and examine the need for a crisis or contingency plan (P6) in the context of the regulatory environment (M3).
Part B: Write a reflective on the importance of a positive organisational culture (P7) and your own role in promoting the right of the individual to choose (P8). You should draw on your work placement setting to critically discuss the impact of the changing needs of the local population on the services provided (M4).
The information bulletin and reflection report are a critical review of the challenges of case management and care planning in a society with changing needs (D2).

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ompare And Contrast The Myers Briggs Type Indicator With That Of Belbin’s Roles Profiles: Introduction To Organisational Behaviour Assignment

University Dublin City University (DCU)
Subject Introduction to organisational Behaviour

You are required to:

1. Compare and contrast the Myers Briggs Type Indicator with that of Belbin’s Roles Profiles and outline how one, or both of these models lead to effective teamwork and positive organizational culture;
2. Is an effective organizational culture solely dependent on personality tests as a means of creating an effective team?

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Other requirements.

1. Your assignment should be in a Word document, Font Size 12 (including headings and subheadings), and the font type should be Times New Roman or Ariel, line spacing should be 1.5;
2. Your assignment must be submitted on the CCT cover page. This page is available on Moodle;
3. The assignment should have a minimum of 2,000 words and a maximum of 2,500 excluding Cover Page, Table of Contents, Executive Summary, Reference List and Appendices;
4. As this is an academic assignment you should include examples of referencing and in text citation. Please do not use Wikipedia as a source of reference, also, you do not need to reference your notes or notes from Moodle.
5. Do not use UKEssays, Business Dictionary, Investopediaetcetc as sources of references.
6. Please check all spelling and grammatical errors before submission.

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