Organisational Culture Invariably Causes Managers To Lose Sight Of Their Personal Ethical Standards

‘Organisational culture invariably causes managers to lose sight of their personal ethical standards.’ Discuss critically. This is not just an assignment asking you to explain ethics, state how important they are, outline your own ethical standards, emphasise the necessity for high ethical standards in organisations, explain the manager’s role or explain organisational culture. Each of these may be relevant, but you must demonstrate this relevance by using them to support your discussion and lead to an informed conclusion about the above proposition. Group Discussion: What is this proposition saying? As of now, to what extent do you agree with it? Why? What should you read up on to express a more informed view?

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BS4D03: Renew Wales Was Originally Devised By A Group Of Social Entrepreneurs- Management Project Assignment,

University University of South Wales (UoSW)
Subject BS4D03: Management Project

Project:- Renew Wales

Project Brief

Renew Wales was originally devised by a group of social entrepreneurs with the aim of getting advice and support to innovative and active groups taking action on climate change. It also aimed to stimulate action in groups who had no previous knowledge or expertise doing environmental and climate change projects. Funded by Sustainable Steps and hosted by DTA Wales, it has the following outcomes:

  1. More communities have better knowledge, skills and abilities to allow them to:
    • take action to address the causes of climate change,
    • build resilience to climate change and
    • live in a more sustainable way.
  2. More communities are starting to reduce their carbon footprint or adapt to the impacts of climate change
  3. Learning from the programme informs future climate change and sustainable development policy and project replication.

Funding has now been secured to support Renew Wales through to March 2018. We are looking for an evaluator to support us during this critical phase of Renew Wales.

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About the model

Renew Wales has a team of 25 Coordinators. The Coordinators are geographically spread and are tasked with developing action plans with the groups. Coordinators are paid based on the number of days they spend supporting their groups. A much wider network of mentors supports the Coordinators to deliver aspects of the action plan.
None of the Coordinators works full time on Renew Wales and for most, it makes up a small part of their wider role. This allows the Coordinators to be connected into the wider voluntary sector landscape. All Coordinators and Mentors must be hosted by a third sector organisation.
We are constantly developing our pool of mentors and as we support groups to develop their projects we are aiming to progress them to become paid mentors for other groups delivering similar projects.

About the evaluation

One of the downsides of the Renew Wales model is the Coordinators are not readily available to support the evaluation. They are resourced for 0.5 days per year to complete forms and contribute to the evaluation. There are also opportunities through the coordinator training days to collect information from them.
We will be working with coordinators to develop an assessment tool to guide their interactions with projects and there will be an opportunity for the evaluators to inform this to aid the collection of outcome data. We have also used self-evaluation tools, in particular reflective diaries, that have contributed to our understanding of impact in previous years and we would welcome ideas from evaluators about how to develop this further.

The focus of the Evaluation

The primary audience for this evaluation will be the Renew Wales steering group. We will make the evaluation report available to relevant stakeholders, including the Welsh Government and will use the findings to help showcase our successes and learning. We want the evaluators to act as a critical friend and help us identify ways the project could be improved.
The objectives can be summarised into two overarching areas:

  • Understanding the model and what the added value of the Renew Wales model is
  • Understanding the impact of Renew Wales and how it delivers both the Sustainable Steps and Wider outcomes

These are considered in more detail below.

Understanding the model

As set out above Renew Wales has a different way of working too many projects and programmes. We are therefore interested in using this phase of the evaluation to understand in much more detail what the added value of the Renew Wales approach is and how it compares to other projects and programmes. We are also interested in learning about another peer to peer projects and programmes and to take any learning from them.
In particular, we are interested in understanding:

  • What is the added value of taking this approach?
  • How does this model compare in terms of costs and benefits to other programmes or projects?
  • What are the similarities and differences between this and another peer to peer networking models?
  • What are the critical success factors for both delivering support through mentors and coordinators and achieving project outcomes?

Understanding the impact

A key role of the evaluator will be to collect quantitative and qualitative data. We also expect the appointed evaluator to support us in identifying appropriate intermediate outcomes and proxy indicators to help us demonstrate the success of the project.
In particular, we are interested in understanding:

  • What contribution does Renew Wales make to the indicators of the Future Generations and Wellbeing Act
  • How does Renew Wales contribute to the anti-poverty priorities of Welsh Government
  • What the long term impact of Renew Wales funding has been. We will work with you to identify projects we can re-visit to understand the impact
  • What is the impact of Renew Wales on reducing climate change?
  • How does the impact of Renew Wales compare to other models

We are also interested in any suggested approaches for helping us to demonstrate the Return on Investment, Local Investment Models or Cost-Benefit of the Renew Wales programme.

Client Requirement

The client is looking for consultants to provide a reported bid outlining how they would produce a study that outlines the following:
An evaluation of the Renew Wales model to ensure a platform for future activity.

Project Timescale

The duration of the project is 6 Months.


Consultants need to produce a 6,000-word report outlining the main objectives of the study and the methods that would be employed – following the structure provided. In addition, an ‘A3 Report’ summarising the approach to this project needs to be provided.

Assessment Questions:

  1. Client Aims & Objectives
    • Clear identification of the Client’s requirements set out the objectives of the study
  2. Supporting Evidence
    • Critical Identification and Evaluation of suitable industry studies and frameworks applicable to the project
    • A critical exploration of the relevant academic theory to support the subjects covered in the project
  3. Gannt Chart & Methods
    • Identification, explanation and critical evaluation of the range of activities needed to complete the Client’s project.
    • Understanding and critical reflection in scheduling the activities e.g. timelines, dependent 25% activities, etc
  4. Contribution
    • A critical evaluation of the deliverable outcomes of the project.
    • Clear meeting of the Client objectives set for the project
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Responsibility For HR, Talent And Organisation Consulting And Leverages Research, Analytics, And Industry Insights To Help Design, Ireland

Assignment Brief:
You have recently graduated from Griffith College and have joined the international accounting and consulting firm, Deloitte, as an intern. You have been allocated to the Management Consulting Department and are now working it its Human Capital Section. This section has responsibility for HR, talent and organisation consulting and leverages research, analytics, and industry insights to help design and execute critical programs from business driven HR to innovative talent, leadership, and change programmes.
You report to a Director responsible for advising clients appropriate structures, policies, procedures and processes related to recruitment, selection and induction. She is currently working on several projects and has asked you to choose one you would like to work on with her. All of the projects are related to the recruitment, selection and induction of an appropriate person for a senior management role in a leading multinational company. The roles will be based in Ireland but require extensive international travel. The roles are.

  • Chief Operations Officer for Apple Ireland.
  • Chief Technology Officer for Aviva Ireland.
  • Global Brand Manager for CRH Cement Products.
  • Head of Finance at Medtronic Ireland.
  • Marketing Director at SanDisk Ireland.

The Director has asked you to write a short report (1,500 words plus diagrams) that covers the following:

  1. A high-level description of the department e.g. Operations Department (approx. 150 words/5% of marks) and an outline of what you see is the current, global strategy for the area e.g. the global operations strategy (approx. 150 words/5% of marks). A diagram that outlines your suggestion for the senior management structure of the area (one, A4 page/10% of marks). (20% of marks in total).
  2. A description of the department’s likely future HR resources, capacities and capabilities requirements (approx. 500 words/30% of marks).
  3. A description and explanation of the competencies required for the specific role in the chosen organisation (approx. 300 words/20% of marks) and a recruitment system/process you would suggest using for the recruitment, selection and induction for the position (approx. 400 words including a diagram/30%). (50% of marks in total).
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B9AC104 Module Title: Ght Of Recent Developments In Corporate Governance

Consider the following statements in the light of recent developments in corporate governance:
“Cultural failings within the banking sector were a significant contributory factor in the financial crisis…………the Central Bank of Ireland’s …..….examination found that such failings, in addition to poor systems, weak internal controls and poor governance, caused detrimental and in some cases devastating impacts on consumers.”
‘Behaviour and Culture of the Irish Retail Banks’, Central Bank of Ireland, July 2018
“It is important to note that culture is about more than behaviour. A partial list includes prioritizing the best interests of customers, offering responsible products, reviewing board effectiveness, committing to diversity and inclusion, and having robust internal audit and risk management procedures. A defining cultural test is how a firm deals with adverse situations: does it make sure that the best interest of customers (“stakeholders”) are protected, even if this damages short-term profitability?”
Philip R. Lane Governor, Central Bank of Ireland
“The main problem with corporate governance regulation and codes of best practice is that they are reactive. Each new wave of corporate scandals causes yet another regulatory reform and frequently politicians, as a result of public pressure, resort to knee-jerk reactions, producing new regulation that does not address the real causes of corporate failures. Hence, corporate governance will never improve and corporate scandals will never cease.”
“At the heart of this Code is an updated set of Principles that emphasise the value of good corporate governance to long-term sustainable success. By applying the Principles, following the more detailed Provisions and using the associated guidance, companies can demonstrate throughout their reporting how the governance of the company contributes to its long- term sustainable success and achieves wider objectives.”
“Achieving this depends crucially on the way boards and companies apply the spirit of the Principles. The Code does not set out a rigid set of rules; instead it offers flexibility through the application of Principles and through ‘comply or explain’ Provisions and supporting guidance. It is the responsibility of boards to use this flexibility wisely and of investors and their advisors to assess differing company approaches thoughtfully. “
Extract from  Introduction, UK Corporate Governance Code (July 2018)
Based on your learning from the module and your reading of the literature critically discuss the above statements in the light of recent developments (regulatory and codes of best practice) in Ireland/UK
In your answer, you should cover at least THREE main themes.
1.The primary goal of corporate governance
2.The primary intent of a piece of regulation or code of best practice

  1. The cause of agency problems (corporate failures/corporate scandals)
  2. The influence of the board of directors in overseeing corporate governance and the roles and responsibilities of executive and non-executive directors
  3. The intent of organizational codes of business ethics and conduct
  4. Advantages and disadvantages of both a regulatory-led and a comply or explain approach to corporate governance and the approach you prefer and why
  5. The influence of ethics and corporate social responsibility on the behaviour of corporates
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