VOMP3001: A Doctor Is About To Inject An Aseptically Manufactured Injectable Finished Pharmaceutical: Fundamentals Of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Assignment

University Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT)
Subject VOMP3001: Fundamentals of Pharmaceutal Manufacturing

Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT)


Question 1:

Scenario: A doctor is about to inject an aseptically manufactured injectable finished pharmaceutical into the arm of a child.

  1. How would you convince both the patient’s parents and the doctor that the manufacturing process was robust and to proceed in confidence with the administration?
  2. What are the biggest risks to the child?
  3. How are they controlled?

Question 2:

Examine the graphical representation on the next page for “A Validation Approach for a Complex Project, Consisting of Many Systems and Components”.
validation master plan

  1. In terms of “Qualification Rationale”, describe the process of a system-impact-assessment and component-level-impact assessment.
  2. In your own words define the term installation qualification (IQ).
  3. In your own words define the term operational qualification (OQ).
  4. In your own words define the term performance qualification (IQ).

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Question 3:

Briefly describe the inter-relationships between the following operational activities for a computerized system in a GxP environment.

  1. Handover
  2. Establishing and Managing Support Services
  3. Performance Monitoring
  4. Incident Management
  5. Corrective and Preventive Action
  6. Operational Change and Configuration Management
  7. Repair Activity
  8. Periodic Review
  9. Backup and Restore
  10. Business Continuity Management
  11. Security Management
  12. System Administration
  13. Archiving and Retrieval

Question 4:

Examine the diagram on the next page for a typical vertical processing facility designed for batch API production.
Typical vertical processing facility designed for batch production with barrier separation between processing steps
Describe, with reference to the diagram, how synthetic API plants (Batch Organic Chemical Synthesis) normally follow a sequence to produce a solid product:

  1. Reaction (Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR))
  2. Crystallization
  3. Separation
  4. Drying

Question 5:

Study the following diagram that represents the basic unit operations that most companies implement when manufacturing a biopharmaceutical protein-based drug substance.
Study the following diagram that represents the basic unit operations that most companies implement when manufacturing a biopharmaceutical protein-based drug substance
Briefly describe the following three stages of a typical process:

  1. Stage I: Upstream Processing
  2. Stage II: Fermentation
  3. Stage III: Downstream Processing

Question 6:

Describe the principals for a typical cleaning validation sequence as listed below:

  1. Use the equipment for the process
  2. After processing hold the equipment and allow to dry
  3. Clean as per the procedure
  4. Sample for product residue, cleaning-agent residues, and others
  5. Repeat twice more, giving three (3) consecutive runs
  6. Develop on post-cleaning monitoring strategies

Question 7:

Describe the primary process principals of a typical pharmaceutical tableting operation. List three (3) critical parameters that must be controlled.

Question 8:

Combining the principals of the FDA’s approach to medical device classifications with the EU Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC, list three devices in the following categories giving reasons for your answers:

  1. Class I
  2. Class II (or IIa / IIb)
  3. Class III
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OMP3001: Why Validation Is Required For The Manufacture Of A Medicinal Product: Fundamentals Of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technologies Essay

University Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT)
Subject VOMP3001: Fundamentals of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technologies

Essay Topic:

“Why Validation is Required for the Manufacture of a Medicinal Product”. In other words, it is all about proving systems are fit for their intended use in the context of product quality and patient safety.

1. Introduction – Choose Any 3 to 4 of the Following Headings (3-to-4-Pages)

The introduction section should introduce various high-level concepts associated with the manufacture of medicinal products and pertinent to product quality and patient safety. A list of suggested concepts is mentioned in the section headers below. Pick any three or four of the suggested headings (or any other you may have) and write up to 3-to-4-pages combined.
1.1 Medicinal Product Terms (1-Page)
Outline various terms such as drug substance, drug product, and finished products), and various administration techniques such as enteral, parenteral, topical, etc.
1.2 Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) – (1-Page)
Describe the basis of typical GMPs and what they contain. Identify some regulatory agencies that issue GMPs. What global harmonization initiatives exist?
1.3 Quality Management Systems (QMS) – (1-Page)
Give an explanation of the contents of a suitable QMS for the manufacture of medicinal products (e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 13485, ICH Q10, etc.)
1.4 Validation and the V-Model (1-Page)
Describe the classic V-Model and how it relates to testing activities against specification documents.
1.5 Good Automated Manufacturing Practices (1-Page)
Describe the GAMP5 approach to categorizing computer systems that impact on the manufacture of medicinal products.
1.6 Drug Substance Manufacturing (1-Page)
Outline, in simple terms, the manufacturing sequence for a typical chemically derived Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API), and for a typical Biopharmaceutical Protein Therapeutics
1.7 Drug Products Manufacturing (1-Page)
Outline, in simple terms, the manufacturing sequence for finished medicinal products such as tablets, vials, etc.
1.8 Medical Devices (1-Page)
Describe the various classifications of medical devices (Class I, II, and III), give examples of each, and explain why they are under that particular class.
1.9 Quality Risk Management (1-Page)
Elaborate on how science-based decision can be made using the classical risk management process:

  1. Identify major risks with respect to product quality and patient safety.
  2. Evaluate and prioritize the list of faults.
  3. Decide what risks are currently acceptable, and subsequently decide on a suitable mitigation strategy(s) for priority risks.
  4. List a post-implementation review strategy both to ensure successful risk-mitigation strategy(s) and identify any new risks.

1.10 Any Other Heading (1-Page)
Feel free to add any other heading to support your paper.

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2. Discussion- Choose 3 to 4 of the Following Headings per the Introduction (3-to-4-Pages)

Based on the three or four concepts you chose in the ‘Introduction’ section critically discuss them in the context of validating the critical product quality attributes and process parameters. The following sequence of headings directly aligns with the ‘Introduction’ section. Select the three or four suggested headings that compliment your initial choice and write up to 3-to-4-pages combined.
2.1 Medicinal Product – Key Product Quality Attributes and Process Parameters (1-Page)
Identify key product quality attributes associated with the administration of enteral, parenteral, and topical products. Describe key process considerations and related testing activities associated with the manufacture of their various constituents in the sequence of drug substances, drug products, and finished products. Identify major validation activities.
2.2 GMP Compliance Efficiencies (1-Page)
Describe why regulatory authorities inspect a pharmaceutical manufacturer against pertinent GMPs. Compare and contrast specific GMPs for the manufacture of for example drug substance versus finished product (e.g. ICH Q7 versus 21 CFR Part 211). Summarise the GMP’s requirement for ‘Validation’.
2.3 Key Enablers for a QMS (1-Page)
Describe the business drivers for a QMS and the key enablers to make a QMS successful. Briefly describe a ‘Product Realisation’ strategy that aligns design activities against specification activities.
2.4 Cost-Effective Validation (1-Page)
Describe an efficient approach to ‘Validation’ driven by subject matter expertise and risk-based decision making.
2.5 Product Lifecycle Activities (1-Page)
In accordance with GAMP5, explain typical product lifecycle activities across the ‘concept’, ‘project’, ‘operation’, and ‘retirement’ phases of a computerized system with respect to specification and testing activities.
2.6 Priority Testing for Drug Substance Manufacturing (1-Page)
For a typical API and biopharmaceutical process identify Key product quality attributes and associated process parameters for priority testing.
2.7 Priority Testing for Drug Products Manufacturing (1-Page)
For typical finished products, (e.g. tablets, vial, etc.) processes identify Key product quality attributes and associated process parameters for priority testing.
2.8 Priority Testing for Medical Devices (1-Page)
Select any device in each of the major medical device categories and identify Key product quality attributes and associated manufacturing process parameters for priority testing.
2.9 Science-Based Decision Making (1-Page)
Explain the merits of using science-based decision making to identify priority specification and testing activities for any manufacturing/equipment system.
2.10 Any Other Heading (1-Page)
Feel free to add any other heading to support your paper.

3. Conclusion

Based on the items you covered in the previous ‘Discussion’ section, make a clear deduction that validation is undoubtedly a requirement for the Manufacture of a Medicinal Product.

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MG3120: The Complexities Of Virtual Collaboration Result In Almost Half Of Virtual Teams: Work In A Global Context Assignment

University National University of Ireland (NUI)
Subject MG3120: Work in a Global Context


The objective of this assignment is to assess your understanding of the following learning outcome(s):
1. Describe the global context of Human Resource Management (HRM) and the impact of multinational enterprises on the variations in people management practices in different countries.
2. Describe the impact of culture and institutions on HRM practice and outline the challenges and opportunities involved in conducting business on a multi-national basis.
3. Apply tools and techniques to analyze HR issues and implement suitable HR policies and practices.
4. Discuss contemporary issues such as employee voice, conflict management, and precarious work incorporating the employer and employee perspective in a cross-cultural context.

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Assignment Details

You may choose one of the following five essay titles:
1. “The complexities of virtual collaboration result in almost half of virtual teams being unsuccessful” Discuss.
2. Organizational culture is more important than national culture in the context of cross-border acquisitions. Discuss
3. There are a number of universal leadership traits that are applicable across cultures. Discuss, citing examples.
4. Hofstede identified a number of polar opposite dimensions in his study of national cultures. Discuss, citing examples.
5. You are asked by the HR department to give input on a new pre-departure training program for managers traveling from the USA to Japan. What are your recommendations and why are these recommendations important?

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Choose An Organization Of Your Choice (Preferably The Organization Where You Worked Before (Or) Are Currently Employed): Strategic Planning Assignment

University National University of Ireland (NUI)
Subject Strategic Planning

Assignment Overview:

Choose an organization of your choice (preferably the organization where you worked before (or) are currently employed). Understand the organization’s objectives, strategic plan, vision, mission, goals, and understand the working operational processes of the company, with special reference to undertaking a full strategic review of company activities. The review will include an assessment of the organization’s external environment, a review of its existing plans, consideration of strategic options, the development of a strategic plan, an examination of core values and, finally, the development of a schedule for implementation of the plan, including how it will be monitored and evaluated.
You are required to make a strategic plan of your chosen organization, by specifically answering the questions given below. Before answering these questions, give out a brief introduction to your chosen organization. Your strategic plan should be made in the form of a Formal Report.

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The report should include the following:
1. Explain and examine the external factors affecting your chosen organization? How important are they for a company’s sustainability and survivability? Analyze the major changes taking place in the external environment that will affect the strategy of your chosen organization.
2. List the important stakeholders of your chosen organization, analyze the needs and expectations of these stakeholders, including how they can influence strategic decision making in the organization.
3. Use appropriate tools, for e.g. value chain analysis, Porter’s Five Forces, Boston growth-share (BCG) matrix, SWOT analysis, etc. to analyze and review where your own organization is positioned in the marketplace with respect to its current business plans? Thereafter, evaluate the competitive strengths and weaknesses of your chosen organization’s current business strategies.
4. Use any two modeling tools to develop strategic options for your chosen organization, for e.g. you can choose Ansoff matrix strategies; vertical, backward and forwards integration; horizontal integration; differentiation; cost leadership; Mintzberg’s strategies (deliberate, emergent); leadership and differentiation; etc.
5. Develop comparative activities between your chosen organization with another competitor in the market. Thereafter, create options to form the basis of the future organizational strategy of your chosen organisation.
6. What are the key factors you would consider while constructing a strategy plan for your chosen organisation? Based on the key factors identified, propose a suitable structure for a strategy plan that ensures appropriate participation from all the stakeholders of the organisation.
Based on the proposed structure of the strategic plan of the organisation, develop criteria by reviewing potential options available for developing a robust strategic plan. Thereafter, construct an agreed strategy plan that includes all resource implications.
7. Explain the core values (ethical, cultural, environmental, social, and business) of the chosen organization and compare these with the current business objectives of the organization?
8. Based on core values alignment with business objectives, as stated in Q.7, develop appropriate vision and mission statements of the chosen organisation. In further alignment with the vision and mission statements of the organisation, produce agreed future management objectives of the organisation. Finally, develop measures to evaluate the strategic plan of the organisation?
9. Based on the constructed agreed strategy plan designed by you in Q.6 for your chosen organisation, develop a schedule for implementing this strategy plan; and also design monitoring and evaluation systems for implementing the strategic plan of the organisation. As stakeholders play a vital role in influencing business strategies, create an appropriate dissemination process to gain their commitment and approval of the strategic plan.
The report shall not exceed 6,000 words and should include relevant examples and illustrations.

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