Part 1: Performance Management: BSBHRM512 Develop and manage performance management processes
Assessment Task 1.1 Written Questions
Provide answers to all of the questions below:
1. Discuss the concept of a learning organisation and its key characteristics (300 words)
2. Outline two examples of policies that an organisation may use to manage the performance of staff. (70 words)
3. Review the following statement and explain how a performance management process can assist in reducing unfair dismissal claims for employers. Identify the legislation that covers the termination of employees. (80 words)
“Recent data shows that the majority of claimants coming before the Fair Work Commission are individuals disputing the termination of their employment.”
Reference: Employment Law Practical Handbook.
4. Explain the purpose of grievance procedures within a workplace and a summary of the steps that a Manager could follow in addressing grievances. (195 words)
5. Explain the STAR model for giving feedback and why a manager may find this model useful in giving feedback. (95 words)
6. Explain the 360-degree model for giving feedback and why a manager using this model may find it useful. (85 words)
7. Discuss the 70:20:10 model of learning and its implications for learning and development within a workplace. (100 words)
8. Outline three ways that an employee could develop their skills through on the job learning. (35 words)
9. Outline two formal learning options for employees. (20 words)
10. Discuss at least three components of an effective performance management system. (200 words)
11. Explain how a performance management system can contribute to achieving overall business objectives. (85 words)
12. Explain the link between performance management and at least two other human resources functions?
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Assessment Task 1.2 Performance management process project
Carefully read the following:
Grow Management Consultants is a management consultancy business that was established 7 years ago by Mark Woodward. The business started with 2 employees, being Mark as the Principal Consultant and an Administration Officer. The business has grown significantly over the last 5 years and now employs 21 staff, including 5 Principal Consultants, 5 Senior Consultants (1 of the Consultants is a part-time worker, 3 days a week and two of the Senior Consultants have recently joined the organisation on a contract basis for up to one year), 4 Customer Service Officers, a General Manager and a Human Resources Manager and Human Resources Assistant (part-time, 2 days a week).Mark is now the CEO of the company and manages the 5 Principal Consultants. Barry, one of the Principal Consultants manages the five Senior Consultants. The General Manager is the Manager for all of the remaining staff. There are two offices, one in the CBD and the other in an outer suburb. A new Strategic Plan was recently developed to guide the organisation over the next three years.
Three years ago, as the business started to take on more staff, a performance management system was discussed but never implemented. With the development and implementation of the new Strategic Plan and the emphasis on developing staff, the CEO is committed to the development of a new performance management process to address the needs of the organisation.
Currently, the organisation has a number of human resources policies and procedures in place, including a recruitment policy and procedures and a termination policy and procedures. |
Complete the following activities:
1. Develop a performance management processes report.
- As the newly appointed Human Resources Manager, you have been tasked with developing and implementing a performance management system for Grow Management Consultants.
- Review the scenario information to identify the issues that need to be considered when developing an updated performance management process for the organisation.
- You should also review and analyse the Strategic Plan to identify relevant objectives and policies that should be reflected in the revised performance management processes.
- Also, review existing human resources policies and procedures to identify where a performance management process can fit in with existing processes.
- Following this, develop a report to present to the management team (your trainer) on the new performance management processes.
The report should address the following:
- A summary of the current situation at Grow Management Consultants with regard to the performance management process and existing policies and procedures.
- Proposed objectives for performance management processes within Grow Management Consultants that align to the organisation’s goals and objectives as identified in the Strategic Plan and that will assist the organisation to build its capability.
- Proposed performance management processes including:
o Performance planning Including:
– Development of employee work plans based on job role
– Inclusion of major work goals/tasks in the work plan
– Procedures for setting key performance indicators for tasks/deliverables in the work plan
– Identifying performance gaps
o Design of learning and development strategies and plans
o Timing of performance reviews; ongoing progress reviews as well as formal reviews.
o Effective feedback as part of the performance management process
o Performance management and talent management
o How performance management processes will apply to contract staff.
- Use the Processes Report Template to guide your work.
- You will be required to revise your report following a meeting with the Management Team, so save this version of the document as the Draft Processes Report.
2. Write an email in a word document to the CEO (your trainer).
The text of the email should be written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style. It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and seek their feedback and approval to move forward with the project.
The email text should also ask for the place, date and time of your meeting with the Management Team.
Upload the draft processes report with your email.
3. Meet with the Management Team
The objective of the meeting is to seek feedback on your recommended performance management processes.
At the meeting, you should go through your report that you have developed, carefully explaining your proposed performance management processes.
The management team (your trainer) will discuss the proposed processes with you and will provide you with feedback. During the meeting, you should reach an agreement on the key features of the performance management process.
During the meeting, you are required to demonstrate effective communication skills including:
- Speaking clearly and concisely
- Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
- Asking questions to identify the required information
- Responding to questions as required
- Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding
4. Update your processes report.
Following the meeting, revise your report to include the feedback you received at the meeting. Save this version of the document as the Revised Processes Report.
5. Develop a presentation.
Assume that performance management processes that you developed have been given final sign off by the CEO. Your task now is to develop a training session to deliver to the Managers of Grow Management Consultants to assist them in implementing the new performance management processes.
Your training session will need to run for at least 30 minutes and address all of the following:
- An overview of the new performance management processes
- Developing employee work plans and that include major work goals/tasks and key performance indicators.
- How to develop key performance indicators as per the performance management process
- Developing learning and development plans as part of the performance management process.
- Timing of performance reviews, including progress reviews as well as formal reviews.
- Effective feedback techniques
- Talent management as part of the performance management process
You should develop a PowerPoint (or another presentation program) presentation that includes graphics to assist with interest and understanding. Save this file as Processes Presentation.
6. Write an email in a word document to the CEO (your trainer).
The text of the email should be written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style. It should introduce and summarise the changes that you made to your processes report.
The letter text should also ask the CEO for the place, date and time of your training session. Upload the revised processes report and processes presentation with your email.
7. Deliver training session
Present your training session to staff, who will be roleplayed by your trainer and two other students.
During the training session, you are required to demonstrate effective communication skills including:
- Speaking clearly and concisely
- Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
- Asking questions to identify the required information
- Responding to questions as required
- Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding
Before concluding the presentation, ensure that all attendees have had the opportunity to ask you any questions that they have.
Assume that it is 12 months later, and a general staff survey has been conducted. As the Human Resources Manager, you are reviewing the Staff Survey Results to assess what it tells you about the effectiveness of the performance management system. |
8. Evaluate performance management system
Develop a short report about the effectiveness of the performance management system. Include a summary of issues arising based on the staff survey. Also include at least two recommendations for improving the system based on the Staff Survey Results.
Save this file as a System Evaluation Report.
9. Write an email in a word document to the CEO (your trainer).
The text of the email should be written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style. It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment.
Upload the system evaluation report with your email.
Assessment Task 1.3 Dispute and termination project
Carefully read the following email received from one of the Managers at Grow Management Consultants.
Dear Human Resources ManagerI am writing to discuss an issue that I am currently having with a staff member, Janice White.
As you know, Janice was employed as an Administration Officer some months ago. Her work is of a high standard, but unfortunately, she is consistently late for work, usually somewhere between 30 minutes and an hour. She does make this time up at the end of the day, but it creates problems for us at the beginning of the day, as there is no one to answer phones and other staff who are also trying to do their own work then have to answer phones.
I am unsure of how to approach this situation and I’ve also been told that Janice is having some personal issues. Janice’s next performance review isn’t for another three months.
I would appreciate your feedback on this matter.
Kind Regards
Manager |
Complete the following activities:
1. Write an email in a word document to the Manager (your trainer).
The text of the email should be written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
The objective of the email is to advise them on performance monitoring and intervention.
Review of the above case study information and the performance management processes that you developed in the previous assessment task.
The email text should advise the Manager of the performance management process that must be followed, including documenting all associated meetings and correspondence.
Upload the email.
Assume you receive a further email from the Manager as follows:
Dear Human Resources ManagerI had what I thought was a good chat with Janice about her ongoing lateness. Janice confided in me about her personal problems and as I suggested she access the company’s counsellor.
We also talked about the need for Janice to ensure she is on time as the phones need to be answered and this is part of her job role. It is clearly stated in her job description. Janice has advised that she will ensure that she is on time, but she also said that she thinks it is unfair that other staff are able to work flexible working arrangements and that she isn’t. She also emphasized that she always makes up for the time at the end of the day when she is late.
For the last two weeks, Janice has been on time despite her disagreement with her work arrangements. However, she has started to be consistently late again. I spoke to her again and this time Janice said that she isn’t prepared to always have to arrive at 9 am when other staff have flexible working arrangements. She said she’d try and be there most of the time but couldn’t always guarantee it.
She also has not accessed the counselling service to my knowledge. Janice is a hard worker but the situation is not acceptable. Please advise of the next formal steps that should be taken.
Kind Regards
Manager |
2. Write an email in a word document to the Manager (your trainer)
The text of the email should be written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style. The objective of the email is to advise them on dispute resolution procedures.
Carefully review the case study information above, as well as the information at the following link and the Fair Work Ombudsman Best practice dispute resolution guide: http://www.industrialrelations.nsw.gov.au/oirwww/Employment_info/Managing_employees.page
In addition, review legislation on flexible working arrangements, noting that Janice is aged 30 and does not have any dependents.
When you have completed your review, upload the email advising of the procedures that should be followed now.
3. Write an email in a word document to Janice (your trainer)
You should also send an email to Janice advising her of the issue and the procedures. The text of the email should be written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
Use the STAR method of feedback in your email to Janice.
Upload the email.
Assume that the disciplinary/dispute resolution process has been completed and it was found that Janice’s behaviour was inconsistent with her job role and therefore that her employment must be terminated. At this point, assume that Janice has been with the company for 9 months. |
4. Write an email in a word document to the Manager (your trainer)
The text of the email should be written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
The objective of the email is to provide support for Janice’s termination
Review the Termination Policy and Procedures and send a final email to the Manager confirming the procedures that are to be followed.
The email text must conform to the Manager of the legislative basis upon which the termination is based.
Upload the email.
5. File documents
You are required to demonstrate that you can record the outcomes of your performance-management sessions in a way that is accessible and according to organisational policy
All of the emails that you have submitted for this assessment task should be correctly named and filed.
The screenshot should show all the folders and documents.
6. Write an email in a word document to your trainer.
The text of the email should be written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and seek their feedback and approval to move forward with the project.
Upload the email with the screenshot.
Assessment Task 1.4 Learning and development planning project
Carefully read the following:
Assume that you are planning learning and development for the customer service staff employed by Grow Management Consultants. Customer service staff have a range of functions including handling customer enquiries, handling complaints, generating sales leads and keeping records of all customer interactions.Currently, you are planning the team’s professional development for the next 12 months. The company’s policy is that learning and development planning is to be based on a review of staff performance appraisals, as well as any other relevant information including relevant industry trends and industry competency standards.
Company policy is that each for staff member there is a budget of $1,000 for external professional development opportunities. Generally, most professional development will be undertaken in-house by Team Leaders and specialist staff, including the Sales Manager and Human Resources Manager as applicable.
All learning plans are required to be documented in the Learning and Development Plan Template. |
Complete the following activities:1. Create a learning and development planAnalyse the Staff Performance Appraisal A. Make notes on key professional development needs of staff based on your analysis.
Research the internet and identify current trends in customer service. Identify at least three trends and make notes on these.
Review the following two core units of competency in the Certificate III in Customer Engagement, the benchmark qualification for customer service staff:
Read through these units, and for each unit of competency, write down at least three key skills and at least three areas of knowledge that a customer service officer needs.
Based on your review of all of the above, create a learning and development plan for your team of customer service staff using the template provided to you by your trainer.
Your learning and development plan must include:
- Overall objectives
- At least six learning and development activities (at least once every two months) and be based on the analysis and research you have conducted.
- The learning activities should be a mixture of both in-house and external activities and suit a range of learning styles. Assume that $1000 per staff member has been allocated for external activities.
Use the Learning and Development Plan Template to guide your work.
2. Write an email in a word document to your team (your trainer).
The text of the email should be written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style. It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and seek their feedback and approval to move forward with the project.
Upload the Learning and Development Plan with your email.
Assume that you have received approval for one of the formal activities from the learning and development plan you developed.Grow Management Consultants has the following procedures for contracting training providers:
An email is to be sent to administration to advise them of the approved training, and include:
a. Summary of training activity
b. Details of a provider (name, address, email and phone number)
c. Cost of activity |
3. Write an email in a word document to the provider (your trainer) for external training
The text of the email should be written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style. Based on the above information, advise the administration of the training to be purchased.
Upload the email.
4. Develop seminar plan
Plan for a short lunchtime seminar for staff. It should relate to one of the key skills and/or knowledge requirements that you identified in Assessment Task 2 for your team of customer service officers.
The seminar you develop must be of 30 minutes’ duration and include a range of activities. It should include, as a minimum, a PowerPoint presentation outlining key points, a video about the topic to add interest to your presentation, a practical activity, and time for discussion.
Use the Seminar Plan Template provided by your trainer to develop an outline for the seminar that addresses:
- Seminar title
- Learning objectives
- Introduction to the topic and overview of the session
- Key learning points
- Timings for each part of the session
- A video to illustrate concepts
- Practical activity
- Time for discussion
5. Write an email in a word document to your trainer.
The text of the email should be written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style. It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and seek their feedback.
The email text should also ask for the place, date and time of the seminar.
Upload the Seminar Plan with your email.
6. Deliver training
Present the learning and development activity on the date and time as advised by your trainer. Your trainer will organise at least three other students to participate in the session.
During the seminar, you will be required to demonstrate effective communication skills including:
- Speaking clearly and concisely
- Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
- Asking questions to identify the required information
- Responding to questions as required
- Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding
Assume that it is 12 months later and that all of the learning and development activities planned for the year have been conducted.Grow Management Consultant standards to measure the effectiveness of learning and development activities is that at all staff have either maintained or improved their performance rating based on participation in the training. |
7. Monitor learning and development activities
Review Staff Performance Appraisal B. It shows an outline of learning and development activities conducted, as well as performance ratings following participation in the learning activities.
Compare the results with Staff Performance Appraisal A and assess the effectiveness of the learning and development activities conducted.
Write a brief (about half a page) report outlining your analysis.
Save this document as Monitoring Report.
8. Write an email in a word document to your trainer.
The text of the email should be written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment.
Upload the Monitoring Report with your email.
Review the following email received from the Office Manager
Hi Human Resources ManagerRecently four of my staff attended a successful communication techniques workshop with Sales Training Australia. The cost of the session was $200 per staff member.
All of the staff came back after the all-day workshop complaining of the following:
The workshop was very disorganised. It was supposed to start at 9.30 am and finally commenced at 10.30 am due to technical problems with the projector.
The content of the workshop was, according to staff, ‘101’ communication techniques and no one learnt anything.
There was no practical component. It was a dry lecture format.
Under the circumstances, I would like the human resources department as the organiser of this training to put in a complaint to this provider and seek compensation of some form.
Kind Regards
Manager |
9. Negotiate remedial action
Review the information above and consider what form of remedial action you could seek from the training provider. Based on your review, write an email in a word document to the provider (your trainer) to outline the issues and to negotiate remedial action.
Upload the email.
Part 2: Performance Management: BSBMGT502 Manage people performance
Provide answers to all of the questions below:
1. Explain the key provisions of the Fair Work Act 2009. (45 words)
2. Explain the key provisions of each of the following Acts:
a. The Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (20 words)
b. Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (30 words)
c. Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (20 words)
3. Explain the purpose of the National Employment Standards and the 10 minimum entitlements. (250 words)
4. Explain the use of modern awards in workplaces. (35 words)
5. Identify at least two examples of modern awards using the Fair Work Ombudsman website. Write down the name of the award and the minimum wages under the award and minimum working hours.
6. Outline the purpose of an enterprise agreement and with which entity must the agreement be registered. (70 words)
7. Outline the minimum terms and conditions that must be included in an enterprise agreement. (170 words)
8. Explain the process of performance management and the purpose of using performance management systems in the workplace. (80 words)
9. Explain two types of performance management systems that can be used at work. (135 words)
10. In what form must an employer provide an employee with notice of termination. (2 words)
11. Under the Fair Work Act, what amount of notice must be given to employees who have worked for a company for less than one year. (2 words)
12. List two types of employees to whom notice of termination would not need to be provided. (50 words)
13. Under what circumstances is an employee entitled to redundancy pay. (65 words)
14. Explain at least three circumstances that can constitute unfair dismissal. (55 words)
15. Which circumstances must apply for the Fair Work Commission to determine that an employee has been unfairly dismissed. (30 words)
16. Outline five ways that staff can develop skills at work (20 words)
17. As a manager, list three types of information that you could provide to staff to help them to develop their knowledge base. (10 words)