MEEN41100: Market Scope And Detailing Of The Demand Profile For The First Year: Operations Management Assignment, UCD,, Ireland

University University College Dublin (UCD)
Subject MEEN41100: Operations Management
You have just graduated, and you are just about to launch the business of your dreams for manufacturing a product of your own choice.
Your goal in this assignment is to describe in detail the steps that need to be carried out for setting up the production of this product, applying Operations Management (OM) principles. In particular, you will have to cover the following steps (the corresponding sections in your report are also listed):
Introduction: Market scope and detailing of the demand profile for the first year of operation
Manufacturing Setup: Description of the processes that will have to be set up for manufacturing your product (for instance, turning, milling, drilling, painting, assembly, packaging or grading and site preparation, foundation construction, framing, installation of windows and doors, roofing, … for buildings, etc.)

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Supply Chain Network Configuration: Identification of raw materials and parts, their quantities and order quantities, the delivery schedule as well as a selection of the corresponding suppliers
Production Optimisation: Optimisation of production processes and supply chain, utilizing, for instance, principles related to Assembly Line Balancing, Little’s Law, OEE, Queuing Theory or to any other OM approaches
Model and Validation: Development, test, and validation of your production model utilizing the AnyLogic Discrete Event Simulation Platform; your model should include cost and time parameters
Conclusions: Summary of your idea and conclusions
The report should not exceed 10 pages overall. You are free to choose any product and processes you wish. The product, however, should be, if possible, new and innovative. It should, in other words, have a place in the market. Although the associated information would, for the most part, be imaginary, the overall model should be as realistic as possible. You may also select a product that is closer to your engineering background. It may be a new mechanical device, a novel software product, an innovative electronic device, a set of new buildings, etc.

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Financial Technology (Fintech) Is Causing Massive Disruption In The Wider: Strategic Management Assignment, GCD,, Ireland

University Griffith College Dublin (GCD)
Subject Strategic Management

Learning Outcomes addressed and assessed in this Assignment:

1. Analyze both the organizational and external environments as part of the strategy formulation process
2. Evaluate accepted theories and frameworks and their application to organizational strategic planning
4. Appraise the resources and capabilities of the firm in terms of their ability to confer sustainable competitive advantage and formulate strategies that leverage a firm’s core competencies
5. Analyze dynamics in competitive rivalry including competitive action and response and make appropriate recommendations for acting both proactively and defensively
7. Critically evaluate the strategic performance of an organization.

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Assignment Context

Financial Technology (Fintech) is causing massive disruption in the wider financial sector. Previously dominant financial institutions are being directly challenged by a whole host of innovative financial technology providers. Fintech itself covers a whole range of areas such as Lending, Financial Payments, Insurance and Wealth Management. Globally, the total number of investments in this sector doubled from $50.8 billion in 2017 to $111.8 billion in 2018 (FT Partners Research, 2020).
One of the most prominent of these disruptive phenomena in the area of financial payments is that of ‘Challenger Banks’. These online ‘banks’ such as Revolut in the U.K, N26 in Germany and Alipay in China are experiencing exponential growth, tapping into consumers’ preference for mobile transactions and attracting a loyal consumer base.

Assignment Tasks:

Select 1 company of your own choice*within the Financial sector and complete the following tasks:

1. Drivers of Change

There are many external drivers of change for financial providers today, particularly in the area of technology. Analyze 3 such external drivers for change for your chosen company as they seek to compete in the global, dynamic and fast-changing world of finance. Analyze and critically evaluate the impact that each of these drivers is having upon both the relevant industry sector and upon the selected company.

2. Competitive Environment

For 1of your company’s business units, conduct a competitive analysis utilizing the five forces of competition analysis as outlined by Michael Porter. You must also classify whether the overall threat/power of these forces is low, medium or high, justifying your points.

3. Internal Analysis:

Conduct each of the following tasks:
3.1 A Resource Audit, distinguishing between Basic and Distinctive Resources
3.2 An Analysis of Capabilities (Analyse a maximum of 5 capabilities distinguishing between Threshold and DistinctiveCapabilities) Justify your answer by conducting a VRIO analysis for both distinctive Resources and Distinctive Capabilities.

4. Conclusions and Recommendations

Draw conclusions as to the key issues that you have analyzed. Put forward key recommendations as to how your selected organization should proceed in the future in terms of their strategic direction.

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What Do You Think Were The Prime Reasons For Gillette’s Toxic Masculinity: Consumer Behaviour & Relationship Management Assignment, NUI,, Ireland

University National University of Ireland (NUI)
Subject Consumer Behaviour & Relationship Management

Assignment Brief:

On January 13. 2019, Gillette released a 1:49 minute advertisement titled “We Believe” that was telecast during the 2019 Super Bowl. The ad triggered a huge backlash, prompting discussion on social media about its theme – “toxic masculinity”. The ad showed how the bullying, harassment, and violence hidden in men’s attitudes, reflected negatively in their behavior towards others.
This case discusses the campaign launched by Gillette and is designed to help you appraise the changing “marketing environment”, understand the implications of using content that may be perceived as being offensive and helps examine cause marketing.

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Task Summary:

You are required to work individually to answer the following questions, in a written report:
Q.1. What do you think were the prime reasons for Gillette’s toxic masculinity advert attracting criticism? Suggest the corrective measures Gillette could take to tackle the crisis situation post the “We Believe” campaign.
Q.2. What is cause marketing? Explain how Gillette attempted to leverage this?
Q.3. Explain how Gillette’s advert could be considered to have fallen victim to the ‘changing marketing communications’ environment?
In answering these questions please refer to the Gillette case provided and use additional material where appropriate to support your answer.

Learning Outcomes: 

Students will be able to :

  • Critically discuss the links between relationship management and sustainable competitive advantage.
  • Assess past research which has led to the advancement of the understanding of the management of relationships.
  • Critically discuss and evaluate a range of conflicting views of the principles of business planning, innovation, and strategy design, implementation, and evaluation.
  • Identify and discuss how individual disciplines are integrated into overall strategic planning and innovation.
  • Critically evaluate the strategic functions of branding and the importance of branding as a differentiation device.
  • Communicate and present effectively in various situations.
  • Set clear project objectives, effectively manage tasks and time, lead projects and manage group dynamics.
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Level 7: In Excel, Construct A Value Stream Map Of A Business Process: Process Technology Assignment, UCC,, Ireland

University University College Cork (UCC)
Subject Level 7 Process Technology


The learner will identify a business that they are familiar with and develop a high-value stream map of a specific product line for that business. They will identify two areas of value and non-value, citing typical measures that are appropriate for that business. The learner will then identify potential lean tools and solutions that will optimize the process. Extensive use of Lean tools will demonstrate the learner’s knowledge and application of the learning outcomes.

Assignment Details

Question 1: In Excel, construct a Value Stream Map of a business process. This process can be of your own choosing but must outline the following items,

  • Details of the Customers
  • Details of the Customer Requirements – Quantities, Frequencies, Deliveries
  • Demands defined of the Suppliers
  • An outline of the internal process flow
  • For each process step outline some critical parameters, examples could include duration, inventory, yield, wastage, resources, etc.
  • Details of Customer deliveries

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Question 2: Identify some potential improvements in the Value Stream based on your observations. These improvements can relate to the lean wastes or process instabilities or errors. Provide some evidence that supports your reason for improvement. This evidence can be estimated from data, observations, blockages, delays, excess inventory, etc.
Question 3: Pick two areas you identified for improvement and suggest how improvements to these processes could be implemented using the lean tools of 5S, SMED, Kanban, error-proofing or otherwise. The use of Process mapping, layout maps, visual management, and other lean tools would also be important to describe the process before and after the improvement.
Question 4: Redraw the overall Value Stream Map with the improvements implemented and indicate the potential benefits that these changes could make to the overall Value Stream.

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