H8ODES: Discuss The Concept Of A Supply Chain In A Manufacturing Business, Taking Care: Operations Planning And Design Assignment, NCI, Ireland

University National College of Ireland (NCI)
Subject H8ODES: Operations Planning and Design

Assignment Details:

Please respond to any TWO (2) of the following topics
Your responses to EACH should be in the form of a mini-essay, approximately 750 words in length, and include APPROPRIATE EXAMPLES to emphasize the points you are making.
1. Discuss the concept of a supply chain in a manufacturing business, taking care to include in your response, Upstream Activities, Downstream Activities and Information Flows

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2. Explore the characteristics of Batch Manufacturing and Production Lines
3. Root Cause Analysis is an Improvement Technique. Discuss
4. Examine Planning and Control in manufacturing business from the perspective of Master Scheduling, Materials Requirement Planning), and Production Activity Control & Vendor Order Management.

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Enron Triggered A Complete Overhaul Of How Companies Were Governed: Business Essay Assignment, NUI, Ireland

University National University of Ireland (NUI)
Subject Business

Assignment Brief:

Enron triggered a complete overhaul of how companies were governed in the U.S.A.
In your essay evaluate the following:

  • The events that led to the collapse of Enron, including the behavior of management and the business environment at the time.
  • The main provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (2002) which was drawn up by the USA government in response to a number of major financial scandals such as that of Enron.

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  • Not less than 1,000 and not more than 1,500 words (excl. cover page, disclaimers & references).
  • Be typed in Arial font, size 12,1.5 spacing.
  • Professional/academic standard expected in content & quality of essay layout/presentation.
  • Support content with references in the text and provide a reference list.
  • Answer both questions thoroughly with evidence of research on the same
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In The Current Global Economic Climate, International HRM Is Facing Unprecedented Pressure: Human Resource Management (HRM) Assignment, NUI, Ireland

University National University of Ireland (NUI)
Subject Human Resource Management (HRM)

Assignment Details:

In the current global economic climate, International HRM is facing unprecedented pressure to become more innovative, effective, and efficient. In this respect, the significance of International Human Resource Management cannot be overestimated in relation to the success of a global business entity.

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With this in mind select two different organizations that operate internationally. These organizations should operate in different sectors and in different geographic locations.
Question 1: Critically evaluate the challenges now facing these organizations from an International HRM perspective. Your essay should focus on theory /models /frameworks related to IHRM in the context of a rapidly changing global context.
Question 2: Critically evaluate the role of technology in the commercial strategy/performance of a multi-national organization.

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Ireland Assignment Help offers the best human resource management (HRM) assignments writing for MBA students of NUI University. Our assignment experts have a thorough understanding of the approaches of human resources like management of performance, development of human resource project, management of the human resource, current issues in strategic management, and managerial economics.

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The Term ‘Strategy’ Is Often Misinterpreted, Even Nebulous, Or Abstract Concept: Strategic Management Essay Assignment, DBS, Ireland

University Dublin Business School (DBS)
Subject Strategic Management

Assignment Details:

The term ‘strategy’ is often misinterpreted, even nebulous, or abstract concept. Many business professionals unknowingly abuse the term to present competence and or intellect in workplace environments.
Using insights gained and enhanced during this module supported with readings from academic texts and journals offer evaluation and analysis of strategy(3000 words).

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You should select from one of three perspectives below:
Conduct your evaluation and analysis

  1. Functional level strategy: Operational or internal methods and tactics used that facilitate the organizational business units achieve the business and corporate strategic direction.
  2. Business level strategy: What is considered and undertaken to gain competitive advantage
  3. Corporate level strategy: How the organization determines plans and designs to be in the business they are in.

The corporate-level strategy is concerned with the overall purpose and scope of the organization. Use industry examples to highlight your points.

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