Critically Evaluate The Effectiveness Of HR Planning. Choose A UK (Or International) Business Sector: Resourcing And Talent Management Assignment, SHU, Ireland

University Sheffield Hallam University (SHU)
Subject Resourcing and Talent Management

Assignment Details:

Critically evaluate the effectiveness of HR planning. Choose a UK (or international) business sector and explore how HR planning may (or may not) be used to help organizations within that sector respond to political or legislative changes that impact upon its labour market.
Use academic research, statistical and case study evidence to explore both the labour market you have selected and the differing HR planning approaches that may be adopted (or not) by your selected case study organization (s).

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This element of the coursework aims to assess the following learning outcomes and should, therefore, be considered within your written submission:

  • Analyze and evaluate the major features of national and international employment markets from which organizations source staff and the ways in which markets evolve and change, demonstrating awareness of the changing nature of work and the requirement to have a workforce that can operate flexibly as labour demands fluctuate.  This is not an essay about ‘flexible working’ but about a ‘flexible workforce’ the composition of which will change according to organization demand and labour market dynamics.
  • Critically analyze the impact of internal and external organizational factors and how these impact on workforce planning strategies and initiatives.
  • Take into account the ethical considerations that need to be considered when developing HR (workforce) plans.
  • Critically evaluate the different approaches to workforce planning within the context of your case study illustration(s)
  • Critically evaluate the sources and evidence base for knowledge that underpins this discipline. Please remember this is an HR essay – not a political, economic, or legislative essay, to please focus your writing and research efforts on Human Resource Management.
  • Fully compliant with APA referencing requirements.
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PEST Analysis On Any Organisation – Business Management Assignment Help, Ireland

Assignment Tasks:

  1. General External Environment

Conduct a PEST analysis on any onecityand analyse how these PEST factors may affect your chosen company if they chose to enter this market. It is recommended that students compile a table of PEST factors together with an analysis of a number of those key factors for your chosen city

  1. Task Environment

Within the context of your selected company and city, conduct an analysis of the Task Environment for your chosen organization. Assess the influence of the four factors within the Task Environment, some may be particularly influential whilst others may be significantly less so.

  1. Conclusions and Recommendations

Draw conclusions as to the issues that you have analyzed taking into account the internal situation of the company. Assess the overall suitability of the city that you have analyzed as a market for expansion. Put forward key recommendations as to how your chosen company should proceed in the future in terms of its international expansion.

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Impact On Front Line Business Management – Assignments & Case Study, Ireland

University University College Cork (UCC)
Subject Business

Assignment Writing Questions Related to Project Management

  1. Discuss how Strategic Management can have an impact on front line management in the business environment?
  2. Describe how an understanding of the operations management environment can help in business planning?
  3. Examine the relevance of total quality management in project management?
  4. Why is it important to use a project management methodology? Discuss the main differences between the two traditional project methodologies, PMBoK Guide and Prince2, taking into account the stages and milestones involved?

Questions for Case Study Related to Project Management

  1. Describe what strategic management is and the various concepts and techniques that can impact front line management?
  2. Describe what the operations management environment is and how understanding it can aid in business planning?
  3. Explain why it is important it uses a project management methodology and differentiates between PMBoK Guide and Prince2. Acknowledge the stages and milestones involved?
  4. How can total quality management aid in project management and examine its relevance?
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An Irish SME Operating In The High Tech Sector Has Identified The Potential: Business Management Assignment, UCD,, Ireland

University University College Dublin (UCD)
Subject Business Management
An Irish SME operating in the high tech sector has identified the potential for expansion and growth in a foreign market. The SME has identified an opportunity that would provide them with first-mover advantage in the foreign market. The SME has hired you as a management consultant to review the literature (academic and business).

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Answer the Following Questions:

  1. Outline the advantages and disadvantages of engaging in international business?

  2. Outline the advantages and disadvantages of taking first-mover advantage?

  3. Advise whether the SME should enter into the new market (based on your review of the academic literature)?

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