6N4310: Explore The Role Of Management Within An Organization: Business Management Assignment, UCC, Ireland

University University College Cork (UCC)
Subject 6N4310: Business Management


This project is designed to enable the learner to:

  • Explore the role of management within an organization
  • Evaluate a range of business management techniques and tools
  • Design a procedure for a management process within an organization
  • Evaluate the performance of an individual or group within an organization
  • Compile a report on a management process to include a review and evaluation of the process
  • Design an appropriate workflow system for a business-related task

Steps in the Decision Making Process

Step 1: Problem identification and diagnosis
The first stage in the decision-making process is recognizing that a problem exists and that action has to be taken.
Unless the problem is identified in precise terms solutions are very difficult to find. In seeking to identify a problem, managers can use a variety of sources of data including comparing organizational performance against previous years or the current performance of other organizations.
Problem identification must be followed by a willingness to do something to rectify the situation. Before taking action the problem needs accurate diagnosis. Diagnosis involves assessing the true cause of the problem.
Step 2: Identification of alternatives
Managers should try to identify as many alternatives to solve the problem as possible in order for the broad options for the organization. In generating alternatives the organization may look toward ready-made solutions that have been tried before or custom-made solutions that have to be designed specifically for the problem at hand.
In today’s business environment more and more organizations are applying custom-made solutions to enhance competitive advantage.
Step 3: Evaluating alternatives
Having identified the available alternatives, a manager needs to evaluate each alternative in order to choose the best one. Consideration should be given to the advantages and disadvantages as well as the costs and benefits associated with each one. Most alternatives will have positive and negative aspects and the manager will have to try to balance anticipated outcomes.
When evaluating alternatives managers may consider the potential consequences of alternatives under several different scenarios.
Step 4: Choice of alternatives
Having evaluated the various alternatives the next step is to choose the most suitable one. If for some reason none of the options considered are suitable then the manager should revert back to step 2 and begin again. When there are suitable alternatives and Steps 2 and 3 have been conducted skilfully, selecting alternatives may be relatively eased.
In practice, however, alternatives may not differ significantly in terms of their outcomes and therefore decisions will be a matter of judgment. In coming to a decision a manager will be confronted by many conflicting requirements which will have to be taken into account.
Step 5: Implementation
Once the decision has been made it needs to be implemented. This stage of the process is critical to the success of the decision and is the key to effective decision making. The best alternative is worth nothing if it is not implemented properly.
In order to successfully implement a decision, managers must ensure that those who are implementing it fully understand why the choice was made, why it is being implemented and are fully committed to its success.
Many organizations are attempting to push decision making further down the organization to ensure that employees feel some sense of ownership in the decisions that are made.
Step 6: Evaluation
Having implemented the decision, it then needs to be evaluated to provide feedback. The process of evaluation should take place at all managerial levels. This step allows managers to see what the results of the decision have been and to identify any adjustments which need to be executed.
In almost all cases some form of adjustment will be made to ensure a more favorable outcome. Evaluation and feedback are not on-off activities and should form part of an ongoing process.
As conditions change decisions should be re-evaluated to ensure that they are still the most appropriate for the organization.

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The Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic Is Having A Significant, Global Impact On Businesses: Business Management Essay, TCD, Ireland

University Trinity College Dublin (TCD)
Subject Business Management

Assignment Details:

You are required to write an expository essay on the following topic:
“The Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic is having a significant, global impact on businesses across all functional areas of management. Assess and discuss the impact and two specific challenges it poses on the functions of Operations Management, Marketing (and Sales) Management, Financial Management, and Human Resource Management and the corrective actions they should take, in relation to an organization with which you are familiar.”

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Your essay should reference the topics covered in this module where relevant.

  • Introduction – based on the strength of the thesis statement (see here for more information on this) and outlining the scope of the essay.
  • Body of the essay – based on the lucid presentation and comprehensiveness of the essay in covering key topics and the insight, relevance, and accuracy of challenges, relevance, and extent of illustrative examples used and the practicality of prescribed corrective actions.
  • Conclusion – based on the summation of the essay and clarity and strength of the closing statement in addressing the research topic.
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6N4310: Identify And Prepare A Comprehensive Evaluation Of The Management Process: Business Management Assignment, CMIT, Ireland

University College of Management and IT (CMIT)
Subject 6N4310: Business Management

Assessment Project

Part 1:

  1. Identify and prepare a comprehensive evaluation of the management process.
  2. Prepare a detailed description of a management system of implementation. The implementation of the system should also be discussed and evaluated.
  3. The management skills associated with the project should be identified. List what you see to be the key management in any project A list of both conclusions and recommendations should also be presented.

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Assessment Details:

  • Identify a management process for evaluation
  • Evaluation of that management process
  • Preparing a detailed description of a Management System for Implementation
  • Describing the implementation of the system
  • Identifying a range of management skills found
  • The students own list of key management skills List of conclusions presented List of recommendations made

Part 2:

This assignment will require you to demonstrate an understanding of Human Resources in an organization that you are familiar with.
The following points should be addressed in your assignment:

  1. Prepare a comprehensive evaluation of a chosen area within Human Resources
  2. Focusing on the topic discussed in Part 1; you are now required to demonstrate an appropriate application of Behavioural Theories
  3. Draw relevant conclusions and recommendations from findings.
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6N4310: Manual Outline In Flow Diagram Format Of A Selected Workflow System In Operation: Business Management Assignment, OU, Ireland

University The Open University (OU)
Subject 6N4310: Business Management

Assignment Details:

You should address the following as part of your response:
1. Manual outline in flow diagram format of a selected workflow system in operation at CSF Ltd.
2. Sample documentation. controls and identification of responsibilities associated with the selected workflow process.

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3. Manual outline of an internal audit (in flow diagram format) of a selected Management Process in operation at CSF Ltd including a checklist of key elements associated with the selected management process.
4. Sample documentation. controls and identification of responsibilities associated with the internal audit of a selected Management Process.

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